Bloodborne Vs Moonreaver (3)

A few minutes before Horatio and the Shadowfiends retreated from Lilith's mansion, the skies above the Moonreaver Palace had long turned into an ocean of Bloodfire. Crackles of red lightning bolts flashed through the darkened sky, creating a sense of dread that not even Vampires could endure.

Hundreds of corpses lay all over the floor as a river of blood flowed down with no mercy. It didn't matter if the bodies were from the Moonreaver or Bloodborne House; every Vampire that died wasn't going to get a proper burial. Some of them were mangled beyond recognition, while others were left in a pile of charred flesh and bones.

It was an incomprehensible scene, and yet…

None of the leaders spared a second glance at the disfigured, broken warzone.

"Fifth Consort… Do you surrender?"