Chapter 31: One on One Battle!

[3rd POV]

"Now the 2nd round has ended, but before we start the final round, let's first have some recreational sport! For this one, every class will participate!" Midnight exclaimed.

We returned to the locker room to rest and prepare for the event. I was with a group of girls in my class, and we talked about the recreational sport; I was pretty excited and it seemed fun from the anime. However, if I remember correctly.....

While we were having a conversation, two people approached us. Mineta and Kaminari showed up and spoke to Yaoyorzu: "Yaoyorzu-san, remember what Aizawa-sensei said?"

'Even if they're in different classes, they still become good friends, huh...' I thought why glancing at them

"Wait, hold on, who are you?" Ochako asked and pointed at Mineta.

"Ah, his name is Minoru Mineta from class 1-B, and he's a good friend of mine, so I let him in." Kaminari said, "So about what Aizawa-sensei said?"

Yaoyorzu hesitantly nodded and created seven sets of revealing cheerleading clothes. She explained that these two said Aizawa-sensei told them to wear this during the recreational event.

"As the class rep, why wasn't I aware of this?" I questioned the two boys.

The two boys started sweating, and Kaminari quickly explained: "Ah, we can't find you during lunch!" He then awkwardly laughed it off.

"I see...." I said, my voice full of suspicion. I was about to pick them up and examine them. However, black flames suddenly appeared on the outfits and burned them into ashes.

Standing by the locker room door was Itachi onii-chan, with his Mangekyo-Sharingan spinning wildly.

He walked toward us, and his bloodlust was on full blast. He glared at Mineta and Kaminari with a scowl. Both of them were shaking so hard and were about to wet themselves.

"Leave." His voice was full of hostility.

The two boys quickly ran out of the room. Onii-chan went back to normal and patted my head.

"Mom, dad, and I were very proud that you have made it this far. We wish you luck on the last round." He said.

"Thanks! I will do my best!" I responded with a delighted tone.

He smiled slightly at my response before bursting into a flock of crows and disappearing.

[After the Recreational Sport, Kaede POV]

The recreational sport has ended, and all I can say is that it was amazing!

Now the sixteen of us that didn't get eliminated were standing in the middle of the stadium.

Looking at us, Midnight nodded and said: "There's only sixteen of you left! The last round of this sports festival will be a 1v1 battle!."

"The rules of this round are simple; all you have to do is defeat your opponent or knock them out of the field! Now let's see who will be fighting who!" Midnight said.

Midnight again pointed at the screen, and our names appeared...

Shoto Todoroki vs Hanta Sero

Ibara Shiozaki vs Denki Kaminari

Momo Yaorozu vs Fumikage Tokoyami

Ochaco Uraraka vs Katsuki Bakugo

Mei Hatsume vs Tenya Iida

Eijiro Kirishima vs Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

Mina Ashido vs Kaede Uchiha

Hitoshi Shinso vs Izuku Midoriya

Hearing that the last round will be a battle between students, the crowd was excited to see the capabilities of the students at UA.

'My first battle was against Mina....' I thought; I walked toward Mina and tapped her shoulder.

"Let's have a fun battle Mina-chan!" I said with a cheerful tone.

"Yeah, may the best win!" She replied with a smile.

But our mood began to decline when we stared at the screen.....

Ochako will be fighting Bakugo, and we became worried. We glanced at Ochako and saw that she was scared. She fidget nervously while secretly glancing at Bakugo, her hands trembled and an anxious look plagued her face.

We approached Ochako and tried to cheer her up: "Don't worry, Ochako-chan, you got this!"

"Yeah, Ochako-chan, don't be scared!"

Mina and I reassured her.

She nodded and smiled, but we both knew she was still very anxious. While encouraging Ochako, we were told to go to our class locker room to rest and prepare. Present Mic announced that the first round would be me vs Mina!

Once we arrived, our class congratulated us, and I felt somewhat guilty since I was the one that got some of them eliminated. A UA staff walked in and told Mina and me to follow him to their respective waiting rooms. The class wished us luck before we left.

"Now the match between Kaede Uchiha and Mina Ashido will begin!" Present Mic yelled through the microphone.

The crowd went wild; Mina and I went to our side of the field. Another pro-hero, Cementoss, was the referee of this one vs one battle as he could immediately repair the field once the match finished.

We grinned at each other, and Cementoss started to count down: "3, 2, 1 Start!"

Immediately, Mina threw two balls of acid, I summoned two lightning arrows, and both projectiles collided, destroying them. Mina then created acid on the ground and started sliding toward me. I also ran towards her, and we met in the middle.

Punches and kicks were traded; she was more agile than I thought as she easily maneuvered around my attacks. Her combat skills were really good considering that she had also trained with me once in a while and was able to withstand my attack.

Mina punched and I darted to the side. I performed a spinning kick and struck her back as Mina was sent staggering across the field. I suddenly felt a sting sensation on my shin. I glanced at my leg my skin was red and it felt like I was burned.

Mina chuckled: "I knew I wasn't able to beat you in martial arts but you also won't be able to touch me when my body is covered with acid."

She pulls up her sleeve, revealing the slimy substance covering her skin. I winced and shook off the acid residue on my leg. Mina charged while spraying acid everywhere. I clicked my teeth and counter with lightning jutsu but she dispel them with the acidic liquids.

