Chapter 38: Attack of Hosu

[Kaede POV]

Itachi-onii-chan and I finally arrived in Hosu, he told me that Shisui was already here before us. It was evening but the darkness was being lightened up by the flames in the city.

We heard an explosion and we immediately rushes towards the commotion. On the way there, the destruction of the city becomes more severe the closer we go. There were many people injured, and onii-chan and I stopped whenever there was someone in need. We increased our pace as we summoned many shadow clones to support everyone.

Suddenly, giant debris fell from the top of a building and it was falling toward a family of four.

"Ahhh!" The two children in the family screamed in fear and the parents try to push them out of the way sacrificing themself. Fortunately, I reacted in time and I destroyed the debris with my strength.

"Are you okay?" I asked with a soft tone.

"Th... Thank you." The parents said and they relaxed knowing that their family was safe.

"No problem, that's what a hero should do! I suggest you leave this area as it was getting more and more unstable." I replied.

They nodded and like the rest, the family quickly evacuated. Onii-chan and I continued to make our way there.

When we finally arrived, we were in shock. Endeavor and his sidekicks were fighting three Nomus, there were many other heroes defeated on the ground. The three Nomus just look as grotesque as the one I fought in USJ.

There was one that have pale white skin, long arms, and four eyes. One with black skin and lacking eyes. Lastly, there's one was light yellow skin, and wings and it seemed to be wearing some sort of breathing apparatus.

(A/N: I will be referring to them as the yellow nomu, white nomu, and black nomu to make it easier.)

Endeavor shot a beam of flame towards the white-skinned nomu, the Nomu absorbed it and send it straight back. Endeavor tanked the hit and the white nomu opened its mouth and launched its long tongue towards him.

All of a sudden, Shisui appeared right below the white nomu and knee it right below the chin, causing its mouth to close shut and knocking it back. However, the black nomu moved toward him and attacked Shisui with its fists.

Shisui easily dodged, he spotted us and appeared beside us. The black nomu chased after him but Endeavor drove him back with his flames.

"Took you guys long enough." He said while slightly out of breath.

"What's the situation?" Itachi-onii-chan asked.

"All the civilians have been evacuated away from this premises, but, we're having a hard time taking these guys out. The black one has regeneration, and the white one can absorb attacks and send it back with, a long sticky tongue and despite its skinny body, it's very strong. Lastly, the yellow one just has wings. All of them have super strength as well." Shisui explained while he kept his focus on the three monsters.

Onii-chan nodded and said: "Tell Endeavor to fight the black one, Kaede and I will fight the white nomu, and Endeavour's sidekicks will go after the yellow nomu."

"Eh me?!" I exclaimed in surprise.

Itachi-onii-chan hesitantly nodded: "As much as I hate for you to get hurt, we need all the help we can get."

"Okay...." I said and stared at my opponent.

My last interaction with a nomu was a nasty memory but I need to face them eventually. So there's no point backing out now! I have to be strong! Shisui went to Endeavor to repeat Itachi-onii-chan's instruction.

"Ready?" Onii-chan asked.

"Yes!" I said with resolve.

[3rd POV]

Immediately, Kaede and Itachi charged at the white nomu, it swung its long arm. Kaede dodged to the left while Itachi to the right, Kaede countered by kicking the nomu's stomach. The white nomu got knocked back and Itachi was there to receive the nomu as he punched its back and launched it into the air.

"Rasengan!" x2 Both Uchihas shouted as they jumped above the Nomu and strike their Rasengan into its stomach.

The white nomu got pummeled into the ground as cracks appeared. Unfortunately, its muscle augmentation quirk makes it more durable and enduring the attack. It opened its jaw and fired its long tongue at Kaede and its fists at Itachi.

Both of them leapt backward avoiding its attack. The nomu slowly stood back up and roared in anger. It went berserk from the pain and the frustration of not landing its attack. It put its muscle augmentation quirk on overdrive and the muscles in its body bulged and ran towards the two Uchiha's at a way faster speed.

It soon became a battle between a mad beast and two dancers. Itachi and Kaede gracefully darted around the nomu as it attacked with wild ferocity. The white nomu strike its fist at Kaede and she stepped to the side as lightning coated her hand.

"Yusuburu Kasugai no Jutsu!"

She hit the nomu squared in the chest with her palm open, electricity travelled into its body and paralyzed its muscles.

"Onii-chan now!" She yelled.

Itachi nodded: "Susanoo!" He shouted as a giant humanoid wrapped around his body and the Susanoo smashed the nomu with its fist.

The white-nomu slowly stood back up, before finally falling onto the ground unconscious. Seeing that they have won, they observed the rest of the battlefield. Endeavor and Shisui have defeated the black nomu as they discovered that it can't use its regeneration when the cells on the wound was burned. Unfortunately, the yellow nomu flew away when it saw its companions lost.

Kaede felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket and she took it out. She looked at the message and her eyes widened in shock.

"Onii-chan I have to go, my friends are in danger!" Kaede said with a panicked tone.

"Kaede, wait..!"

Immediately, Kaede's Body Flickered away, Itachi was about to chase after her but he heard an ear-piercing screech. He turned around and saw that the yellow nomu have returned. It shrieked and two elongated tendrils shot out of its hand and pierced into the two other nomu's chests. The two names turned into mush as the tendrils absorbed them.

The yellowed nomu roared as it started to transform, the breathing apparatus broke and behind it were rows and rows of sharp teeth. The brain got bigger and its skull begins to cover the weak point and it grows sharp claws in its hand. Elongated spikes grow out of the back of its body. The nomu also tripled in size and its skin turned into a military green colour as its observed its surroundings.

Itachi gritted his teeth in frustration, he needed to defeat this monster as fast as possible so he can chase after Kaede. It roared as it dived at the heroes, pointing its claws at them.

[Kaede POV]

I ran through the city, jumping from roof to roof before reaching a dark alley. There I saw a horrifying scene. In the alleyway, there were Midoriya and Todoroki lying on the floor, both of them have a knife stuck to their body a small pool of blood was forming below them.

Despite that, the two of them were still trying to get back up to fight. A pro hero was also unconscious in the far distance with multiple slash wounds. Lastly, a man wearing a combat suit with metal armour, and various knives strapped all around his arms, legs, and chest. He also has a white eye mask and a bloody red scarf. He was standing on top of Iida-kun about to decapitate him with his katana.

'Hero Killer Stain!' I thought to myself and threw two kunai towards him.

Stain deflected the kunai and jumped back further into the dark alley, he readies his sword as he looked at me with annoyance.

"More and more fakes keep getting in my way!" He shouted in anger.

"Are you guys alright?" I asked with a worried tone. The three of them, hearing my voice, weakly nodded. I sighed in relief that I got here in time, I summoned four shadow clones to tend to everyone's wounds.

Knowing his character, Stain won't stop me from healing my friends, I unsheathed my trusty tanto and got into a stance.

"Your terror ends here," I said while keeping my guard up to the fullest. My three-tomoe Sharingan spins rapidly as I keep track of his every movement.

He smirked at my declaration and the both of us sprinted at each other with our weapons drawn.


I hope you guys enjoy it! :)