Chapter 32: Semi-Finals

[Kaede POV]

After the battle with Shiozaki, I visited my class's spectating area. Once I arrived, my friends congratulated me. Even Ochako was there and seeing that she seemed fine now, I was glad. I then asked them what happened to the rest of the first round while Ochako, Mina, and I were in the infirmary.

The rest of the battle ended just like in the canon.

Tokoyami has pushed Yaorozu out of bounds with his shadow quirk.

Midoriyagot was trapped by Shinso's mind control, but he used One for All, breaking one of his fingers. He snapped out of the brainwashing and defeated Shinso.

Hatsume used Iida as an advertising tool, and she surrendered once she used all her gadgets on him.

Todoroki easily beat Sero with his ice.

Lastly, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu knocked each other out, they then had an arm wrestle, and Kirishima eventually came out on top.

I was disappointed that I missed out on the fight since it will probably be very awesome to see it close hand. However, I will happily miss it if it means that I get to make Ochako feel better.

When I returned to my seat, Present Mic announced that the next battle would begin. It was super exciting to watch! Because of my presence, the matchup has been altered, but it was still awesome.

This is how the rest of the 2nd round of one on one battle turned out:

{A/N: Turns out this silly duck has got the order of the matchups way wrong. Sorry about that! :) Don't Worry! I made a simple diagram for you guys to help you understand it a bit easier!}

Todoroki fought Kirishima; throughout the battle, Kirishima constantly destroyed Todoroki's ice, so he used his fire and Kirishima lost as he couldn't deal with the intense temperature. I was surprised to see that Todoroki using his fire, but I remembered that his life was better now, and that means that he didn't resent his father and his quirk.

Iida and Bakugo battled each other; when Iida tried to land a fast kick, Bakugo used his quirk to slightly launch himself back, dodging the attack. Bakugo then grabbed Iida by the leg and punched him in the face. He then Kamehameha Iida right in the chest with his explosive quirk, and he flew out of the field.

Finally, Midoriya had one-on-one combat with Tokoyami. Out of our expectations, Midoriya surprisingly won. He managed to evade Tokoyami's shadow attacks. Midoriya closed the distance between them and defeated Tokoyami in close combat.

The second round ended, and only Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya, and I remained in the match. When Midoriya and Tokoyami finished fighting each other, Present Mic announced the next battle:

"That's some fantastic combat between Izuku Midoriya and Fumikage Tokoyami! Now here's something even more exciting, the next battle will be between Kaede Uchiha and Kastuki Bakugo! Two powerhouses of class 1-A as they swiftly took care of their opponents, one with elegance and grace, the other with pure strength and destruction. But, who will be victorious!"

The crowd went ballistic at Present Mic's comment. Ochako and Mina gave me a worried look.

"Don't worry, I will be fine! I will avenge you, Ochako-chan!" I said cheerfully and gave them a thumbs up.

"Huh?! What did you say, you brat? I will destroy you!" Bakugo heard what I said, and he shouted in a fit.

We then together walked to our waiting room. On the way there, Bakugo got annoyed and glimpsed at me.

"Why are you following me? What do you want?!" He said with irritation.

"But our waiting room is in the same direction?" I responded in an innocent.

He grunted, and his walking speed increased, leaving me behind. Seeing this, I sighed: 'Your arrogance going to be your downfall one day....' I thought.

10 minutes later...

{A/N: Author here again! I realized that I barely used any other lightning jutsu, and I will start using it more and more in battles. She will only be able to use genin, chunin, and little few low-level jonin ones. For the more broken ones, she will recreate them in the future.}

Both of us arrived on our side of the field. I declared in my mind that I decided to use a little more force than the usual just cause of what he did to Ochako. Bakugo was just staring at me with a scowl.

Seeing that we're ready, Cementoss raised his hand: "On your mark! Set! Go!" He shouted and brought his hand down.

Bakugo immediately launched himself toward me with his explosions. He reached me in a blink of an eye and I leaned back as Bakugo's leg missed my head. I counter-attacked with a fist aiming for his stomach and he immediately propelled himself with the explosions to dodge the trajectory.

'His instincts were pretty good....' I thought and watched Bakugo, feeling impressed.

"Raiton: Seiteki Chikara no Jutsu!" I shouted, static electricity coated my palm and I struck Bakugo in the chest.

The electricity acted like two opposite magnets and Bakugo repelled away. Bakugo gritted his teeth and used the explosions to rebalance himself and he landed on the ground without getting hurt.

Bakugo suddenly rolled to and my lightning bolt barely missed him. I took this opportunity and dug my hand into the ground and retrieved two palmfuls of shrapnel.

I balled them together and threw the projectile like a baseball. Bakugo blocked with his hand, creating a massive explosion and disintegrating the shrapnel into pebbles. Black smoke littered the field, obscuring our visions and I use this chance to sneakily hid in the darkness.

[3rd POV]

Katsuki clicked his teeth when he couldn't spot Kaede in the smoke. He quickly went to the edge of the field for safety and warily watched for any movement. For the first time ever, the boy felt nervous about this battle.

Katsuki has always been prideful and he dominated his opponents with ease. To him, every person was just a step for him to get stronger. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Kaede predicted his attacks with ease and she manages to do damage to him. His blood boiled and he felt his anger rising as silence dominates the battleground.


Suddenly, Kaede burst through the dense fog and Katsuki dodged as Kade's fist demolished the ground where he was previously standing. Katsuki growled and immediately pounced on the opened Kaede. Katsuki has a very unpredictable way of fighting. Using his explosions, he can easily jump around his opponent's blind spot with kicks and punches. Occasionally he will use his explosion as well to deal additional damage.

However, for Kaede, her Sharingan was a powerful counter to his fighting style. She can tell what move Kastuki would make and deal with him accordingly. However, this time, Katsuki was one step ahead and he kicked Kaede in the stomach.

She fell to the ground and Katsuki punched her body.


His opponent suddenly dispersed into a puff of vapour and there was a look of bewilderment on his face. Katsuki's ears perked up when he heard the sound of roaring electricity on the other side of the field.

The smoke dispersed and exposed the smirking figure of Kaede as she charges up her attack. Katsuki scowled when he realises that he has completely fallen for her trap.

[Kaede POV]

When the smoke obscured Bakugo's vision. I created a shadow clone to distract him while I charged another one of my powerful attacks. After two minutes, I detected my shadow clone was defeated and it was just in time. When the smoke diminished, I smirked while Bakugo stared at me with wide eyes.

"Raiton: Denkemono rasshu no Jutsu!"

A massive amount of electricity was shot towards Bakugo. The statics began to form and shape into a rageful boar and the beast dashed towards Bakugo. The pig tackled him in the stomach and Bakugo flinched when he felt the burning electricity travelling through his body.

Bakugo coughed uncontrollably and I dashed towards him. He couldn't recover in time and felt my fist making contact with his stomach. Bakugo knelt down in pain and the last thing he saw was my foot smashing into the top of his head when I axe-kicked him in the face.

His body went limp and he collapsed with a groan.

"Kaede Uchiha wins!" Cementoss exclaimed and the crowd erupted into applause.

"Um... I made have gone overboard...." I muttered as the medical bots carried Bakugo away.


Do you know ducks can sleep with one eye open?