Chapter 42: Summer Festival!

[Kaede POV]

Weeks later...

Some time passed after the final exam, and I spent my time training and continue recreating the Demon Slayer Manga. I hung out with Ochako and Mina occasionally; we also practised together in the school gymnasium. Even if it's the holiday, UA still gives access to the facilities as long as we're a student there and we have to ask for permission in advance.

However, I am going to put my normal routine on hold because the Summer Festival in Musutafu will start soon! I excitedly lay on my soft bed and picked up my phone.

[Kaede Uchiha: Hi guys the summer festival is upon us, let us all go together as a class!

Mina Ashido: Wow, that sounds like fun! I will come.

Tenya Iida: Very well, I will attend.

Eijiro Kirishima: 💪 👍

Ochako Uraraka: Sure!

Izuku Midoriya: But Uchiha-chan, don't we have to prepare for the training camp.....

Kaede Uchiha: We all have been working hard, so I think it's best to relax once in a while!

Denki Kaminari: Yeah, Midoriya-Kun, don't be so tense every time.

Shoto Todoroki: I... will.. Go...

Izuku Midoriya: If you say so Kaminari-kun..... Okay, I will be there.

11+ more messages.]

[A/N: Bakugo wasn't in the chat since he didn't join.]

I was happy to know that almost all my friends will attend, I gave them the information about where we will meet.

A few Days Later, Evening.....

I arrived at the entrance and met up with Ochako; we were the first two here. Ochako stared at me with sparkling eyes: "Kaede, you look so pretty!!"

My current outfit was a black kimono with red flowery patterns. I have a gold rose hair braid, and my hair was tied into a bun: "Ochako-chan also looked very pretty as well!"

Ochako chuckled: "But compared to yours, mine looked cheap."

"Not at all!" I denied.

She was wearing a simple pink kimono without any patterns. However, in my opinion, Ochako's simple style made her look very cute! MHA world was around three hundred years ahead of my original world, and thankfully, they still kept the traditional Japanese culture, and I was very grateful for it.

[3rd POV]

Ochako and Kaede talked with each other for a couple of minutes until everyone finally arrived. All the girls wore their kimonos, while the boys wore casual clothes. Kaede couldn't wait any longer, and she dragged her friends through the entrance.

"Mina-chan, let's play this!"

"Ochako-chan, let's try that out!"

Kaede said with excitement and brought everyone around the festival. Mina and Ochako have spent a lot of time with Kaede, so they know about her childlike curiosity and unlimited energy, so they have gotten used to it.

Everyone else, though, was shocked to see her act like this, but they all thought it was funny. All in all, they had a wonderful time. They tried many delicious foods and street games. Kaede got herself banned from all the throwing-type game stalls because of her shuriken/kunai skills; she could easily hit a bull's eyes and win the best rewards.

That night, Kaede had made many street vendors cry, but luckily, she rejected the big prizes and decided to choose the smaller ones as she felt guilty. When she told them this, the vendors shed tears of happiness.

During their exploration, Kaede spotted a big awesome parade. She brought everyone to watch it, but unfortunately, that was a mistake as a gigantic crowd scattered their group and brought each of them to a different area of the festival

"Where is everyone?" Kaede muttered; she looked at her phone while frowning.

Each of her friends sent a message about their location, but it was still pointless. Kaede decided to wander around and hopefully meet one of her classmates. After 10 minutes of walking, she started to lose hope, and suddenly, someone grabbed her wrist.

"Ah, Todoroki-Kun!" Kaede said with surprise as she turned around and saw Shoto.

Kaede was glad that she was able to find someone; Shoto let go of her and led the way while she followed close behind him. Together, they started looking for more of their friends. The class has decided to meet each other at the fireworks-watching place.

They continued to make their way, Shoto realized that Kaede hadn't said anything in a while, knowing her personality he finds it strange. He turned around and found that Kaede was gone. His eyes widened, and Shoto quickly went back the way he had come. He spotted Kaede observing at a stall that sells small accessories.

Shoto got close and noticed that she was staring at a bracelet with designs of small, cute pink flowers.

"How much is that one?" Shoto asked the shopkeeper out of the blue.

"Hehe, buying it for this young lady?" The shopkeeper said with a smirk.

"Eh!? No need, I got my own money." Kaede said and brought out the small wallet in her purse.

"No, as you said, this is just repaying the favour," Shoto replied.

"What favour??" Kaede asked; she was very confused as Shoto never owned her anything.

"That day.... with the Hero Killer... you saved our lives. This is the least I can do." Shoto answered.

"Because that's what friends are for! Don't worry, I will buy it....."

"Just let the boy buy it for you." The shopkeeper insisted.

Before Kaede could argue further, Shoto had already bought the bracelet and handed it to her. Kaede giggled and glanced at the bracelet in her palm: "Todoroki-kun, since you bought it for me, shouldn't you put it on?" She teased.

Shoto paused and stared at the bracelet in her hand. To Kaede's surprise, Shoto hesitantly reached for the bracelet and tied it around her slender wrist. Kaede was surprised, and Shoto gently grabbed her hand, not wanting her to wander off again.

Shoto didn't look back and continued marching so Kaede couldn't see the blush on his face. His body was numb, and all he could feel was his fingers enclosing Kaede's small, soft hand. Kaede stared at Shoto's back while being led away. She glanced at the bracelet on her wrist and the strange feeling returned, however this time it stayed a little bit longer than before.

They finally reached the location to view the fireworks, it was a big plain grassy hill, and there were already other people there with picnic blankets. Their friends weren't there yet, so they decided to take a seat where there weren't a lot of people.

"Thank you for this gift, Todoroki-Kun," Kaede smiled brightly.

Shoto's face became red again, and he just nodded while averting his gaze.

"You okay Todoroki-kun?" Kaede asked seeing his heated face, "Your face looked really red, do you have a fever?"

Before Shoto could respond, Kaede leaned closer and pressed her forehead against his.


Shoto felt his heart beating faster and faster. Kaede frowned: "Your forehead felt really hot. Are you really alright?"

He gently pushed Kaede away: "I..I'm really fine..."

"Okay, if you say so..." Kaede muttered worriedly.


Suddenly, their conversation was cut short, and they glanced at the dark sky where a majestic display of fireworks was exploding in clouds.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Kaede said as she watched with awe, her eyes sparkling like stars.

"Yes...." Shoto replied.

However, his eyes weren't on the fireworks but on the face of the girl sitting next to him.

"This is where you guys are, and we've been looking for you two everywhere!"

[Kaede POV]

I turned my head and saw Mina and the rest of my friends walking toward us. I went to greet them and sit with the rest of the girls to watch the majority of the show. By the end of it, we decided to call it a night as it was already pretty late.

Today was an enjoyable day, and I hope we can continue to hang out like this in the future.


I woke up and got off my bed. I walked to my desk and saw the bracelet Todoroki bought for me. I held it close and felt my face slightly heat up, I shook my head, and the feeling vanished, I put it on my wrist before downstairs. My family was having breakfast, so I went and sat at my spot.

"How's yesterday?" Mom asked.

"Yesterday was so fun! My friend bought this cute bracelet for me." I said as I showed my family Todoroki's gift on my wrist.

"Let me guess, was it a boy?" Mom questioned.

I nodded and giggled, remembering what had happened yesterday. I can feel my face slightly heat up again.

*SNAP* x2

Mom and I glanced at where the sound came from. Onii-chan and Dad were sitting at the dining table, and it seemed like their chopsticks broke for some reason.

"Ah Itachi, seems like our utensils were getting pretty old and brittle now, we may have to get new ones," Dad muttered and Itachi-onii-chan nodded, onii-chan then pick up the cup of tea beside him.

"By the way, Kaede, what's this friend's name?" Itachi-onii-chan asked.

"Ah, his name is Shoto Todoroki!"

Somehow, cracks appeared on the teacup that onii-chan was holding.

"Father, I think we may have to replace our cups as well. We also seemed to need to throw away a piece of trash." Itachi-onii-chan said with a cheery tone.

"Yes, you're right, Itachi." Dad forcibly smiled.

Mom furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the two of them while I was watching with confusion.

[3rd POV]

During the Summer Festival.....

While class 1A was having fun at the festival, darkness was gradually gathering strength.

Located in the Kamino Ward, many villains were gathering in a run-down bar.

"Is this everyone?" Shigaraki questioned as he observed the group of strange-looking people in front of him.

"We're waiting for one more, Shigaraki-sama...." Kurigiri said behind the bar counter.

"What's the hold-up??! I want to kill someone already." A bulky man with blond hair and a prosthetic eye whined.

"Patient, Muscular...." A man wearing a grey and black bodysuit reasoned.

As soon as he responded, the group of villains heard the sound of footsteps. The door swung open, and what stood at the entranceway was a figure wearing a black cloak and a white theatre mask that formed a smile wide grin spreading across his face.

The man walked forward, but Muscular stopped in front of him.

"Who the f*ck do you think you are wasting my time?" Muscular said, his voice full of hostility as he pushed the man in the shoulder.

However, as soon as Muscular touched him, instantly, five human-size mannequins with blades pressed their weapons on all of Muscular's vital points. Muscular gulped, and he slowly backed away.

Shigaraki watched the scene with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"I welcome, Kugutsu..." Kurogiri announced as Kugutsu snapped his fingers, and the mannequins moved away from Muscular's body and disappeared into the shadows.

He then continued walking towards the group, leaving the stunned Muscular back at the entrance.

"Now that everyone's here, let's start the plan....." Shigaraki said as all eyes focused back on him.


I hope you enjoy it!