Chapter 19: UA Entrance Exam (2)





I immediately build up chakra in my legs and bolted forward at an insane speed. Everyone was shocked at my speed but soon they snapped out of their daze and chased after me. I jumped from roof to roof and searched for my targets

I eventually located a group of one and two-pointers, there wasn't anyone there yet and I used this chance to earn some quick points. I used Sharingan and analyzed my opponents.

I discovered that the two-pointers have weak points in their neck while the one-pointer has weak points in their chest. I pulled out four shurikens from the pouch strapped to my sides. Once they were in range, I then threw the four shurikens toward the robots.

Two of the shurikens hit two one-pointers square in the chest destroying them instantly, and two other shurikens sliced off the heads of the two-pointer robot. I unsheathed my tanto and charged toward the rest of the group.

With every swing of my blade, a villain bot was destroyed. Before I knew it the entire group of robots was decimated. I stood among the pile of robot corpses and wiped the dirty oil off my blade.

"Help!!" Someone suddenly yelled in the distance.

I heard someone calling for help and I ran towards the sound. Once there, I saw a student running away from five three-pointer bots. I did a sequence of hand signs and said: "Kyū-den no Jutsu!".

A ball made out of electricity appeared in my hand and I threw it toward the group of robots. The lightning ball hit the bot in the front, short-circuiting it and causing the bot to crash into the other three-pointers. I nodded in satisfaction before looking for more bots to destroy.

[3rd POV, Practical Exam Control Room]

Inside the control panel, multiple pro heroes were watching the students completing the practical exams. They were judging and discussing which students shows the promise of a hero. These heroes include: "Eraser head, Vlad King, Ectoplasm, All Might, Endeavour, Best Jeanist, Present Mic, Cementoss, Recovery Girl, Red Crow, and of course, Principal Nezu.

"There's a lot of promising young heroes this year," Nezu muttered while observing the screen.

The rest of the heroes nodded, agreeing with his judgment.

"Your little sister shows a lot of talent, Itachi." Best Jeanist commented when they saw Kaede demolishing a small group of 2 and 3-pointer robots.

"I did personally train her after all," Itachi explained with a calm expression, but they can all sense the smugness in his voice.

Endeavour smirked and said: "Hmph, Sis-con."

(A/N: I felt bad for Dabi and Shoto so I wanted Endeavour to be a good dad and husband. However, he will be a major tsundere! That also means that Dabi(Toya) won't be in the League of Villains)

"Shut it Tsundere," Itachi replied.

They both looked at each other with sparks in their eyes. All Might smiled wryly and calmed both of them down. However, in All Might's mind, he's anything but calm. Midoriya, his successor still hasn't scored any points as all the robots are getting killed quickly and he's very worried that his successor won't pass the exam.

'Young-Midoriya, you got this!' All Might cheered for Midoriya in his mind as all the heroes put their focus back on the screen.

After a few more minutes, Principal Nezu turned to the teachers: "I think it's time to unleash the 0-pointer?"

Present Mic nodded and announced into the microphone: "Now the 0-pointer will be deployed into the field!"

He typed some commands into the keyboard in the panel and suddenly a gigantic bot was let loose in all of the practical exam arenas.

"Now we will see how the candidates will deal with this situation, will they run or fight?" Nezu said with amusement.

[Kaede POV]

There was not much time left and I tried to destroy as many villain bots as I can. Suddenly Present Mic's voice sounded through the speaker.

"Now the zero-pointer will be deployed into the field!" He declared.

Then I heard lots of screaming and shouting not so far away. I followed the commotion and spotted a huge robot the size of a skyscraper destroying the buildings with its fists while chasing after the other students.

"It's the zero-pointer runaway!"

"That's too big, I can't handle something like that!"

people shouted.

I jumped onto the roof of one of the buildings and started observing the chaos, I then saw something that terrified me. One of my best friends Ochako has her foot trapped under debris, she looked horrified as the zero-pointer gets closer and closer.

"Ochako-chan!" I cried out and dashed to my friend.

The zero-pointer suddenly brought its fists towards me, forcing me to dodge away. It then put its focus back on Ochako and reached out its hand.

I panicked and held my breath as I won't get to her in time. Abruptly, the bot's hand was launched away and it was pushed back due to the force. In front of Ochako stood Midoriya with his right arm broken. I let out a breath of relief that Ochako was not harmed and thanked Midoriya in my mind.

I huffed and expressed my anger. Charka transmitted into my lower body and with a single leap, I reached the zero pointer's head level. I raised my fist back and moved as much chakra as I can into my hands.

"Don't you dare hurt Ochako-chan!" I roared and punched the bot square in the face. Its head exploded and broke into many pieces. Its body arched backward and collapsed onto the ground.

"Shunshin no Jutsu!" While doing multiple hand signs, my body flickered and arrived next to Ochako and Midoriya.

"Ochako-chan are you okay?!!" I asked with a worried expression.

"I'm fine, but Midoriya-Kun's hurt!" Ochako said and she used her quirk to untrap herself from the debris.

I turned around and saw Midoriya laying on the ground in pain. I knelt next to him and examined his arm. All the bones in his right arm were broken and the limb have turned into a horrifying shade of purple.

"I can ease the pain but I can't fix your arm," I explained and started using medical ninjutsu on him.

Midoriya gritted his teeth and nodded. Sweat dripped down from his head and I could tell the pain was intense. Thankfully, he seemed to relax once my Medical Jutsu began to work its magic. While I was trying my best to ease his pain, Present Mic's voice sounded through the speaker again.

"The Practical Exam has ended folks! Thank you for participating and you will get your results in 10 days!" He said and the gate to the arena opened.

Soon, Recovery Girl and some UA Staff ran toward us carrying a stretcher and they carried Midoriya away. When they left, I tightly hugged Ochako and told her how scared I was/

She patted my back and comforted me saying it was not my fault. After I finally calmed down, we left the exam area and met up with Mina. We then went home and waited to receive our results in 10 days.

[10 days later.]

Mina and I were currently with Ochako sitting together in her room. In each of our hands, we're holding the letter we received from UA. We looked at each other, nodded, and opened the envelopes at the same time.

Immediately, three small disk-like machines fell out onto the floor, and a hologram of All Might.

"Hello, I'm All Might!" All Might said in the projection.

He then talked about how he will be working at UA starting now, hearing this all three of us, especially Mina, got very excited.

'Japan's strongest hero working here!' We all thought with enthusiasm.

He talked about the practical exam and the hidden rescue points that we were also graded on. All Might then pointed at a screen behind him and it showed the leaderboard of the practical exam.

On the leaderboard, surprisingly I got the highest score in the exam with a score of 86 points. Ochako and Mina also got pretty high scores with Ochako scoring 65 points and Mina scoring 67 points. We were very happy that we passed and got into UA, and we raised our fists in the air in celebration. Fortunately, we all got into the same class of 1-A for the hero course.

"Uchiha Kaede, I welcome you to UA High!"

"Ashido Mina, I welcome you to UA High!"

"Uraraka Ochako, I welcome you to UA High!"

All Might exclaimed from the three holograms.

"We did it!!" The three of us said in unison and we high-fived each other.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi thanks for reading this chapter!