Chapter 27: Rainy Day

[Kaede POV]

After a few more days of rest, I finally returned to school. My friends were all worried about me but they managed to calm down when I reassured them I'm fine and my injuries were healed. Class returned to normal and everything was going great until...

"Why did it have to rain so suddenly?" I complained while standing at the entrance of the school with Mina and Ochako.

I didn't bring my umbrella today because I forgot to read the weather forecast. Mina and Ochako glanced at me with pity.

"We can together walk to your house first so that we can share our umbrellas?" Ochako suggested.

"Don't worry it's fine, I can just wait for the rain to stop," I said while smiling, the last thing I want was to be a burden for my two friends.

"Are you sure?" Mina asked with concern.

"Yeah don't worry about me, see you guys tomorrow!" I answered while giving them a thumbs up.

Both of them eventually nodded and waved me goodbye. As I watched my best friends walk away, my smile slowly disappears as I sigh in frustration.

"What should I do... The rain doesn't seem to end anytime soon." I muttered dejectedly.

[Shoto POV]

My name is Shoto Todoroki, I'm a student at UA wishing to be a pro-hero. My father was the 2nd strongest hero Endeavour and I wish to surpass him in strength to make him proud.

I never had any friends because I prefer to be by myself. My mother told me that I need to smile more and must at least make one friend in school, well I haven't made any yet. Probably because I always have this cold expression, no one wanted to willingly talk to me.

(A/N: Shoto's life got better but I still kinda want him to have this loner and more mature attitude if you know what I mean?)

I did converse with some of my classmates but it was only during the Combat Trial and the USJ incident. Despite that, I wouldn't consider us as friends, more like acquaintances.

However, there is one girl in my class that made a large impression on everyone including me, her name was Kaede Uchiha. She has a beautiful appearance, with long black hair, black eyes and a radiant smile.

When she first greeted me, I was surprised that there was someone wanted to talk to me. I paid no mind and greeted her back, I didn't think much of the interaction since she have done the same with everyone else.

Her personality was say to the least, wild and extremely extroverted. Uchiha's characteristics were exactly the opposite of mine and in my opinion, it may be troublesome if I become friends with her.

Apparently, she's the one that scored the highest in the practical exam, I participated in the recommendation exam so I'm not sure whether that was a good achievement. But, she further surprised me with her performance in the Quirk Apprehension test on the first day and during the Combat Trial.

That's when I realized that she's strong, very strong, I'm unsure I can win if we ever fight each other. Even if I win it's safe to say that I will suffer some sort of major injury doing so. Knowing this, make me realize that I'm still weak, I needed to work harder than before to surpass my father.

Right now, I was walking to the school entrance, it was raining but luckily I brought my umbrella. As I was leaving, I saw someone standing by the entrance sheltering from the rain. I walked closer and realized that person was Uchiha, there was a frown on her face.

When I was about to ignore her and leave, my conscious refrain from doing so. I felt guilty knowing that I'm leaving her like this and the scene during the USJ incident briefly flashed in my mind. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that she has protected us by engaging with that monster.

If Uchiha wasn't the one that fought, that beast could've ended us easily. I sighed and in the end, I decided to approach her.

[Kaede POV]

"What's wrong?" I heard a voice beside me.

I looked beside me and saw Todoroki looking at me with his usual cold look.

"Ah it's Todoroki-kun," I said once I realized who the voice was from.

"Why did you say Kun after my last name, shouldn't it be San?" He asked with confusion.

"Well, that's because we have greeted each other so I already consider us friends!" I replied with a smile.

Hearing this his eyes widened before returning to his normal expression: "I see....." He said.

"Anyway is there something you need?" I asked, wondering why he talked to me in the first place.

He paused for a while before speaking in a calm voice: "I saw you feeling down so I was just wondering what's wrong."

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just waiting for the rain to end since I don't have an umbrella," I answered.

[Shoto POV]

I was surprised when she already considered that I'm her friend even though we only talked once. I don't know whether I should feel happy that she considers me a friend or think that she was naive.

Uchiha told me that she was waiting for the rain to stop, I sighed and held out my umbrella: "Take it." I told her.

She was stunned by my behaviour and quickly shook her head: "No no it's okay I can just wait!"

"It's fine, my quirk allows me to manipulate ice so I dealt with way colder temperatures than this." I reasoned.

Finally, after a bit of back-and-forth arguing, she reluctantly nodded and took the umbrella off my hand.

"Thanks, Todoroki-kun! I will repay this favour!" She said with a large bright smile.

Her face was indeed really beautiful, for some reason, my heart skipped a beat just by looking at it. I left the school while being showered by the rain. I was confused by this weird feeling but I ignored it and walked home.

[Kaede POV]

I was surprised when Todoroki-kun offered me his umbrella and I promised myself to find a way to repay him!

A day later...

Today in class Todoroki-kun wasn't here today, I was hoping that I can return the umbrella that I borrowed. I raised my hand and asked Aizawa-sensei where he is. He told me that Todoroki was sick today and can't come to school. Was this what they called Man's pride, I thought when I remembered him basically forcefully handing me the umbrella.

Hearing this I got guilty thinking that it was my fault that he was sick.

'Yosh let's pay him a visit this afternoon to see how he's doing, this will be how I will repay the favour!!' I thought to myself.

By the end of the day and I went to find Aizawa-sensei. I asked whether I can have the address of Todoroki's house since I want to visit him. Surprisingly he actually gave me the address, I was not expecting it to work so I left his office stunned.

