VS Demon Sovereign (1)

"So be it…"

A fight with this Demon Lord seemed inevitable. To them, I was an enemy that couldn't be trusted. And if I were in their position, I would feel the same. If the roles were reversed and the Demon Lord was the Sovereign of Earth, I wouldn't trust him in the slightest. After all, how could I trust someone who could destroy my family, kill my wives and toy with my existence if he chose to? Perhaps the only way to get the Demon Lord to trust me was to place a hex on myself, but even then, I wouldn't go through all that trouble.

Which is why… I had to beat this Demon in a head-to-head battle.

"What's your name?" I asked while getting into my stance.

"Igni!!!" The flaming man exclaimed. "Igni, the Demon Sovereign!"

"Igni… I shall remember that name."