Fuck my disciple

As Tsunade's words rang in his ears, Ren just smiled and shook his head. As if what he had heard was a very funny joke.


His smile turned to chuckle very soon and then as she heard that, still with her hands on her waist which thus propped up her dangerous weapons even further in his face, Tsunade's stare turned to a glare very quickly. She was not pleased by how he was acting.

"You, why are you laughing?" She voiced her disagreement very quickly after.

'I'm speaking to him seriously and he is laughing? Interesting…' She thought to herself.

Sakura who was on Ren's side didn't understand why he was acting that way, but she kept her silence and waited for the explanation since it appeared he was about to say something.

Ren finally stopped and said while still shaking his head at her as if he was admonishing a child.

"Did I insult you by stating the facts of MY trait? Something I was born with and no one can know it better than me?" He started by saying. It may appear that he was sarcastic, but what he was saying was accurate nonetheless.

He was just defending himself against her who said his trait was dangerous.

"You know perfectly well I wasn't insulting you when I said that, and a woman getting horny, uhm what's the better word for it… Excited, hm, yes that's it, anyway, that won't make her a slut at all, in my opinion at least…

"At any rate, I don't know about you since you have your own thoughts, but I'm pretty sure Sakura isn't one, and she is 'Excited' most of the time… That doesn't make her a slut,"

Sakura blushed as she heard that.

'Idiot,' she shook her head internally.

Ren finally finished with that. He felt like what he said was sufficient.

He could feel her arousal at the time he was speaking. So, he knew that what he had said was correct, but he didn't know why a woman being attracted to him was considered her being a slut?

Wasn't that directly saying all the girls he had been with should be considered as sluts? He begged to differ on that point.

'Wait… in bed, they certainly act like that… but that doesn't count,' He had a strange thought.

He was also confused since he could no longer detect her excitement towards him. It was just cut off so suddenly.

Was she angry at him due to what he said?


'Just like that time with Sakura… is this another test by Tsunade this time?'

And Tsunade, the person in question, who could hear his words and the confusion audible and visible through his face just ended up snorting.

'This guy… is he an idiot?'

'Does he think it's normal to feel so horny when attracted? Idiot… it should be subtle, not like this at all,'

Well, at any rate, he did explain that his trait heightened the natural process that was already present. And that was confirmed to her by Sakura who did her own tests, and even by her right now.

Since she was playing that she was angry with him, she cut her attraction willingly to him. That was her test, similar to what Sakura had done and told her before.

She had done it on purpose to verify. Nothing best as to do it yourself.

And unlike her worries that she might not be able to stop, she had no trouble doing so and had easily cut her emotions off, and her body was starting to cool down. But in reality, she wasn't really angry at him.

So, she quickly regained her calm expression and a gentle mischievous smile.


"Leader, what you said might be true, as confirmed by me and Sakura, but you could go about it in a different more tact way, okay?"

She sat back down in her seat. She didn't hide her figure and breasts that were jiggling, and Ren didn't hide the fact that he was watching.

Sakura just laughed as she heard her master's words.

She was trying to stay silent to allow them to speak to each other for now.

But she did nod to express she agreed.

But at any rate, Tsunade wasn't really pissed off at him.

She knew her body was attracted to him, and the moment she cut off her attraction, Ren became someone natural in her eyes.

His attraction to her was just gone, and that was because she convinced herself that he is her disciples' lover, which was bullshit of course as she knew about his 'Lovers', but it worked for the purpose of the test nonetheless.


"Well, yes, I guess, my apologies,"

Ren did feel like he could go about it in another way. Which is why he apologized.

"But now that I have explained about my trait to you, and we got over the mischievous Sakura, can I know what's the reason you called me?"

Ren finally got down to it.

She had told him there was something good for him and also that she wanted to personally talk to him about something.

As he looked at her curiously, Tsunade sighed in return.

And Sakura perked her ears since even she didn't yet know why her master had called Ren.

"There are two matters I want to discuss with you, one is personnel and we'll get to that later, the other one is a request from the leader of my agency,"

Tsunade decided to just explain the first matter to him.

'That way we can have plenty of time for the last one… hehe'

She started using her computer and large screen to display something.

Various statistics and charts were there, and Ren wasn't able to understand what they were for.

"I have forwarded my research about the potion you had sent me the last time to the leader of my agency,"

Tsunade started.

And Ren nodded.

By the side, Sakura's eyes had a hint of recognition. 'So, Ren was the one who gave her that potion that had master and Sicily excited that time?'

Meanwhile, Tsunade continued on.

"The effects of that potion are really outstanding, and then, 'He' wanted to enter a business agreement with you regarding it…"

She finally told him what this leader, whom Ren was sure was Minato since he did search a bit when he had just gotten to this world.

But Ren wondered why she couldn't just sell him the potions herself? That potion was lower ranked in the shop and the points it required to buy weren't much, so she should be able to acquire it easily.

"Why didn't you just do it yourself?" He wasn't against this agreement, as his nose could smell a hint of a big opportunity with it, but he also felt like since it was her that was responsible for the idea, she should do it.

Tsunade took her eyes off the computer and once again turned her chair to face him.

Her eyes were studying him as if what he said was stupid.

He didn't understand what he said wrong.

"You, aren't you the admin? How come you don't know?" She asked him, her tone full of wonder.

Ren was annoyed, why are you bringing that up now?

"Know what? Am I supposed to know something about this? The store is public no?"

Tsunade then replied as she was also slightly confused.

"Well, I thought you should as an admin,"

"At any rate, us regular members don't have the same privilege as you, we can't buy in bulk, I can get a few but that's it, and that isn't what the agency leader wants,"

She explained to him.

Maybe since he was an admin he didn't know this, or maybe he just didn't read the rules.

Ren nodded his head.

"Alright then, and is he expecting us now? Will he come here or?"

He asked then.

Was he going to meet the father of the Naruto world protagonist so soon? He was certainly excited about something like that.

But Tsunade said.

"No, that is for another day, preferably tomorrow, but we can talk about that later,"

She shook her head as that matter was decided and she did the part that was assigned to her.

Now that she passed her leader's request to Ren, that could be left for later.

For now… she licked her lips as she looked at Ren in a way that made his spine tingle.

It was exciting but also slightly frightening as if she was looking at him like a lab rat.

"Now, we can move on to my request…"

Tsunade said as she stood up and started swaying her hips and moved closer to him.

When she reached near him, she leaned on, giving him a view of her perfect tits.

"I want you to fuck my disciple, Sakura, in front of me!" She ended up saying something that shocked both parties involved.


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-Please vote. The voting can help the fanfic grow up and reach more audiences.

-Special thanks to *"Arun"* ; *"ShadowFangus"* ; *"Coby"* ; *"John Dunkley"* ; *"Heitor Prado Bortoletto"* ; *"Ahmed"* and *"ThatEpicTragedy"*

-Read advanced chapters ahead of the public release:
