Lilith Moonreaver (2)

The Matriarch led Irina, Lilith and me back into the bungalow, or at least, what remained of it, and sat comfortably on the lead chair in the living room. Irina sat to my right while Lilith monopolised my left. Both of them were close enough that I could take a whiff of their equally alluring yet distinct fragrances.

Irina, who didn't get a chance to shower before Lilith came barging in, still reeked of the built-up lust that I'd unleashed over a period of a few days. However, her unique, floral womanly aroma was still ever-present.

Lilith, on the other hand, had a fresh, citrusy fragrance. Her distinct aroma reminded me of the first bloom of Spring, as with every passing whiff, her allure exponentially grew. Perhaps it was the resonance of our souls, but I felt the same way that I did when I'd met Irina for the first time.