Chapter 28: Scouting the Competition?!

[Next Day, 3rd POV]

"Huh, Todoroki-Kun's here today?" Kaede muttered and watches Shoto enters the classroom.

'My porridge must have worked!' Kaede thought and she has a proud smile on her face thinking about it.

Kaede walked toward him and asked: "Hi Todoroki-kun, are you all better now?"

Shoto slowly nodded with his usually calm expression: "Yes I'm better now Uchiha-san."

"Eh still with the san? Even what we did yesterday?" Kaede said with a disappointed tone.

Suddenly Shoto's face got a bit red from shame and embarrassment when he remember Kaede spoon-fed her porridge to him. But he quickly recovered and stay silent.

"Why aren't you calling me Uchiha-chan yet? I even cooked for....!"

Before she can finish, Shoto quickly covered her mouth with his hands, his face was very red now and his cold mask was slowly crippling away.

"Please stop... Uchiha-chan." Shoto finally give in and said in a quiet voice that only Kaede could hear.

"Yay! We're friends now!" Kaede said with excitement and she gave him a quick hug before going back to her own seat.

Because of her denseness, she has basically no concept of the power of a woman's body, so she wasn't even slightly aware of how much damage she had just done. Shoto froze like a statue, still in shock at what she did.

Some other boys saw what happened and stared at Shoto with a jealous looks. Who could blame them, it was a well-known fact that Kaede was one of the most beautiful girls in school, paired with her extremely social and kind attitude, she has become extremely popular.

Sensing their ill-intents he sighed in annoyance thinking that Kaede may just make his school life a bit worse than before. However, he will be lying if he said that he doesn't like talking to someone once in a while. Although he prefers to be by himself, it will get boring or lonely sometimes.

[Kaede POV]

After I talked with Todoroki-kun, I went back to my seat, and soon enough Aizawa-sensei arrived.

"The UA sports festival will start soon," Aizawa-sensei suddenly announced out of the blue.

He explained to us that the event was very important as it would be broadcasted to the public and pretty much everyone will watch it. If we did very well in the sports festival and stood out among the students, there will be more pro-hero requesting us for an internship and we're ecstatic that we got a chance to work with the pro-heroes.

When school finally ended, we are preparing to leave the classroom. As soon as Ochako opened the door.....

"What's going on??!!" She yelled in shock.

Outside our classroom was filled with countless students staring into our class. I know most of them since I conversed with them during lunch but it was still extremely strange.

"Why are you all here?" Iida questioned them.

"To scout out the enemy," Bakugo replied while walking towards them looking extremely pissed off.

"Move out of the way, trash." He said while looking at them with anger.

"I came to see what the famous class 1-A are like, but to me, you seemed pretty arrogant." A tall man with messy purple hair came out of the crowd and blocked his path.

'Ah, it's Shinso-Kun.....' I thought and quietly observed him. I didn't have a chance to talk to Shinso since I can't find him in the cafeteria that day.

He said that he was disappointed with our attitudes and think that we were just arrogant when we defeated the villains in the USJ incident.

Shinso then told us that many people applied for the hero course but failed the exam and that by doing well in this festival they may gain a chance to get in. This means that if we do badly, we will get kicked out of the hero course.

Hearing their explanation all my classmates felt very tense, even if I knew that from watching the anime. It was still pretty nerve-wracking...

Bakugo got offended by Shinso-Kun's remark and I was sure he was about to do something insanely stupid. I quickly stood up and moved towards the crowd. I pretend to act dumb and be completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere.

Hi ya, it's nice seeing you guys here, may you let me through?" I smiled brightly.

[3rd POV]

Seeing Kaede's smile, the people that know her felt a warm feeling and happily shuffled out of the way for her. Thanks to her, the tense atmosphere has toned down a notch.

However, since Hitoshi Shinso never met her, he still stood there and curiously stared at Kaede. He thought that she have used her quirk to hypnotize people. But the truth was she just had that many friends.

Hitoshi wanted to toy with her so by using his brainwashing quirk, he asked Kaede a question: "I haven't seen you before, what's your name?"

Kaede forgot his ability in the heat of the moment and happily responded: "Kaede Uchiha, wanna be friends?"

Suddenly she froze and Hitoshi smiled thinking that his quirk have worked. Unfortunately for him, Kaede's Sharingan activated out of instinct and sensed that she was getting brainwashed. She instantly used her chakra to disrupt it and broke free.

Kaede immediately recovered and to hide her surprise, she asked nonchalantly. "So what's your name?"

Hitoshi was shocked that she undid his quirk's ability at such a fast speed and he instinctively replied: "Hitoshi...Shinso...."

"Nice to meet you Shinso-Kun!" Kaede happily said: "And everyone let's do our best at the Sports Festival okay?" Kaede then raised her fist in the air, before walking away.

The rest of class-1A quickly followed after her, while the crowd was dazed by her cute aura. They were thankful that she stopped Bakugo from doing something that he will probably regret and Kaede was thankful that her plan of dispelling the tense atmosphere had worked.

[Kaede POV]

I sighed in relief that I managed to successfully calm everyone down. I was still surprised that I almost got brainwashed but my Sharingan saved me. This just shows that I need more training! I pumped myself up and started to set my goals on what I should achieve in the next two weeks!


Hello, thanks for reading! New chapters coming out soon! For now, here's a duck: 🦆