I called my mom and told her that I will be going to a friend's house so I will be late. I soon left school and followed the address Aizawa-sensei gave me. I finally arrived at a big traditional Japanese-style building just like my house. I walked to the front door and knocked.

[Rei POV]

I was drinking coffee in the dining room, and today my son Shoto got sick. He told me that he somehow lost his umbrella which was weird as he's never been this careless. But I put that thought behind me thinking that it's probably that he's in a new school and he's still adjusting to his surroundings. Shoto was never really a social person and I started to get more and more worried about him, so when he enrolled at UA I told him that he at least have to make one friend.

While I was contemplating I heard a knock at our front door.

'Who would be knocking at this time?' I thought as I walked towards the door and opened it.

I saw a beautiful girl with black hair wearing the standard UA uniform. I was shocked and confused by her arrival "Hello is this Shoto Todoroki's house?" She asked with a gentle voice.

I widened my eyes upon hearing my son's name, I slowly nodded and introduced myself as his mother. She then explained the reason she was here, her name is Kaede Uchiha and apparently, my son handed her his umbrella yesterday because she forgot hers, which causes my son to be sick.

I was surprised at my son's gentlemanly action, she then asked if she can come in and visit him. Hearing this a wide grin started to form on my face, thinking that my Shoto finally got a friend and even a girl at that!

[Kaede POV]

I was amazed seeing Todoroki-Kun's mom as it was different from the anime but also glad that they have a better life. I explained the purpose of my visit and for some reason, she have a massive grin on her face as I asked whether I can come in. She happily obliged and gave me directions to Todoroki's room.

His house was bigger than mine and after wandering around I eventually found his room.

"Todoroki, it's Kaede, may I come in?" I asked while knocking.

I waited a bit and there was no response, he must have been sleeping so I quietly let myself in. I entered and saw Todoroki laying in his bed with a wet towel on his forehead. I took a chair in the room and sat beside him. I watched him patiently and tried to ease his discomfort by wiping his seat and changing the wet towel.

It wasn't long before Todoroki slowly opened his eyes.

"Ah, you're awake Todoroki-kun!" I chirped.

His eyes instantly snapped open and he sat up in a daze. Todoroki stared at me with astonishment and we sat there in awkward silence.

"Why are you here?" Todoroki got straight to the point and asked.

"You got sick because of me so I will take care of you to repair the favour!" I said and patted my chest.

"No thanks." He said as he turned and faced the other way.

"Are you hungry I will make you something to eat!" I declared and feigned ignorance at his words.

I waited for a few minutes before he slowly nodded.

"Great what do you want to eat?" I asked as I looked at him with expectation.

"Cold Soba." He replied.

'Eh? Why cold soba, aren't you sick?????' I thought

"I'm afraid that won't do! You're sick so I will make rice porridge!" I announced.

He unenthusiastically grunted, I happily went downstairs and asked Mrs Todoroki if I can borrow the kitchen to make porridge. She excitedly agreed with sparkles in her eyes telling me that I can use any of the ingredients, I got confused by her weird behaviour but I ignored it cause I have a job to do!

Now again, you may be wondering. Kaede since when can you cook?? Actually, I have been practising and my skills are pretty good thank you very much. Why haven't I told you? Simple like every answer to your questions, you didn't ask :)

I went to the kitchen and started preparing the meal. After 20 minutes I finally finished, since porridge going to have no taste I added some other ingredients to give it some flavour. I carried the bowl back upstairs and returned to Todoroki's room.

"Here ya go! Kaede's signature porridge!" I said with a smug tone.

He just weirdly glanced at me before trying to sit up. I quickly pushed him back down and said: "No, you're the patient, I will be feeding you!" I announced and grabbed the spoon before bringing it close to his face.

Seeing this Tororoki-Kun's calm demeanour collapsed and he started blushing which was pretty strange. But I shrugged my shoulder and started spoon-feeding him. When he finished the food, I told him I got to go and bid him farewell.

His face was still pretty red, the fever must be worse than I thought. I prayed that he would recover soon, I went downstairs cleaned up the kitchen, said goodbye to Mrs Todoroki, and left. I was happy that I was able to repay the favour and I walked home with a satisfied smile.

[3rd POV]

Shoto was embarrassed to death being spoon-fed by a girl and especially that girl was one of his classmates. During dinner time his health improved which allowed him to eat with his family. Unfortunately, the embarrassment didn't stop there as his mother described what has happened this afternoon to the rest of his family and his siblings constantly teased him not giving him a break.

Finally, they stopped and Shoto's older sister Fuyumi asked: "By the way what's her name?"

"Her name is Kaede Uchiha and she's such a kind and beautiful girl!" Rei Todoroki answered while fantasizing about her son marrying Kaede.

Everything was well until Endeavour or Enji found out her name. He dropped his chopsticks and started to sweat heavily. To confirm his suspicion he nervously asked: "Just asking, is this Kaede girl Red Crow's sister?"

Shoto nodded before focusing back on his food. Everyone was shocked by this news but the person who was more surprised was Enji himself. His face instantly paled and he immediately lose all appetite.

That night Enji Todoroki had a horrible nightmare of Itachi coming after him with a cleaver.....


Hi thanks for reading, tell me if this amount of denseness was okay, or do you want me to tone it down a notch? Also, tell me if the romance was a bit too fast pace.

Lastly, can someone guide me to add the romance tag? It's not an option on an inkstone and other people said that you can add more tags on mobile but it's not working as well :(