Bloodborne Vs Moonreaver (2)

Horatio Bloodborne jumped up in the sky and spread his arms out wide. Almost instantly, the sky above Lilith's mansion turned into a butterfly garden, with thousands, if not millions, of ruby butterflies flapping their translucent wings. In his transformed mode, Horatio possessed an innate suppression ability that was powerful enough to force Capella to subconsciously fall back with bated breath.

She knew that Horatio was one of the most powerful Vampires alive, but actually feeling his magic power crawl up her skin was a whole different story. Capella gulped cautiously and spread her six clones out, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

The Lord of Flies smiled viciously at the Asterias' caution. He knew that the woman was no pushover, but he didn't feel a single morsel of fear. It was the contrary, in fact, as he confidently spread his arms out wide as if he was inviting a deadly attack.