Chapter 41: Midterm Exam!

[Kaede POV]

After that locker room incident, we all decided to put that behind us. Anyway, May has just ended, which means that the summer holiday will start soon! But before that, we need to face one of the biggest challenges in every student's life!

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!! The Summer Midterm Exam!

"I hope you have all been studying, the mid-term exam is upon you all. This exam will determine whether you will attend the UA Summer Training Camp." Aizawa-sensei said before leaving the classroom.

As soon as he left the class turned into utter chaos.

"Ahhh what do I do! I haven't studied at all!" Kaminari yelled.

We all agreed with his words. With all the things that went on this term, we haven't got much time to study. Luckily for me, with my trusty Sharingan, remembering information was a simple matter!

I'm amazing that way!

[A/N: Pretty sure Sharingan can do that, I check online it said that it was hinted that was one of the abilities but was never pointed out]

"Kaede-chan....." Mina said with a teary-eyed expression: "Please help me..." She muttered as she grasp my shoulders.

Jiro, Kaminari, Ojiro, and Sero asked me as well and I agreed on helping them study.

Two weeks later...

Today's the day of the written exam, I have been tutoring my friends for the past two weeks, and I smiled when I recalled what happened.

[Flash Back Start]

"And that's all of it!" I announced and closed my textbook and stared at me students. I have gained permission of using our classroom to teach my friends during the weekends.

"Thanks, Uchiha-chan..." Kaminari said with a tired tone from all the studying.

"No problem!" I responded.

"But Kaede-chan you've spent all your time teaching us, you haven't studied for the exam..." Mina pointed out.

The others also look at the ground with guilt and shame.

"Don't worry guys! I can just do this!" I happily declared as I picked up the textbook, I activated my Sharingan and quickly flipped through it.

After discovering this broken method, I may have been abusing it...

Well because of that I won't get a big migraine anymore, as my brain's processing skills got better!

"Done! With my quirk, I can remember everything!" I said with a bright smile andwent through all of the books.

"Wait, hold on, that's impossible, right? Let's see, what does page fifty-seven talk about?" Jiro questioned.

I easily answered and this went back and forth before they finally believed me. They all stared at me with a deadpan expressions.

"Life's... not.... fair..." Mina said as she lay faced down on her desk.

[Flash Back End]

In conclusion, the writing part of the exam was very simple, what I'm looking forward to was the practical part. My friends thanked me for my efforts. Mina told me that because of my tutoring, she didn't leave anything blank.

I feel giddy knowing that my friends passed the test because of me. When the written exam finished, Aizawa-sensei told us that the practical version of the exam will start in three days.

Three Days Later...

We were gathered in front of all the UA Teachers. Principal Nezu was at the front and he congratulated us on the written exam. He then explains the concept of our practical exam.

In short, we will be formed into teams of two and we will be fighting our teachers, we can win by either escaping through the gate or defeating the teachers and putting them in specially-made handcuffs.

'I wonder who I will get teamed up with.....' Kaede pondered.

[3rd POV]

Currently, Shoto's mind was in turmoil.

'This is going to be a drag....' He thought as he felt a finger keep poking his face.

"Yoohoo, anyone home?" Kaede said as she kept poking him.

Shoto sighed before nodding, they will be fighting Shota Aizawa in this exam and he felt nervous. They were led to a neighborhood-type battlefield with rows and rows of houses and streets.

"The practical exam will now be starting!" A robotic voice sounded as soon as they got to the starting line.

Immediately, Kaede and Shoto sprinted towards the exit gate, they determined that it was best not to fight with their sensei and as long as one of them escaped, they win.

[Kaede POV]

Todoroki and I sneaked from the alleyway and alleyway. Eventually, we spotted the gate and we ran toward it at great speed. Suddenly Aizawa-sensei landed in front of us.

Todoroki was going to send ice toward him but was surprised that nothing came out. I also tried to activate my jutsu and I found out that it was not working, I sensed that I can't manipulate my own chakra anymore and I visibly slow down.

[A/N: Aizawa's eraser quirk doesn't work with mutant-type quirks]

"Todoroki-Kun, go! I will buy you time!" I shouted as I charged at Aizawa-sensei.

Todoroki shook his head and stood next to me. "Like I said last time, I won't leave my friend." He said with determination as he get into a fighting stance.

I nodded and subconsciously touched the pouch attached to the left of my waist, that's where my kunai were stored. With a quick action, I launched projectiles and Aizawa-sensei blocked with his scarf.

When he pulled his scarf down, I was already before his eyes and unleashed a punch. Sensei dodged and I pursued him. He hurled his scarf at me and with a swift motion, I unsheathed my katana. I slashed in a cresent motion and frowned.

Instead of cutting the scarf into pieces, the scarf stretched and overlapped with my blade and wrapping around it. Sensei pulled on his scarf and I pulled back. Without my Charka, I'm slowly loosing the tug of war and I was impressed by Aizawa Sensei's strength.

"Uchiha!" Todoroki shouted and he manages to sneak behind Aizawa-Sensei.

An ice wall formed between sensei and I, breaking my sword free from his restraint. Aizawa swung around and Todoroki instantly loose his quirk. However, with the opportunity Todoroki gave to me, I smashed through the wall with Rassengan.

Aizawa glared at me and my Rassengan suddenly dissipated. However I expected something like this and immediately changed my stance into a high kick. Aizawa took a step back and my foot narrowly missed his face.

I recovered from the kick and pounced, not leaving Aizawa-sensei alone: "Go now Todoroki-kun!"

Todoroki reluctantly nodded and srpinted towards the exit gate. Suddenly he froze and I frowned. Aizawa have his scarf wrapped around Todoroki's ankle and was stopping him from moving. However, by doing so, his eyes were momentarily turned away from me and that moment was all I need.


I gathered lighting into my hand and a strange errie sound resounded through the arena. I brought the Chidori close to Aizawa-Sensei's face: "Take this!"

He was stunned by my attack and he was blinded by the white flashing light. I yanked on Sensei's scarf and pulled with all my strength. Todoroki escaped by Aizawa-sensei's restrains and I begun to swing Aizawa-sensei into the air.

With my chakra strength, Aizawa-sensei flew so high. However, he flicked his wrist and the scarf whipped towards me like a snake. The scarf latched onto to my wrist and I was pulled along with him.

I unsheatehd my tanto and furiously stabbed at the scarf. I scraped desperately and finally the fabric loosened. Unfortunately, there was one fatal flaw in my plan. Gravity took in and I begun to free fall. Wind brushes against my ear and the distance between me and the ground was getting closer

I closed my eyes bracing for impact but suddenly I felt someone grab me and stopped my fall. I opened my eyes and saw Todoroki princess carrying me. He creates a path with his ice as he slides toward the gate.

"To...Todoroki-Kun.." I stuttered and my face felt slightly hot.

Aizawa-sensei can no longer go after us as he's still in the air and have to use his scarf to land safely. I was relieved that I did fall and hurt myself. Todoroki held me tightly and I felt awkward. I gazed at his eyes, without the scar on the left side of his face and he was really handsome.

"Are you alright?" Todoroki asked

I nodded and together we skid through the finish line.

A robotic voice sound: "Shoto Todoroki and Kaede Uchiha, passed."

Todoroki stepped off the icy path and sighed in relief.

"Um... Todroki-Kun.... you can put me down now....." I muttered as the small blush still remains.

Realising that he was still holding me, his eyes widened and he gently put me down.

"Thanks....." I said quietly and he nodded.

We slowly made our way back, and during the walk, we didn't say anything to each other. I'm still embarrassed so I'm not in the condition to make any small talk. When Todoroki and I arrived, Recovery Girl greeted us, she told us that the others were still taking their exams in other areas.

Todoroki and I watched the big screen, but occasionally I recalled what happened as my face slowly becomes red again. Eventually, I managed to put that thought away, however, weirdly enough during that moment I felt a weird feeling. It was only for a moment and that confuses me even more.....

Soon after my exam finished, the rest of my friends arrived. Unfortunately, Kirishima, Karminari, Mina, and Sato failed their practical exam.

They were crestfallen and I tried my best to cheer them up. Midoriya and Bakugo teamed up and just like in the original show, they fought with All Might. The battle was pretty insane to watch as Midoriya and Bakugo were forced to work together to pass the test.

Once everyone's exam ended, Aizawa-sensei came in and told us that the people who failed will still participate in the training camp since everybody passed their written exam. They will just have harsher training than the rest of us. They were delighted to know that they can still attend the camp but their face paled at the thought of harsh training.

Now that the Midterm Exam has ended, means that the holiday starts now! We all celebrated at the thought of a vacation.


Hope you enjoy and feel free to give me more ideas!