Trouble P1

~Unknown's POV: Present Day~

"What do you mean the boy isn't acting right?!" I shouted, throwing the black telephone onto the desk at the two men in front of me. "You injected him with the serum that increased possessive and aggressive behavior, did you not?!"

"He isn't scaring her away really. It seems to just make him slightly more possessive of her." A woman said, walking into the dark room calmly. "But she seems not to want to reject him. Either she was expecting this kind of behavior from him, or she is actually falling for him."

I looked up at Claire, the one woman who actually got the job done around here. I started to laugh hysterically.

"You must have switched the serum then!" I shouted, stopping my laughter sharply. "We tested that serum how many times?!"

I stood up slowly, then stormed out the door. My two henchman like employees along with Claire were left there as I grabbed a fresh vial of our year-old project, Project E-A1. This serum was proved to work, it had been tested thousands of times on captured rouges. My future alpha was not going to get the Cathelman girl, not if I could help it. I left my basement, threw on my coat, and left the house.

Cathelman. Was. Mine. Even if I would have to resort to killing the 'future' of the pack

~Adrian's POV: 1 Year Ago~

"GET THOSE ROUGUES!" The Alpha shouted behind me. I grabbed the hand of my mate, Laila, and took off running. I ignored the sensation that filled me every time we made contact, gripping the bag of things we had just bought with the last of the money we had as we fled the scene like the items in the bag would save my life.

A bullet hit my back and I screamed in agony. As I crumpled to the ground Laila froze and looked at me, terror burning into her face. Her stunning hazel eyes were filled to the brim with fear and panic, the tears beginning to well up. All our fresh food and clothing were now on the ground, the bag blowing away in the breeze

"Adrian, come on!" She cried, tugging on my arm in an effort to get me up on my feet.

"Run... I'll be fine Laila...." I smiled sadly at her despite the shouts of the werewolves catching up to us and the pain in my back increasing by the second. "Run home, alright?"

She shook her head and kept tugging at my arm as I sat up. Another bullet hit my back, causing to crumple to the ground yet again. She growled fearfully as the enemy pack surrounded us, though she was too panicked to do anything more.

"Adrian, I refuse to leave you..." She whispered faintly, starting to tug again.

She was loyal, I give her that. But if she didn't run, she'd be killed one way or another. Two werewolves, warriors no doubt considering they had a good grip, grabbed my arms and tied them behind me before attempting to knock me out. I started to see stars and my vision was blurry, but I stayed awake. I had to; I couldn't pass out if I could help it, not with Laila's life at risk and home just out of reach.

"I've seen your face before, filthy rogue..." Their Alpha muttered. "But where..."

"Adrian!! Adrian, no!" Laila screamed as they took her away. I growled weakly, starting to become pissed.

"Bring him to the dungeons." Their alpha growled. One of the werewolves holding onto me muttered something like 'but Alpha we don't have a dungeon...' and their alpha snarled. "The packhouse basement you idiot!"

At that they dragged me off hurriedly, and next thing I know everything is black as something large and heavy hits the back of my head sharply.

~Annora's POV: Exam Day~

"Annie! Annie get up!" Adrian faintly called from downstairs. I groaned and sat up sleepily. It was Monday. And I had barely studied for my exams. Somehow, I had always gotten preoccupied when I was supposed to study. The only time I could actually study was right before bed, and usually around that time I was texting Thailia, or having a short conversation with Caleb.

"Annora!! Up! Now! You gotta see this!!" Adrian yelled, now at my door.

"I'm up, I'm up.... I'll be down in a second..." I groggily called out as I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up slowly. As I brought my hands over my head and stretched out, I heard howling and a moment later the scent of my mate hit me like a firetruck. I froze for a moment before racing over to my door.

I threw my door open and slid down the railing easily before running to the now open door where Aiden, Mom, and Dad were standing. I slipped by my brother and looked outside, not caring that I was in lightweight pjs and had my hair sticking out all over the place. Caleb was walking towards the house in his canid form, his jet-black fur looking silky as he walked forward. My jaw absolutely dropped when no one when I realized the warriors weren't coming and he was alone.

'Hey Annora!' He chirped in mindlink.

"What the hell are you doing, are you stupid?" I snickered. "Some of Aiden's clothes are on a branch in those trees behind you. Morph then we can talk."

"Hey! Hell no! I ain't giving a stranger my clo-" Aiden cried. I turned and puppy eyed him, and he sighed. "Alright fine, sis. But only this one time!"

Caleb walked off to find the clothes as I took off back inside. I started furiously brushing through my hair, pulling it into a ponytail after a moment when it was mostly knot free. I would finish later. I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt, for once, then looked at the time. I had just enough time to say hello and goodbye to his actual face before I would have to hurry to school. The bastard was gonna make me late but if he had actually gotten in without being caught despite that howl, might as well say a word or two to him before I rushed off to gym.