Chapter 47: Kota

[Kaede POV]

I finally got out of my bed and went to the cafeteria to get breakfast. I got my food and sat down next to Ochako and Mina.

"So how's your sleep?" Mina asked with a teasing tone.

My face got red again being reminded of what happened.

"It's not funny okay! I just got tired from training!" I yelled while pouting at the two of them.

"Sure sure," Mina replied with an unconvinced tone.

"What else we could've been doing!" I questioned.

Mina and Ochako giggled, I pouted and ignored the two of them. For the rest of the day, I continue to try and master my Lightning Chakra Mode. I also did some other training and I can safely say that I will now use my katana as my main weapon.

When the training session ended, I returned to our camp building and there were tables and chairs stacked outside. Apparently today we will have to make our own dinner. My classmates seemed pretty excited as they will finally be doing something that you will do in a normal camp.

We were supposed to form small groups and cook together...

"Kaede-chan please team up with us!" Ochako and Mina jogged up to me.

In the past, they have tasted my cooking before and since then they always wanted to eat my food whenever they got the chance. I nodded and they cheered while jumping up and down. The rest of the girls in my class also joined us. By looking at the ingredients, seems like we're making curry.

'Okay, Kaede you got this!' I pumped myself up before cooking.

Bit of Cooking Later...

"Woah, Kaede-chan your food is delicious as always!" Mina happily exclaimed and she speedily stuff her face with my curry. The rest of my small group all agreed with her statement and they ate their food with more etiquette.

"Ah, there you are, Uchiha-chan, I can't find Kota anywhere, can you help me find him and give Kota his dinner?" Pixie-Bob appeared next to me and asked.

I frowned lightly before returning to my happy expression. This might be the time when the League of Villains strikes...

"Okay!" I said and I went to find the boy with a plate of curry in my hands. I also equipped my weapons, I may be wrong about the villains attacking but it's better safe than sorry...

I guessed that he was probably at his hideout where I stumbled upon him yesterday. I steadily make my way to his hideout and I spotted him sitting on the ground looking at the stars.

"I told you to stay away from this place...." Kota grumbled.

"Ah, I must have forgotten. Tee Hee!" I replied with an innocent tone.

A tick mark appeared on his head: "Then leave now!" Kota yelled.

"I'm here to give you dinner," I answered and sat next to him.

I placed his food in front of him and the smell of curry wafted in the air. At first, he ignored it but his stomach made a rumbling sound. He blushed in embarrassment and I chuckled. Kota slowly picked up the curry, he took a bite and his eyes widened.

"It's good, right? I made it myself after all!" I said and patted my chest with pride.

He snorted and quietly ate his dinner. When he finished, he lay the plate beside him, and together we gazed at the stars.

"Why are you still here, I finished my dinner so you can go now," Kota groaned.

"Why? I want to spend time with you after all!"

"Stop lying, you just saying it to make me feel better, just like every hero you will then abandon me! You will all leave just as they did....." Kota muttered the last part in a sad tone.

I didn't say anything but brought him close to my chest and hugged him tightly. In my previous life, I lost my parents at a young age so I know exactly what he was feeling. He struggled to break free of my embrace however he eventually stopped and quietly cried.

I patted his back: "There there, everything will be okay....." I whispered.

We stayed like this for a while. Kota calmed down and I let go as he went back to watch the stars with teary eyes. I wiped the tears off his face and smiled. Right now Class 1-A and 1-B were supposed to do Trial of Courage or something but I decided to stay.

Kota broke the silence and asked: "You barely know me, but why are you being so nice?"

Hearing this I smiled faintly: "Because I know what you're going through...." I replied.

His eyes widened in shock, and I giggled at his expression: "I also lost people important to me in the past... But I moved on because I know that's what they wanted me to do." I said.

"I'm sorry." Kota apologized.

"There's no need to apologize, I acted like you too. However, there are people that helped me get through it, like how there are people helping you as well! You just need to accept their help." I explained.

Kota suddenly has a guilty look realizing how he's been rejecting the Pussy Cat's attempt of helping him and he looked at the ground in shame. I once again brought him close and together we sat by the cliff in silence.

"Thanks..." He mumbled.

I patted his head and together we observed the beautiful night sky. However, this peaceful atmosphere was quickly broken when I spotted a dark figure wearing a black cloak and a white mask leaping toward us.

The man took off his disguise in the air, he has a lot of muscles, and blond hair, wearing combat pants and a red tank top. He also has a large scar on the left side of his face with a prosthetic eye.

I quickly realized who he was and I picked up Kota who was still hugging me and jumped backward. Immediately, the ground where we were sitting was destroyed by that man's punch.

"Muscular..." I instinctively voiced out.

"You know my name? I must be pretty famous." Muscular said as he walked out of the dust caused by the destruction and stood in front of us.

Kota looked at him stunned and his eyes started to get teary again: "Y-you... You're the one that killed Mama and Papa!" He screamed.

"I killed a lot of people in my life, you need to be more specific.." Muscular answered with a bored tone as he picked his ears with his finger.

Kota became mad as he tried to charge at him but I held him in place, "Stay behind me, I will protect you," I said with resolve.

"Onee-san...." Kota muttered and he stared at me with worry.

"Hahaha, what is someone like you gonna do anything." He laughed arrogantly at me.

I unsheathed my blade and glared, 'I need to defeat him! I can't have someone like that wander freely in this world!' I thought and readied my blade.

Muscular grinned as his size increased and his body was covered with muscle fiber: "You want to dance? Then let's dance!"


I hope you enjoy