The Demon Realm (3)

Humans have often wondered… How was it so easy for the Outer Demons to invade Earth?

No matter how many researchers studied this topic and how much time and money was spent, no one on the planet could replicate the Outer Demon Gates. That was one of the main reasons why during the entire Outer Demon invasion, there was no significant conquest into the Demon Realm.

No one knew how to travel through the Gates, and everyone feared the repercussions of using them. Replicating the Gates was even harder, as no one had a clear view of how Spacetime actually worked.

But… For me, creating a Gate was easy.

With my Vampire Aspect fully awakened, I now understood the flow of Spacetime itself. I understood how the Outer Demons, or more specifically, the Goddess of Destiny, was able to create Gates connecting our two worlds. And more importantly… I think I understood why she had that ability.

Which was why I had to verify it with my two eyes.