Chapter 26: A Brother's Wrath

[Itachi POV]

Kaede fell asleep in my arms and there was a relief expression on her face. I applied medical jutsu to help her relax but it wasn't enough to heal her wounds. I stroke her hair and glanced at my palm. It was stained red with my sister's blood and my fingers trembled with rage. My breathing felt heavy and my mind became hazy.

'Kaede's blood....'

One of my biggest fear became true and the small kindle in my heart transformed into a roaring fire. I glared at the monstrosity with pure hatred and blood lust. Eraser's head suddenly arrived next to me and he glimpsed at Kaede with concern.

"How is she?" He asked.

"Kaede's fine for now but she needed to seek medical attention as soon as possible," I gnashed my teeth.

"You take care of the rest and I will deal with that thing," I said and gently placed my sister down.

Eraser Head nodded: "Be careful, it looks like that monster has more than one quirk. I overheard their conversation, seems like the monster was specifically built to deal with All Might." He explained: "Also don't kill it if you then.

I frowned and thought that this may be more annoying than expected. The monster roared and charged at us. I informed Ashido to take care of Kaede while I defeat this villain. Uraraka and Ashido have been friends with her for many years now so I can put my trust in her to look after my sister.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu" I muttered and spit out a giant fireball toward the monster.


The fireball exploded onto the large body of the monster before bursting into flames. The intense heat melted the beast's skin and it roared in agony.

"What the hell are you doing Nomu?? Kill them!" A man covered in hands yelled angrily.

The creature called Nomu grunted and sprinted at me while covered in fire. I leaped towards the monster and the floor cracked from the force. Our fists collided, generating a massive shockwave that shook the stadium.

"Hahaha this Nomu got shock absorption, super strength, and regeneration, it's basically invincible!" The man proudly announced.

My brows furrowed, and I quickly applied genjutsu to it before jumping away. The nomu was trapped in my genjutsu and it punched wildly around him. I made the monster believe that it was still in combat with me.

'Shock absorption huh? Fortunately, it does not have pain nullification.' I thought and activated one of the abilities of my Mangeyko Sharingan.

"Amaterasu!" I muttered and my eyes spun rapidly.

The Nomu was instantly ignited with dark flames and it howled in agony. The monster rolled on the ground and desperately tried to put out the black fire. Unfortunately, no matter what the nomu does, my Ameratsu couldn't be extinguished.

I calmly approached the monster and an orange aura overlapped my figure, "Susanoo..." I said and the aura expanded, forming the shape of a giant humanoid.

The Susanoo grabbed the villain by the leg and repeated the same actions it have done to my sister. After letting out my rage, I tossed the disheveled villain on the ground. It's body was charred and limbs were bent on a strange angle. The nomu was still alive despite the griouves wounds and it breathed weakly while letting out weird groans.

[3rd POV]

"I...Impossible!" Shigaraki yelled in disbelief.

"Shigaraki-sama, the attack has failed, we need to leave immediately," Kurogiri suggested.

Suddenly they both felt intense heat beside them and they spotted a fireball traveling toward them at a fast speed. Without hesitation, Kurogiri used his quirk and they retreated back to their hideout.

[Itachi POV]

"Tsk." I clicked my tongue seeing the leader behind this attack escape.

Eraser Head seemed to have taken care of the rest of the weak villains and when the situation relaxed, I returned to Kaede's side. I knelt down and tenderly brought Kaede into a princess carry. Seeing her in this state saddened me and I was careful not to disturb her too much.

"Don't Worry I am here!" A man shouted and landed on the ground near me.

"All Might..." I muttered with a complicated expression.

All Might was surprised by my presence but he was even more shocked when he saw the unconscious Kaede in my arms.

"How is she?" He said with concern.

"Kaede's condition is stable right now, I will take her to the UA infirmary. Don't let this happen again." I snarled.

"I'm sorry..." All Might said while staring at the floor with shame.

Eraser Head explained to All Might what happened and he was stunned about the Nomu but was grateful that I was able to take care of it. Kaede's classmates walked up to me:

"Will Kaede-chan be okay?" Uraraka asked with a scared tone.

I told them that she will be fine and mustered a tired smile. I left the facility and quickly ran to UA while applying small medical ninjutsu to her injuries. When we finally arrived, I was lectured by Recovery Girl but her words enter one of my ears and left through the other. All I'm worried about was my little sister....

[Kaede POV]

A few hours later...

I opened my eyes and received a massive headache. I grunted in pain and slowly investigated my surroundings. I was laying on a bed, there was medical equipment and a small old lady typing something on an office chair at the other end of the room. I noticed that my injuries were all healed but for some reason, I felt very tired.

I sat up from the bed: "Where am I?" I asked in an exhausted tone.

"You are in the UA infirmary." The old lady responded, she got off her seat and walked to my bed.

"Hello, I'm the Pro Hero Recovery Girl." Recovery Girl introduced herself.

I nodded: "What happened?"

"You got hurt while fighting villains, your brother then defeated the villain that you were fighting. Don't worry everyone is safe." She explained.

I sigh in relief knowing that everyone's fine. Recovery Girl told me that she has fully healed me and I'm okay now. However, the healing took most of my stamina and I have to go home early.

Once I got home, mom gave me a hand full, she said what I did was very foolish and that she have been very worried. I was sad that I made mom worried but I became more determined to get stronger so it won't happen again.....


Hi thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy :)