Wedding Of The Century (2)

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our wedding!"

The moment I made my grand entrance, I amplified my voice so that all the guests could hear me. Usually, I wouldn't care about theatrics and showmanship, but today was a special day. It was the most special day for my four most precious people. Naturally, I would go over the top for this occasion.

Forcing a solar eclipse to occur was one way of showing my dedication to making this day even more special. Irina and Rosa may not care, but Lilith and Ysabelle would marvel at the beautiful sight. I can imagine their faces in the bridal room right now, as their eyes glistened with joy before their final day as a single flower.

"I'm happy you have taken time out of your busy schedules to celebrate us joining in holy matrimony. Please, settle down, and enjoy the refreshments as we prepare for the auspicious hour."