Are you calling me a slut?

Ren took a second to take all of that in.

There was this sense of understanding as soon as he heard Tsunade.

'So that's why she has been weird all those times…' He can't say he didn't notice her acting weird sometimes when they were together.

For an instant, his emotions showed through his eyes, and both Tsunade and Sakura were able to see them.

'He feels like his trust was betrayed…' Tsunade knew that immediately and Sakura felt like shit as she saw that.

She truly regretted it now. Even though she was panicked at the time and wanted to make sure she wasn't being controlled. She was scared for her independency.

But the emotions that showed on his face were gone as soon as they came.

And his expression regained its normalcy.

'What is he thinking about now?' Tsunade was observing his state, and the more she looked at him, the more she was getting excited.

She, and for the first time in a while, was liking this.

But she was slightly dissatisfied with Sakura.

She felt like Ren was the type of person that she could ask something like that from him.

But why didn't her daughter/disciple think of that? Tsunade wondered.

Sakura didn't notice her master, she was overwhelmed by the look on Ren's face.

She started walking closer to him slowly.


"Sakura…" He noticed her and spoke and his voice was as calm as before, not wavering at all.

Ren had thought about things carefully, and he likely knew her reasons.

So, his thoughts that were about to spiral down into depression and perhaps even anger at her for doing things like this… instead of heading down the wrong path they calmed down and thought from her viewpoint.

"Were you scared about my trait?"

He asked her softly.

It was a valid fear he wouldn't deny it since it would seem like a woman would be controlled by his trait when they feel attracted to him, but she could speak with him about it, and he'll let her test all she wanted.

He wasn't against that, it was just that he didn't want her to go back behind his back.

He looked at her and seeing her expression he knew he was correct.

"R-Ren, I-I am sorry, I was scared and I couldn't stay calm until I could verify it…" She moved closer and held his hand.

Her words came and she was speaking with guilt dripping through her words.


"I understand,"

Ren nodded his head at her words.

He didn't want to keep speaking about this subject, it wasn't that serious… as long as she wouldn't repeat it that is.

"Sakura, when you want to do something like this next time just speak with me alright? I'm an easy-going person, and I would even help you do as you wished,"

Ren grabbed her hand back and massaged it gently.

Sakura who was very anxious and had tears gathering in the corner of her eyes, was finally able to relax.

She didn't want to create a rift with Ren. Despite what she did, despite Ren being a womanizer, she was starting to like him.

And she wanted to explore that.


Sakura's eyes tightened again.

'Of course, there is a but, guess I deserve it,'

His secrets were entrusted to her, and she had no right sharing them like that with her master, and even worse, while he was thinking the two were having fun, she was testing him.

Still, she propped her ears to listen silently.

"Don't do it again…" Ren sighed. If a second time happened… he would be quite decisive in cutting her off.

He had to say at least this much.

He wasn't sure what to do in this situation, but the one thing he was sure about was that there should be some sort of punishment for her so that she wouldn't do it again.

And he had something in mind for that.

Sakura's eyes widened as she looked at him in surprise.

'That's all?'

"You're f-forgiving me?" She asked him, not yet believing that.

Ren chuckled and brought her in for a hug.

"Well, yes, not gonna lie, I like you, and it was a dick move as I would think it was obvious I would go along with your worries to assure you anyway, but at any rate what happened had happened, and I wouldn't dwell on it,"

Ren replied to ease her worries as she laid in his chest snuggling comfortably, but as he heard the words 'I like you' her heart beat quickened and she buried her head in his clothes.

'Don't say that in front of master!' She screamed internally from the embarrassment.


Ren chuckled, and as she heard that laugh Sakura turned to look at him and smiled.

But Ren put a finger on her lips stopping her from talking just yet.

He moved closer and whispered in her ears.

"There will be some punishments though," His eyes shined with mischief.

"It will motivate you to not want to repeat this again haha,"

Ren laughed and Sakura was slightly nervous about what the punishment would be…

But Ren then released her from his embrace and then turned to look at Tsunade.

While he ignored her for a while to deal with Sakura, he wasn't unaware of her state.

Tsunade was blushing even more than before, and her legs were slightly rubbing against each other as if she was holding something. Her breath was also slightly hitched, even though she was trying to regulate and show them that her state was just like normal.

'Seeing us act like this must have been hellish for her, haha'

"I would like to clarify something master Tsunade,"

He started saying, and she paid attention now, focusing back from her slightly over-excited state to listen to Ren.

After all her objective by calling him was to talk about his trait.

"I'm not sure to what extent Sakura had told you about me, but my trait is indeed very powerful, overly so in fact, however, it is not dangerous at all…"

Ren stated with resolution and confidence.

He knew what his trait does, after all, he was its owner.

But Tsunade was surprised.

She looked at her state, with her even slightly pinching and pulling her shirt from her tits to show how it stuck when she released it again, and she then looked back at him.

"Hmm… are you sure about that?"

She couldn't help but ask.

But Ren just smiled.

"Let me tell you something,"

"The only thing my trait does is augment my attractiveness to you, it basically shows my strong points on a pedestal to hopefully land a girl in my arms, and then the real magic can happen… however, what it can never do, and this is tested of course by me if you choose to take my words for it…"

He started saying and then saw that she was listening aptly so far, so he added in explanation.

"What it can't do, is force a woman to fall for me or be attracted to me. It doesn't force anyone to like me… if I pass by you, and you aren't attracted to me, it wouldn't trigger at all,"

"So, if you are feeling like this… the problem is from you master Tsunade,"

"Even when it doesn't send out this aura about me and projecting my points to a woman, it still is dependent on if the woman chose to accept that and pursue it,"

He knew what he was saying of course.

As if his aura really charmed any girl that was attracted to him, most of those girls, Momo, Asui, and many others, would have already joined his bed no?

But while they were interested in him, no one was forcing them to do anything until they made the choice on their own.

The only thing they knew and felt, was that Ren was a suitable person and that good things can happen if they were together, which was basically what happens when a woman is attracted to a male normally, except his version was heightened on another level.

Ren's words brought silence to the area and even Sakura sucked a deep breath.

Tsunade then looked at ren sharply as she stood up from her seating position. Her tits jiggled as she moved suddenly.

"Are you saying…"

"That I'm like this because I'm basically horny just from seeing you?"

"Or in other words… are you calling me a slut?"


-Thank you ---Miso045--- for becoming my patron 🎉🎉


-Please vote. The voting can help the fanfic grow up and reach more audiences.

-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"John Dunkley"* ; *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"* ; *"Ahmed"* and *"ThatEpicTragedy"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release: