Chapter 48: League of Villains Strikes Again!

[Kaede POV]

I activated my Sharingan as Muscular rushed towards me. I dodged sideways and launched a kick at his waist. He grunted but he instantly countered with a punch of his own.

"Huh, not bad... For such a small body, you have some strength, but it's not enough!" Muscular shouted.

His body enlarges while more muscle fiber covered his body like armor. His speed increased by a lot and he immediately slammed his fists vertically in my direction.

'Crap I don't have the time to dodge!' I exclaimed in my mind and activated Lightning chakra Mode.

I blocked with my arms and my legs buckled from his brute strength. Muscular's hands shot and grasped me by the neck. I was lifted off the ground and thrown into the mountain. I hit the stone wall, creating a large dent. Thankfully, my Lightning Chakra Mode was still active and I didn't suffer any major damage.

Muscular grinned and slowly approached me. With every step, the ground shook under his immense weight.

"You leave Onee-san alone!" Kota shouted and he hurled a rock at Muscular's head. The rock just bounced off and Muscular glanced at Kota with glee.

"Ah by looking closer, you looked familiar... Tell me, boy, were your parents the pro-heroes Water Hose?" Muscular guessed.

Kota started shaking at his response and tears fell out of his eyes. Seeing his reaction, Muscular's smile widened and he continued to agitate him: "Yes I remember now, they were a fun bunch, I especially like it when I slowly tear them....."

"SHUT UP! Don't listen to him, Kota!" I yelled and launched myself from the wall of the mountain.

Like a spring, I shot towards Muscular and swung my katana. He blocked with his wrist and my blade barely sank into his flesh. If the villain felt pain, he wasn't showing it as more muscle fiber wrapped around the blade and handle of my katana, trapping it in his wrist.

I let go of my sword and planted my foot right onto his face while I leaped high into the air. However, Muscular also jumped after me, he grasped my foot and slammed me back onto the ground.

I grunted, and my lightning chakra mode dissipated. Muscular was still holding on to me and he grinned in victory. But Kota interrupted him and blasted water into Muscular's eyes. Muscular growled as he let go of me and rubbed his face in irritation.

I immediately stood up and reached for my sword which was still stuck to his wrist. My fingertips touched the blade and I inject as much electricity as I possibly could. Muscular screams and static shock traveled all over his body.


I didn't give him time to recover and I continued to pressure him. A sphere made of pure chakra appeared in my hand and I drove the Rasengan into Muscular's stomach. A huge gust of wind was formed from the impact, all his muscle fiber armor broke, and I continue to drive the Rasengan deeper into his belly.

Muscular's eyes rolled upwards and he stumbled back a few steps before falling onto the floor with white foam coming out of his mouth. Unfortunately, the huge amount of wind also blew Kota off the cliff and he screams in fear.

Luckily, I got there in time and grabbed Kota by the back of the collar, I then pulled him back towards me. I brought him close to my chest.

"Like I said I will protect you," I said with a smile.

He nodded but he still kept his arms around me, too scared to let go. "C'mon we should go back and call for one of the Pussycats." I reasoned

"Nn." He answered.

I gave Kota a piggyback ride and I ran back to camp as fast as I can. When we got close, I saw fire everywhere, Kota and I panicked. I increased my pace and pray that my friends were safe.

Once we were there, I spotted Aizawa-sensei capturing a man in a black cloak wearing a theatre mask with his scarf. There were broken mannequins littered around the floor. Suddenly the masked figure burst into the mud and disappeared. Aizawa sensei clicked his teeth and dropped the clump of mud onto the floor.

"Aizawa-sensei, what's happening?" I asked.

Aizawa-sensei was surprised to see me and he started briefing us on the situation. He told me that the League of Villains have attacked and everyone was scattered all around the forest. I nodded and set Kota down. I told Aizawa-sensei about Muscular, he frowned but congratulated me on protecting Kota.

"Kota-Kun, please stay here and hide okay? Onee-chan here will defeat all the scary villains!" I declared.

Kota nodded, before Aizawa-sensei could object I sprinted deep into the woods. I leaped onto a tree branch and started jumping from tree to tree. My Sharingan was on full blast and I scanned for any signs of my friend.

I eventually found Midoriya, Shoji, and Todoroki fighting a villain with a theatrical mask, a schoolgirl, a man wearing a gray and black bodysuit, and a man wearing another mask, tophat, and a big yellow coat.

I jumped out of the trees and they were all surprised to see me as the villains dodged and I landed in the middle of them.

"Freeze!" I shouted and they fell under my genjutsu.