I attacked while trying my best to avoid Mina's acid. Even if her body was protected, her mind was still fearful of my blows and she will instinctively avoid them. Learning this, I launched a high kick at her face.

Mina leaned backward and my foot inched pass her face. I took this opportunity and bend low to the ground and sweeped her legs. Mina, who was still recovering from her clumsy dodge, fell under my attack.

I immediately pinned her to the ground while ignoring the burning sensation in my palms. Mina struggled and I tightened my hold. Eventually, she gave up and slapped the concrete floor: "Ow ow ow, okay I surrender!!"

Midnight hurriedly raised her flag: "Winner, Kaede Uchiha!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, and I let go of Mina, who was pouting while lying on the floor. However, she then got up and smiled at me.

"That was a fun fight! Although it was a little too fast...." She said while muttering the last sentence.

We soon left the field and went to the spectator seats. Our classmates congratulated us, and Present Mic announced the next battle.

It's a battle between Kaminari and Shiozaki! It went pretty fast as Kaminari tried to use an all-out attack with his electricity, but he missed, and his brain got fried. Shiozaki just grabbed him with her vines and moved him out of the arena.

Once that finished, this next match was the one I was worried about...

"Next battle will be Ochako Uraraka vs Katsuki Bakugo!" Midnight declared.

Hearing this, Ochako whimpered, but we reassured her that it would be fine and she was led to the waiting room. After ten minutes of waiting, the battle finally started. Ochako and Bakugo both walked to their side of the field. Cementoss once again counted down, and the battle started.

It's too painful to watch.....

Just like in the anime, Bakugo quickly overpowered Ochako. She landed some punches but Bakugo was too powerful. She tried every move she could think of; just like in the show, Ochako used her quirk on all the rock shrapnel and dropped them on Bakugo.

However, that wasn't working as well as her injuries increased as time went on before finally, Ochako collapsed onto the floor with various cuts and bruises.

"Ochako-chan!" Mina and I cried out.

I couldn't control myself anymore; I got off my seat and leapt off the balcony of the spectator seats. I arrived next to her and checked her condition. After seeing that she was refined but unconscious, I sighed in relief. Some UA staff quickly arrived, and they brought her to the infirmary. I followed them; once they put her down in the infirmary bed, Recovery Girl healed Ochako with her quirk.

Mina rushed in: "How's Ochako-chan?!" She asked with concern.

"She's okay, but she's still asleep," I replied, and Mina calmed down.

We seated next to Ochako and patiently waited for her to wake up. We waited for twenty minutes before Ochako slowly opened her eyes.

"Ochako-chan!" Mina and I cried out in relief.

"Hey, guys...." She sat up and said in a tired tone.

We sat there in silence before Ochako's expression crumpled, and she started crying. Instinctively, Mina and I firmly hugged her. We stayed like this until she stopped. Mina and I tried to comfort her, and her mood slowly returned to normal. Before we could finish our conversation, a UA worker bot came in and told me my match would start soon.

The bot said that my next opponent would be Ibara Shiozaki and that I should now go to the waiting room. It turns out we have stayed longer than expected, and other people have already finished their fights.

I said my goodbyes and walked to the waiting room. Ten minutes passed, and I heard Present Mic's voice from the speaker in the room.

"Now, the battle between Ibara Shiozaki and Kaede Uchiha will begin shortly!"

Hearing my name being called, I left the room and walked out to the stadium. Shiozaki was also there, and we both stood opposite each other.....

[3rd POV]

When both girls reached their position, Cementoss shouted: "The match between Kaede Uchiha and Ibara Shiozaki will begin!"

As soon as it started, Ibara used her vines to attack Kaede. Kaede activated her Sharingan and leapt back before the vines struck the ground where she was standing. Ibara didn't give Kaede anything breathing space and she created her signature vine shield and hid behind it with her eyes closed and praying before releasing many vines toward Kaede's direction.

This time Kaede decided it was time and activates her Chidori, she slashed the vines like butter and Ibara frowned. She increases the intensity of her attacks while Kaede narrowly avoids them by escaping through the gaps in the plants.

Suddenly, the vines began to gather and intertwine with each other, creating a large stalk. The stalk leaned forward as if was came to life and Kaede hurriedly rolled to the sides as the large plant completely demolished one side of the field.

Kaede gulped and she don't want to know what will happen if she didn't dodge in time. The vines began to churn and rumble as Ibara charges up another attack.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!!" Kaede shouted and summoned five shadow clones.

Ibara's frown deepened as she sensed five new targets with her vines. She ditched her plan as her gigantic vine broke apart and attacked the six Kaede individually.

Kaede and her clones started dodging while moving towards Ibara's position. Ibara started to lose composure, and she swung her vines wildly as they made cracking sounds like whips.






'Where's six??'

Ibara's eyebrows furrowed when she couldn't detect the last Kaede. Suddenly her eyes widen and she peeked out of her shield. The last Kaede, the real one was diving towards her from the air. She aimed her fists and with one shattering punch...


Kaede destroyed Ibara's shield, sending the girl flying backward. Ibara collapsed and before she could recover, Kade chopped Ibara in the neck and knocked her out.

"Kaede Uchiha wins!" Midnight, who was watching the battle, said with a loud voice.


Kaede wiped the sweat from her face and sighed. She manages to survive two rounds but now was where it got serious!

