Problems Pt1

~Caleb's POV: Present Day~

As Annora came racing down the stairs, I could smell a bit of eagerness but mostly panic on her.

"Hi Caleb!" She cheerfully cried as she raced past me in a sexy looking crop top and shorts, her black bookbag hanging over one shoulder and half unzipped. "Bye Caleb! Shoot I'm gonna be late I'm gonna be late!!"

I grabbed her arm gently, preventing her from going far. She turned around, then looked at the kitchen clock and stiffened slightly with a panicked look on her face. I looked up to see that it was only 7:57, no big deal. She could stay- Oh wait. My school is a were only school and can change up when the breaks are and how long thanks to running off of different curriculum than most schools. Her's most likely isn't a were only, meaning that tests must be right around the corner for her. I let go of her arm and next thing I know she's running out the door with only socks on her feet.

"She knows that she has no shoes, right?" I questioned as I stared at the door.

"No, but she should be back in 3...2...1..." Her brother, Aiden I think, calmly stated behind me. As if on cue she ran back in and snatched up her shoes before running out again. I snickered at how perfect his timing was. I always did wonder how people did that so effortlessly.

"So, what brings you back onto our land, Alpha Caleb?" Her father asked.

"I want to discuss changing school at the end of the current semester for her." I turned to Annora's parents, my slight smile fading away. Her parents looked at each other with slightly concerned faces. "My pack is right by yours. The school has a different schedule, if I may, when it comes to breaks however other than that all classes are the same. The school is an all were school as well, meaning that there are special classes put in place for certain ranks such as Pack Leadership 101 for Alphas, future Lunas, and in some special cases Bettas."

I could tell by the way her father sighed they didn't want to change schools three out of four semesters in, or at least Mr. Cathelman didn't. But it was for the better. Annora and I were now a fully mated couple; we would be longing to be together as much as possible sooner or later. It would be for the greater good anyway to keep her closer to home.

"I will not transfer her this year." He stated a bit too calmly as his eyes darkened slightly. "I will consider it next year, however not this year."

"Lucas-" Mrs. Cathelman started.

"No, Samantha. She isn't transferring. Not your choice or hers." He growled back.

"Dad! Annora is 18 for heaven's sake! Let her make her own choice!" Annora's brother shot up, growling softly. The kid had guts, I admit.

I reluctantly turned around, smiling slightly again. Her brother was on my side, in a way. "Your son is right, Mr. Cathelman."

And with that I left. As I shut the door behind me, I couldn't help but think of what may happen in future days. They were no doubt about to argue in 3...2...1... Huh. Nothing. Wait, wait no there it is. Almost had it. Oh well. I got in my car and left, ignoring the yelling from inside. They were family, they would figure it out. Right? Right.

"Aunt Makenzie?! Is coming here?! Today?!" I yelled at my father. Apparently, he had forgotten about me bringing 'Norra home and had asked my mother's sister, Makenzie, if she could could come and run the pack while he went on a 'business' trip. I knew he was just going to leave for week to take a short vacation like he did here and there. "But Father I am trying to make-"

"Well you will have to cancel plans, along with forget she exists while your Aunt is here." He sighed.

"Why do I have to forget about someone I actually love?!" I cried.

"Well, I was looking at some records this morning of rogue attacks just to see if there was a pattern with their attacks. As an added precaution of course for while I'm away. And then I remembered that there was a rogue here a while back buying supplies for him and his mate. Care to guess the last name?" He looked at me and considering how he nodded his head to answer my unsaid question I must have become a shade or two paler. "How do you think she'd react to knowing that your mate was a runaway taken for a rogue at one point, eh?"

I stayed silent at this. He had a point there, with Aunt M. throwing a tizzy. While yes, she was a Lycan, as was my father, she knew quite a bit about werewolf laws, traditions, ect. I left with a defeated sigh and headed to my room. Before I could close the door, however, Nanna came up, looking at me sadly.

I looked over and sighed, silently hoping she would leave me be in this moment. But of course, no such luck for my unlucky ass.

"Go on. Bring her home dear." She smiled sweetly at me. "I'll cover for you."

"I- What?" I turned to her in utter shock. "You know what, don't answer that I don't want you changing your mind! Thanks Nanna!"

I raced out of there, grinning, before realizing she would be in school. I groaned and turned around, then walked back into the house. Darn it! Well, I could wait... I needed to help Nanna prep the guest room anyways just in case. Annora and I were getting a bit closer, inching along in a potential relationship, but not enough that she would be willing to sleep in the same bed as me. Which I can completely understand. Sorta. Kinda. Not really. Girls are complicated. Like really complicated. I don't know why.

Why weren't girls just more like boys? Oh, you fell down. Bid deal. Someone is innocently eyeing your beloved? Pffft so what? Like, why aren't they just simple like boys?! Just why?!