Chapter 18: UA Entrance Exam (1)

[Kaede POV]

Today's the day of the UA Entrance Exam, I was so excited that I could barely sleep! The exam consists of a writing exam and a practical exam. Itachi-onii-chan told me that many pro heroes including him will be watching the practical exam, so I won't disappoint him and make him proud! I bid my family farewell and took the train to the station that was closest to UA High. I then walked the rest of the way. On the way, I met up with Mina, Ochako text us that she had already arrived and was waiting for us.

After five minutes of walking, we finally arrived. Mina and I both stopped at the entrance and we admired the view of our future school. UA High was the number one school for heroes in Japan, the school was renowned for teaching the best heroes in Japan such as All Might, Endeavour, and of course my onii-chan. The front of the building was shaped like a giant H which I thought was pretty cool.

When we finished fawning over the school, we entered and try to locate Ochako. Eventually, we found her talking with Midoryia like in the anime.

"Hey, Ochako-chan!" Mina yelled as she and I run toward her.

When Mina got close to Ochako, she noticed Midoriya beside her and said: "Oh, the green boy is here as well!"

"Hey...." Midoriya shyly said and became embarrassed by being called the green boy.

"Hello, glad to see you again," I said and caught up with the group.

"We didn't say our names last time, I'm Kaede Uchiha and this girl here is Mina Ashido!" I Introduced myself and Mina.

"Hello!" Mina greeted me with a happy tone.

"I'm Izuku, Izuku Midoriya...." He said while embarrassed.

"Well It's nice knowing you Midoriya-Kun but the exam's going to start soon so we gotta go," I explained while running towards the main building.

"Bye-bye!" Mina waved and chased after me.

"See ya Midoriya-Kun!" Ochako said and followed us.

Once we go inside the building, a UA staff told us that the written exam will start first, we received a paper that said which room our exam will be in. Sadly, Ochako, Mina, and I were assigned to a different room. We wished each other good luck before going to our designated exam rooms.

It took me a while to find the exam room that I was allocated, once I entered I found my seat and sat down. I then observed the other students in the classroom. I was surprised and excited to see so many familiar characters from the anime. However, I reminded myself that I have to first pass the entrance exam first before I should go make friends with them.

I waited for ten minutes before a UA staff walks in.

'That's the pro hero Vlad King!' I exclaimed and watched him enter while holding a stack of papers.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the UA Entrance Exam. First, you will do a written exam to test your general knowledge in all subjects, there will also be some questions that you have to explain on what will be the best solution to a scenario that heroes will commonly encounter." He explained in a calm tone.

He walked to each desk and placed the exam paper. Once he finished, Vlad King return to the front of the classroom: "The written exam will now begin, you got two hours!" He announced.

The sudden commencement of our exams caught us off guard. Everyone begun to frantically flipping the pages and solving the questions. I took a deep breath and glanced at the panic expression on the student's faces.

"Calm down Kaede," I whispered.

I slowly reached for my pen. My heart thumped nervously in me chest: "Alright let's do this," I muttered and opened to the first page...

[2 hours later]

"Times up, put down your pens!" Vlad King announced.

'phew, finally done!' I sighed in relief and wiped the imaginary sweat off my forehead.

The test in general was suprisingly very easy, however, the last few questions that asked you what's the best thing to do in certain situations as a hero gave me mild headaches. I don't know where my choices were correct but now I just have to pray that I did well.

Vlad King then guided us to a large auditorium. I found Mina and Ochako and we sat together near the front of the auditorium. More and more students started to enter, and I start to see other familiar faces such as Bakugo, Shoji, and Kirishima! While I was trying to search for more MHA characters, the lights suddenly starts to dim and all the spotlights shined onto the big stage.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the UA Entrance Exam!" A tall slim man with long blond hair that was spiked upwards, a small brown mustache, wearing orange sunglass suddenly appeared on the stage and said.

"I'm the pro hero Present Mic that will be a staff in UA High." Present Mic announced.

"Today, I will be explaining how the practical exam will work. During the exam, you will conduct a mock battle in an artificial urban setting. Your job is to use your quirk and defeat robot villains deployed throughout the examination area in ten minutes. Every robot you defeat will earn points, the more points you earn, the higher the chances you will be accepted into the school!" He explained.

He then points to the large screen behind him. The screen turns on and Present Mic explained how each robot will have different point, the higher point the robot, the stronger it was. He then explained that during the exam, one zero-pointer robot will be deployed. Present Mic said that the zero pointers are the strongest out of all the robots in the exam. Finally, he wished us good luck and we were escorted to our exam area. Since there were thousands of students participating, the tests were split into a couple of groups. Each group will be tested in a different place.

I got to be in the same group as Ochako but Mina got placed into different group from us. I can see that Ochako was nervous so I patted her back and gave her a reassuring smile. She nodded and smiled back at my encouragement.







Hi, I hope you enjoy this chapter, sorry about the cliffhanger :)