Chapter 15: 【Sword-twenty-three】

"Oh my God! The sea was split in half!!"

"Is this something that human beings can do!?"

"Is this Rifan a monster?"

Looking at the headless, divided sea, ordinary people opened their mouths in unison.

[Dark King Rayleigh: if you just cut open the sea, although it is not easy, powerful swordsmen can also do it. However, this Rifan is not just cutting open the sea. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: the sword that can cut through cause and effect, oh, I kind of want to see this sword move up close.]

[Flower Sword Vista: it seems that the position of the World's Strongest Swordsman may really have to be replaced. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Anyway, are you interested in taking a gamble? I think that the latter two types of swordplay are also this Rifan's. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: well, I also bet that the latter two types of swordplay belong to Rifan.]

[Dark King Rayleigh: it seems that there is no way to gamble, hahaha, I also choose to believe that the latter two types of swordplay belong to Rifan. ]

At this time, powerful swordsmen felt that the latter two types of swordplay belonged to Rifan.

Sure enough, soon the second-place swordplay appeared on the gold list, and its owner was still Rifan.

——[swordplay list]2nd place, [Ten Thousand Swords Returning To The Sect], User; Rifan.

——as soon as the sword moves out, the mighty sword strength is born from the body, the body can turn into a puff of green smoke, the strength is scattered, and the ten thousand swords are like slaves seeing the master.  Can manipulate the ten thousand swords to launch attacks.


In the video, Rifan opened his eyes, and an invisible sword intent burst out from his body. 

At this moment, the swords that were inserted all over the earth seemed to have sensed and began to shake violently.

As soon as Rifan raised his hand, all the swords spontaneously flew up and condensed behind Rifan.

After the whiskers, the swords rushed forward sharply, impacting the mountain in front of him with immeasurable speed.

By the time the last sword flew over, the mountain that had existed was gone, leaving only a hollow.

[Dark King Rayleigh: this... it's a bit powerful, after this sword skill is used, my sword will be sucked away. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: this is really a bad match, if a sword master swords have been sucked away, how can he fight Rifan?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: the golden list should not be indiscriminate, it all said that after the use of the ten thousand swords, the ten thousand swords are like slaves seeing the lord. Sigh, shouldn't you be able to fight with Rifan with your sword in the future? ]

The second place in the [Swordplay List]has such strength, and now everyone is curious about what kind of power the first place swordplay should have.

In the midst of this anticipation, soon the Gold List updated the first place in Swordplay.

——[Swordplay List]

             1st place, 

[Sword-twenty-three], User, Rifan.

- twenty-three swords, forming a sword intent boundary, in which all things stop and are left to be slaughtered. 

In the demo video, they only see Rifan in the picture, originally in a place of fierce wind. Here, there are boulders and tree trunks rolled up by hurricanes everywhere.

Directly in front of Rifan, there was a tornado that covered the sky.

Originally, this tornado was rapidly approaching Rifan.

But strangely, in the next second, the whole scene seems to have pressed the pause button, and the whole thing comes to a standstill.

In the demonstration video, only Rifan was still walking slowly forward.

After reaching a certain distance, Rifan's body suddenly turned into a sharp sword and penetrated the tornado.

The next moment, everything is plural, and space-time begins to flow again.

However, the tornado that was already raging did dissipate directly out of thin air, without stirring up a little wind and sand.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: … ]

[Admiral Kizaru: … ]

[Flower Sword Vista: .... ]

After a long silence, at this time, everyone was a little speechless.

[Admiral Kizaru: It's so terrible that it can make everything stop, and I don't know if I can act after encountering it.]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: isn't this some kind of devil fruit, can pure swordplay do such a thing?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I am now more and more interested in this Rifan. ]

At the naval headquarters, Sengoku solemnly looked at Rifan's name on the gold list.

"The top 5 of the [Swordplay List]are all this man, and this last sword move, sword-twenty-three, is really too weird."

"Such a man, if he becomes an enemy of the navy..."

Speaking of which, the eyes of Sengoku are full of worry.

"Don't think about it too much, Sengoku." Tsuru said, "This man didn't make any trouble, don't position him as an enemy, maybe this man will become a navy in the future like that man Issho." "

"You're right, Tsuru, I'm more worried about the world." Sengoku shook his head, "But, anyway, this is a man worth paying attention to." "

"Let the navy below pay attention to this man."

"By the way, that girl, Nami, also pays attention to her."

"Although she is only the disciples, perhaps we can know some information about Rifan from her."

"Then again, the[Swordplay List]is over." Borsalino rubbed his chin, "next, it should be time to hand out the reward."
