Chapter 25: The Nomu

[Kaede POV]

I was thrown into a black portal and I suddenly found myself in the air next to Aizawa-sensei. I did a backflip and landed on the ground, Aizawa-sensei saw me and was shocked.

"Uchiha, what are you doing here!?" He said with a frustrated tone.

"The black mist guy attacked and teleported us around the facility," I replied.

He clenched his teeth and nodded. We were surrounded by countless thugs, and they looked at us with sadistic smiles. I got into a fighting position, my Sharingan spinning rapidly watching every move the villains make.

One wearing a hockey mask charged at me, he activated his quirks and his arms turned to steel. He tried to punch me but I easily dodged and kicked him in the stomach launching him back and causing him to collide with another villain, knocking them both out. All the villains at my side decided to charge all at once, I dodged and countered every time one of them attacked.

I jumped back and fired three lightning arrows, it pierced three of the villain's shoulders or thighs paralyzing them. I unsheathed my tanto and quickly parried a blade that was coming for my neck. The villains starting to fall one by one, however, their numbers aren't dwindling anytime soon.

Seeing I can easily handle myself, Aizawa-sensei decided to focus on his own battle and started going all out on the thugs at his side.

I glanced at the man with hands all over his body, he was watching me with a pissed-off look. The Nomu was still standing beside him. Suddenly a black gate was created and the man covered in black mist showed up next to him.

"Why did you bring that brat here, Kurogiri?" The man with hands all over his body asked."

"I apologized for my behaviour, Shigaraki-sama. That girl is strong and I felt like it would be a good warm-up for the Nomu before fighting All Might." Kurogiri responded.

Hearing his reasoning, Shigaraki nodded and looked at the Nomu: "You heard him, go kill her." He said.

When I heard their conversation, I frowned and prepared for the toughest fight in this skirmish. The Nomu tensed his muscles and leapt towards me while swinging his fist.

'Fast!' I thought as I ducked under his arm. I then build up the chakra in my fist and landed a punch straight in his chest.

The Nomu stumbled back a bit before resuming his assault. If I remember correctly, this particular Nomu has the quirk of Shock Absorption, Super Strength, and Regeneration, it was built to defeat All Might. Therefore, using my lightning jutsu and Sharingan will be the best way to defeat him.

While I was thinking, Nomu suddenly increased his speed and his fist was travelling toward my face at a ridiculous speed.

"Freeze!" I said while looking into his eyes with my Sharingan. Luckily he was also looking at me and he momentarily stopped for a second before continuing his attack.

Luckily, that small amount of hesitation was enough for me to safely get out of the way.


His fist struck the ground and a giant dent with cracks appeared. I shuddered thinking about what will happen to me if I reacted a bit too late. However, I now know that Sharingan works on him.

I then proceed to attack him with lightning jutsu, it worked and the electricity gave him paralysis and his speed slowed down. I managed to get a few cuts with my tanto but his wounds healed immediately.

"Tsk.." I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

Seeing my normal attacks aren't working, I decided to use the strongest lightning-release jutsu that I know of. Unfortunately, it will take some time to charge up.

"Kage Bunshin no Justu!" I yelled as 5 shadow clones appeared and started attacking the Nomu.

Thankfully the Nomu has very low intelligence and it started focusing its attention on my clones. This gave me enough time to do my strongest attack. Statics started to form in both of my palms, and they get more and more powerful by the second. The Nomu have already destroyed 3 of my clones, when it finally destroyed my last clone, that's when the attack was ready.

"Lightning Release, Dive of the Thunder Bird!" I shouted. (A/N: Tell me if I used release incorrectly)

I swiped both my hands horizontally in a chopping motion, and a giant falcon-like bird made out of pure lightning appeared behind me. It screeched loudly before it bomb-dived towards the Nomu. A large explosion was made as soon it came in contact, and a large cloud of smoke obscured my vision.

"Is it over, did I win?" I muttered while staring at the smoke cloud.

Sadly, things won't always go your way and a dark fist burst through the cloud, which I hastily blocked with my tanto. However, the force swept me off of my feet. I flew for a while before I finally impacted the ground and rolled a few more meters before stopping.

I slowly stood up with shaky legs, the impact knocked the air out of my lungs and I gasped for breath. I looked at my tanto, the blade was completely shattered and unusable. I let go of my weapon as I can't use it anymore.

I glanced towards the cloud of smoke, It dispersed and revealed a charred Nomu, it was breathing heavily. Unfortunately, his regeneration quirk kicks in. His skin slowly returns to its normal black colour, undoing all my progress...

[Mina POV]

Each of us was teleported to a different place, thankfully I got together with Sero and Todoroki. We managed to defeat the villains that came after us and we made our way to the centre where most villains gathered.

We spotted Aizawa-sensei fighting some Villains and Kaede fighting some sort of abomination. I became worried when I saw Kaede-chan's pained and tired expression.

"Kaede-chan!" I yelled out of instinct.

However, that seemed to be a mistake as soon as she glanced at us, the monster attacked.

[Kaede POV]


I heard someone call my name and I saw Mina looking at me with a worried expression. I sighed with relief knowing that my friend was safe. Unfortunately, Nomu took that moment to attack. I was already exhausted and I desperately dodged his barrage.

After a few more seconds of the game of cat and mouse, I managed to get an opening.

"Rasangen!" I exclaimed as a ball made of chakra appeared in my hand and I aimed it at his stomach.

The Nomu intended to fight the Rasengan as he aimed his fist at my hand. A second explosion occurred, and I was once again sent backward from the shockwave. However, this time Nomu gripped my wrist, and I can feel my bone fracturing from the pressure.

I screamed in pain while the nomu flung me around. The monster slammed me to the ground before picking me up and throwing me towards a wall.


I hit the wall at a very fast speed, breaking it in the process and landed back on the ground. I can feel that my right arm and a few of my ribs are broken.

"Kaede-chan!" Mina screamed and ran towards me.

I saw that the rest of my friends also finished fighting their villains and they were stunned to see my condition. I tried to get back up. After a few attempts, I was finally able to get on my two feet and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Getaway...." I croaked.

"I can't do that!" Mina replied with tears in her eyes.

I took a step but my legs gave in and collapsed. I closed my eyes awaiting the impact and the pain that bring along with it. Before hitting the cold hard ground I felt someone catch me in their arms. I opened my eyes and try to see who caught me, once I realized who it was my eyes started to tear up.

"Rest now Kaede, I have arrived," Itachi-onii-chan said with a gentle smile.

"O...Onii...Chan." I called out to him.

I relaxed knowing that my onii-chan has arrived at long last. I finally gave in to the pain and exhaustion and went unconscious...


Hi, thanks for reading, and sorry about the cliff hanger :)