Lilith Moonreaver (1)


The young woman's face bloomed with one of the brightest expressions I'd ever seen from someone else. Her lips rose so high that they seemed to touch her ears, and her gorgeous vale eyes started to mist. Unable to hold back her emotions anymore, the woman leapt into my chest and gently grabbed hold of my arms.

"Jin… Jin… Jin!!!"

The beauty's tears stained my newly washed shirt as her face connected with my heart. She seemed a little shorter than Irina, probably about 1.71 metres tall, and thus she could only snuggle up below my neck. However, that gave me a unique vantage point to observe her from above.

My arms naturally moved and stroked the young woman from the crown of her head down to her neck. Luscious wasn't enough to describe the beauty's hair. If anything, her golden, silky head was softer than mink's fur, and the gentle fragrance that escaped from her pores was far more feminine than anything I'd ever encountered.

She was welcoming… warm… gentle… and…