Chapter 39: Hero Killer Stain

Stain hurled two throwing knives and in return, I launched two shurikens, and the projectiles collided with each other. He dashed towards me and swung his sword in a crescent pattern. I safely slid between his legs and attack him from behind. Stain instantly turned around and block my strike.

"Not bad for a fake...." He muttered and picked up the pace.

I observed his weapon, the edges of his katana were sharp, crude, and uneven. It looked damaged however I know that it's anything but. The sword was specifically made to easily draw blood.

He jumped back and throw more knives at me.

"Watch out Uchiha-chan!" Midoriya screamed out.

Their wounds have been healed from my clones and they're resting in the distance. They wanted to help but my clones held them down, knowing that have lost too much blood.

I deflected the knives with ease and sparks formed in the air.

"Nagare Isou no Jutsu!" I shouted and coated my tanto with electricity.

I thrust my blade toward Stain's chest but he swept it away. However, the electricity traveled along his blade and he groaned when Stain felt the pain of being electrocuted. Stain dropped his katana and rearmed himself with a combat knife strapped to his left thigh.

The villain lunged and I slightly tilted my head to the side. I felt a sting sensation on my cheek and a small amount of my blood dripped onto Stain's knife. The villain smirked in confidence and slowly opened his mouth.

However, I grasped his wrist and we struggled for the bloodied knife. I reached for the blade and clutched the sharp metal with my palm. With my strength, I crushed the blade into pieces. Thankfully, the gloves on my costume protected my hand other ways it would hurt a lot!

Stain wasn't perturbed by my insane act and launched a kick. I blocked with both my arms and the force of his kick created distance between us. The villain picked up his dropped Katana and pointed the blade at me.

Suddenly, a pillar made of ice appeared behind him but Stain sliced it in half with ease. I turned around and saw Todoroki standing with shaky legs. His face was pale due to the blood loss, he raised his hand and sent more ice toward Stain. The Hero Killer clicked his teeth and destroyed Todoroki's fugile attacks and ignored the wounded boy.

"I will handle this Todoroki, go rest!" I shouted.

He shook his head, before I could argue further Stain arrived, I hurriedly parried his strike as we clashed once more. Todoroki used his flames and shot a small fireball driving the hero killer away. He almost tripped from the dizziness due to the lack of energy but he still kept won't back down.

"Stop, you need to rest now!" I pleaded.

"I won't..... let... my friend..... fight.... alone....." He said while panting tiredly.

Hearing his words, there was a small smile on my face. I'm delighted to know that's how he feels about me but right now, Todoroki was barely conscious and if uses any more of his quirk he will collapse.

The Hero Killer makes his move as he slashes at me with his katana. I blocked with my tanto, there was an indent in his blade as he hook my tanto and locked it in place. He twist his arm and yanked my weapon out of my hand.

I did a backflip, dodging his swing and kicking him in the face, knocking him back. I gritted my teeth, I only have my kunai left as a melee weapon of choice, however, his weapon has a longer reach than mine and I will lose if I even get cut once.

"Uchiha" Todoroki weakly called out to me. The ground in front of me was covered with a small patch of ice and what appeared to be a handle emerged from it. I grabbed the handle and pulled.

I manipulated the chakra into my hands so I won't be disturbed by the cold temperature from the handle. Todoroki fell onto the floor from exhaustion.

"Thanks... Todoroki-Kun." I muttered and observed my new weapon. It was a beautiful katana made of ice, it was well-balanced and light. The weapon reminded me of something you find in a fantasy game at the end of a dugeon or something. I nodded with satisfaction and glanced behind me.

Iida and Midoriya was also slowly trying to stand but the stopped when they heard my voice: "Sit down, as the class rep, I order you to rest. I will finish this." I hissed

They were about to argue but a furious stare from me was enough for them to back off. I readied my weapon and lunged at Stain. I have used other weapons in the past, but I find my tanto to be the best, however, that became my weakness as I am not as skilled with other weapons.

Thankfully, the longer range of my new sword managed to keep Stain at bay, I summoned two shadow clones who also held the same katana, and together we started putting pressure on the hero killer.

As the fight continued, my clones and I finally started to drive Stain into a corner.

"STAY OUT OF MY WAY!" He shouted in rage and swung his katana in a wide semicircle. The two of my clones leaped backward, and I ducked under the blade.

"Raiton: Raikou Boruto no Jutsu!" The clones in the air shouted as they weaved hand signs and shot two small weak lighting bolts at the villain.

Stain can't dodge as he was still recovering from his attack and the lightning bolts hit him, he froze from the electric shock and instinctively lowered his sword. I stepped on the tip of his katana and pinned it to the ground and slashed at it. With the force of my foot and blade, the katana snapped in half.

