Wedding Of The Century (3)

Almost immediately after finishing my talk with Matriarch Innocence, I was swarmed by a horde of people. Most attendees were our close friends and family, so I didn't have to worry about making small talk with people I didn't know.

I tried to pay extra attention to the families of the four girls, but unfortunately, only a handful was present at our wedding.

Irina's immediate family consisted of two parents whom she'd never met and an elder brother that didn't dare to face me after Damien's death. Her closest kin was her maid Luminita, her trusted butler Variel and Matriarch Innocence herself.

Lilith's family were present, but only Capella came over to give her well wishes. While Sirius was present, I could tell he didn't want to talk to me. Even after all this time, the man was still a staunch siscon and couldn't put aside his pride as an elder brother.