Mixed Feelings

~Caleb's POV: Present Day~

"Caleb, you know you will need to eat and then go see her eventually, right?" Nanna said in a slightly motherly way. She was looking me up and down, shaking her head a bit at how poorly I was treating myself. At least that is what I think she was shaking her head at.

"I know, Nanna... I know..." I sighed, nodding slightly as I got up. She had just mindlinked me a few minutes ago, meaning that she was at least somewhat okay if not in perfect condition. "I'm going to go and take a shower. Alert my father that I may be bringing my mate home later on before he leaves if you can."

She nodded slightly and left the room, closing the door behind her. She could be so understanding when she wanted to be... I stripped and slipped into the shower, letting the warm water run down my back and down the drain.

As I slipped out of the shower, I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to do about my mate. But then my stomach decided to share its two cents. I was going to have to head downstairs and eat firstly apparently, and whether or not my father would be frustrated that I was bringing practically a stranger into our house was unknown. He might let it go, he might not. Hopefully not the latter one...

"Well, time to hopefully not go down in flames...." I muttered as I went downstairs.

Surprisingly my father just gave me a look when I came downstairs. He didn't say anything, he didn't do much or even move. He just glanced at me. Huh... I'm not complaining, but he was actually pretty calm about it. He isn't this calm about much...

~Annora's POV: Present Day~

"OMG!!" I shouted into the phone. "Wait really?"

"Yup! I can't believe it!!" Thailia squealed. She had just found out her mate was the hottest guy in the entire school, even if he was only human.

"Girl please tell me you marked him!" I grinned, knowing she didn't have the guts to make the first move.

"You know I haven't! I haven't even explained to him everything yet!" I could hear her pout practically, and I giggled.

"Annora! Keep it down up there!" Mom shouted from downstairs. I rolled my eyes.

I began messing with the necklace that Caleb had recently left me. I was currently wearing it, and it surprisingly fit well. He must have guessed right or something. Lucky guy. Okay, fine I admit I was falling for him a little bit. But before you humans start losing your cool, I haven't fell for him enough to make a difference. And I never will. Never, not in a thousand years.

"Annora, you still there?" Thailia said, snapping me out of my zone mode, as I called it.

"Yeah, I'm here Thailia. I'll call you back later, okay? Congrats on your mate, good luck explaining things to him!" I hung up after that with a sigh, contemplating sneaking out tonight to go see Caleb.

Wait, what am I thinking!? I don't like him, why would I go see his sexy, beautiful.... AGH NO!! I need to stop thinking about that perfect hair, those stunning eyes... Wait... Nope! I screamed in frustration, knowing that I would be screwed one way or another and in more than one way.

"Annora! Annora are you okay baby?!" Mom called as the sound of her footsteps came closer to my door hurriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine Mom... Just thinking all the wrong things lately..." I called back. I wasn't truly fine, but I mean if I told her she would go crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with her 'precious little baby'.

1 shower, 3 freshly baked (and stolen!) cookies, and a bit of studying later, and I was finally thinking like my old self again. And then I remembered. Tests were in two days. Tests that took up most of my grades. And I haven't even studied for a second. Shit.

I grabbed my phone and checked to see what tests would be when so I could prioritize them in the order they would be in. I looked at Monday's schedule, and saw that I had gym first, math second. Okay, alright. I can work with that. If I studied for 15 minutes every day and then gave myself a mini quiz right before class, I might be able to fix the mess I've created.

'Hey are you okay?' Caleb said in mindlink. 'Why are you- Oh you didn't study.'

'Yeah, I didn't you moron." I snickered. 'What do you want Caleb?'

'I can just check in on you right?' I think that's allowed. He huffed, clearly holding back a laugh at me yelling at him. 'You are mine after all.'

'I am not yours, and I never will be.' I snarled back. His surprise and minor emotional pain shot through me at this. Big baby.

'What did you just call me?!' He yelled. Oops... I forgot he can hear all my thoughts... and feel all my emotions...

'Nothing! Nothing!' I called, then cut off the mindlink. I really needed to figure out how to put up a mental barrier and soon. I should be able to think what I want to think when I want to think it without Caleb reading them like my mind is a book!

"Annora, dinner!" Dad called from downstairs. Already? Didn't I just get out of bed like an hour ago?! "Made your favorite, too!"

You know what scratch that last thought. This little puppy just became hungry! I raced out of my room and tore downstairs like my butt was on fire. I absolutely loved squash casserole with fried apple chips, and so did Aiden. We usually went through the portion that we had to share in a few days, but if I didn't get down there, there was a good chance Aiden might eat my apple chips. And if he did, I might actually sick a few mice on him. He is afraid of mice after all.

Am I evil sometimes? Oh hell yeah. Do I own up to it when confronted about it? Fuck no.