I strike him in the chest with the flat of my palm and he stumbled backward. My clones push in and they cuts his thigh and he fell onto his knees. Before Stain could do anything, the three of us each pressed our blades on his neck in the shape of a triangle.

Seeing there was no escape, the Hero Killer reluctantly raised his hand in surrender and one of my clones tied his hands and legs with a rope I found in the alley while the other clone disarms every hidden weapon he kept on himself.

I then lightly karate-chopped him in the back of the neck just to be safe. Stain's eyes rolled upward into his head and fainted.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked Midoriya, Iida, and the hero who I now realized was the pro-hero Native.

I looked back at Todoroki, he had fallen unconscious from exhaustion and I was pretty worried about him. I knelt down and put his head on my lap, he had fallen pretty hard so I'm checking whether he sustained any head injuries.

Thankfully, he only got a small cut on his cheek from the fall and I easily healed it. Hopefully, Stain doesn't wake up now as my chakra was running low. After healing Todoroki, I generate a tiny static shock to wake him up.

[3rd POV]

Shoto was suddenly jolted awake, he felt that he was laying on something soft and comfortable. His sleepiness kicks in and he doesn't want to open his eyes and snuggled deeper into what he assumes to be a pillow.

"Hey Todoroki-kun, it's time to wake up now...." He heard a soft voice calling out to him.

He frowned and slowly opened his eyes, there was a surprised expression on his face as he saw Kaede's face looking down at him.

Tenya coughed lightly into his hand while Izuku looked away flustered. It took Shoto a bit to process what was happening. His face immediately went red when he found out that he was resting on Kaede's lap and what's he trying to snuggle into was her stomach. He quickly got up with an embarrassed expression.

"You okay?" Kaede asked and Shoto nodded in response. He was still pretty tired so Tenya and Izuku have to support him.

In the end, Kaede and the rest left the alleyway. They were greeted by many pro heroes including Endeavor, Red Crow, and Gran Torino. They defeated the last nomu and Itachi brought everyone here as he tracked Kaede to this location. The police and reporters were also there and they were shocked to see the pro-hero Native holding the infamous hero killer in binds.

Kaede then explained to them what happened and apologized to Itachi for her behavior. Itachi flicked her forehead and scolded Kaede. However, the scolding wasn't too harsh because, without her, four more people would have died that night.

Endeavor thanked her as well for saving his son, as the police were about to take Stain away. The hero killer woke up and unleashed his bloodlust on full blast. Everyone was surprised by his intense bloodlust and some people started shaking in fear.

Keyword: some.


Instantly, Kaede punched Stain in the back of the head knocking him out once more. They all winced at the sound and there was a minuscule amount of pity for Stain and a large swollen bump formed on his head.

The one who pitied Stain the most was Itachi as he was very familiar with that pain, 'Kaede's too similar to mother....' He thought and he subconsciously rub the top of his head.

The police quickly took Stain away and they told Kaede to follow them. Itachi went with them as well, they were brought to a room and the police chief officer told Kaede the laws she have broken by using her quirks in public.

However, the charges were immediately dropped because by using her quirks, Kaede saved people's lives and put a very dangerous criminal in prison. The police chief told her that to protect her from the law, Itachi will be known as the one who defeated Stain. Kaede happily agrees, as long as she can save her friends, she doesn't need rewards.

One Day Later...

Shoto, Izuku, and Tenya were resting in the hospital beds, even if Kaede healed their injuries, they still needed to visit the hospital to check if there were any internal injuries. Luckily, they were healthy and they should be able to leave this afternoon.

[Kaede POV]

I was relieved that I didn't get in trouble for defeating Stain. The next morning I went to visit my friends who were resting in the hospital.

I opened the door to their room and see them sitting up wearing hospital gowns.

"Hi, guys! Are you all okay?" I asked.

They nodded but there was a remorseful look on their face.

"What's wrong?" I said with a worried tone.

It was Iida who responded: "We were weak and because of us, you have to face the hero killer alone while we're a burden..." He said and he clenched his fists.

The other two agreed to Iida's words.

"But you guys never gave up, right? Every hero in this world has at least lost one fight in their lives, that's why we have to get stronger to make sure that will never happen again and to protect the ones we care about!" I replied while giving them a bright smile.

Their eyes widened at my answers and the three of them thanked me for saving them. I spent some time talking to them until the chief of police, Manual, Gran Torino, and Endeavour entered. I left the room letting them have their private conversation.

I leave the hospital in a happy mood, knowing that I have prevented the worse outcome possible.

[3rd POV]

By the end of this incident, it was revealed to the public that Itachi was the one who defeated Stain. Thankfully, Kaede knocked out Stain early and the reporters didn't hear his speech, this chain reaction has been beneficial as most villains didn't get inspired by Stain's words. However, that doesn't mean they're gone.....


I hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)