However, the villain with the theatrical mask instantly broke free and lunged at me. I dodged and I felt my eyes bleeding from overusing my Sharingan. I landed a safe distance away and observed my new opponents.

If I remembered correctly, the high school girl was Toga, the bodysuit man was Twice, the man dressed as a magician was Mr. Compress and I don't know the last person...

I saw that Mr. Compress have two beads in his mouth, this must be the moment they kidnapped Bakugo and Tokoyami! I immediately went towards Mr. Compress and he tried to restrain me but I ducked under his arms and punched him in the face. He spits out the two beads, I grabbed them and tossed them toward my friend.

"Deal with her puppet man!" Toga shouted at the unknown villain while pointing at me.

The masked man nodded and a single human-sized mannequin appeared by his side. I quickly unsheathed my katana and blocked a strike from the puppet

The mannequin looked crude with an expressionless face. It pounced at me with long blades attached to its wrist, I parried the attack and swung at the puppet's torso. My katana sliced it in half, however, seems like even if it was destroyed, it can still function.

The mannequin basically throws itself at me, I kicked it high into the air and threw my tanto at it, the small blade pierced its chest and the puppet was embedded into a side of a tree.

I observed my surroundings, my friends were battling Mr. Compress, Twice, and Toga, they seems to be holding their ground. Bakugan Tokoyami escaped the beads and was recovering.

I glanced at the masked man and he summoned two more of his puppets. However, this time they looked different. One was painted purple with long slender arms and legs while the other one was as huge as Muscular with spikes all over its body.

The purple puppet's arms lengthened to an unnatural degree, it tried to capture me but I easily dodged out of the way. The giant mannequin charged and smashed its fist on the ground where I was standing.

I move sideways and swung my katana at its chest, however, the blade barely even made a scratch. I clicked my teeth in annoyance and dodged just before the giant puppet, can make its attack. I sheathed my sword and lightning chakra formed in my hand, making the sounds of a thousand birds whistling.

"Chidori!" I exclaimed and dashed towards the man controlling the two puppets.

The purple puppet shot its arm at me and I easily cut it with Chidori. Unfortunately, even if I cut it off, it just grew back a new pair of limbs. I jumped around in mid-air while narrowly darting around the flurry of arms. My plan worked and I smirked when the purple puppet's hand was tangled together.

I left the puppet to its own demise and charged at the villain. My attack was about to reach my target, however, the giant puppet intercepted and took the hit. My Chidori went straight through and my right hand was trapped in its chest. I heard clicking sounds behind me, I turned my head and saw the first puppet have escaped from the tree. The mannequin opened its mouth and a small blade coated with a weird liquid emerged from its throat.

I thrashed but the giant puppet's arms held me in place The poisonous blade pierced my shoulder and I screamed in pain. I yanked the hidden blade out of me and threw the puppet to the ground. I smashed it with my foot and it crumbled to pieces.

My hand finally broke free, leaving a gaping hole in the giant mannequin's chest. But, at this moment, my head starts to spin and I was overcome with dizziness. I slumped onto the ground and gritted my teeth. I felt my body becoming weaker and weaker, I raised my head and saw that the purple puppet had untangled itself and was slowly reaching toward me.

[3rd POV]

Seeing Kaede collapse, Kugutsu nodded in satisfaction that the poison had worked. He commanded the purple puppet to restrain her. However, at this moment a huge iceberg erupted out of the ground where the puppet was standing. Once the dust settled, the purple puppet was trapped in the giant ice, frozen in place.

"Give her back!" Shoto shouted with rage.

He sprinted at Kugutsu, the giant puppet lunged at him but was melted down by Shoto's flame. He panted, out of breath, Shoto have lost control of his emotion and using all his power he sent a pillar of ice toward the villains.

Suddenly a black portal warped in front of the pillar, the ice went through and another pillar appeared, launching the ice back to Shoto. Shoto was knocked back from his own attack, Kuroigiri came through the portal, and all of the villains gathered around him.

"Where's Bakugo?" Kuroigiri asked.

"Change of plans, we will take her...." Kugutsu gestured at Kaede.

Kuroigiri was frustrated but he nodded unwillingly. Strings shot out of Kugutu's sleeves and they wrapped around Kaede.

"Come back here!" Shoto yelled as he stood up and dashed towards the villain. Sadly, he was too late as the villains escaped and the portal was closed behind them.

Shoto was stunned as he fell onto his knees. He stared at the place where the villains had left in a daze. He punched the ground with his fists until blood seeped out of his knuckles.

"Uchiha...." Shoto muttered in sadness.


Hope you enjoy :)