Chapter 16: Future Card!

——Rewards will be distributed now. Names ranked 100 to 11 will receive 1 to 90 physical training pills.

——After using the training pills, within 24 hours, the training effect is doubled.

[Golden Lion Shiki: huh? training pill, that's it!?]

[Flower Sword Bista: The elixir that can double the training effect is good for some newcomers, but for the strong people, after the strength reaches a certain level have no effect. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Indeed, after the strength reaches a certain level, simple training can no longer work, and the deathmatch with the enemy can bring about an improvement in strength than training. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This gold list is so powerful, it should not only issue such a reward, I think the important rewards should be concentrated in the top ten, after all, only the 100th to 11th place rewards have been announced now. ]

Seeing Rayleigh's message, the crowd nodded in agreement.

The Gold List that can cover the whole world is certainly not a simple thing, and now there are 10 to 9 places that are separately distinguished, and there will definitely be great rewards.

——10th place, congratulations to Charlotte Linlin for winning the seed of observation haki.

——after using the observation haki seed, you can immediately awaken the observation haki.

[Redhead Shanks: Hey, hey, can there be such a thing? Isn't it cheating!? ]

Shanks's eyes widened, you know, the reason why he was able to awaken his observation haki was because he had trained hard, and after being beaten by Rayleigh multiple times, only he awakened it!

In addition to himself, even if you ask 99% of people in the golden list, they will also answer their experience just awakening it! Some are even on the tightrope of life and death before they awaken theirs!

Now, the reward of the Gold List can directly awaken a person's observation haki, how can it not surprise shanks!?

"Sure enough, after tenth place, the reward will be significantly improved!"

"If this reward is given to the navy, another good admiral will grow up."

"It's just a pity that no one in the naval organization has made his sword skills in the top ten."

Sengoku sighed deeply.

"Although it did not reach the top ten, Gion, Borsalino and other navies combined, got a lot of training pills."

"It can completely help the training of recruits."

Tsuru said.

"Observation Haki seed?" looking at a red seed that suddenly appeared in her hand, Charlotte Linlin frowned.

Just to the naked eye, Linlin did not see anything special about it at all.

After a little thought, Linlin put away the seeds and turned her head to look at the children around her.

"Listen, you guys."

"Whoever finds Rifan and invites him to my Toto Land, I will give this seed to whoever can bring Rifan."

Charlotte Linlin already awakened her observation haki, and there was no need to use this seed, so it was better to use it to urge the pirates to work.

Sure enough, after Linlin's words fell, many people showed their interested eyes.

This is also normal, although the Big Mom pirate group is strong, not everyone has awakened observation haki.

Among them, there are some people who rely on the ability of the devil fruit and are not good at haki.

——[Swordplay List] 9th place, congratulations to Charlotte Linlin for getting the future card.

——you can specify a scene at a certain point in the future and watch a detailed future picture of this point.


[Admiral Kizaru: ??? ]

[Flower Sword Bista: That is to say, the gold list can show the future!?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: This is interesting, it says it can show the specific future, does it mean that we can also watch it? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Use it, Linlin, aren't you curious about the future? I remember when the Golden List demonstrated your swordplay before, there was also a picture of you and one of the seven shichibukai, Jinbei. ]

At this time, everyone looked at the Golden List intently.

After the Gold List took out the future card as a reward, people finally affirmed that the gold list could indeed see the future.

Now, everyone is curious about what Charlotte Linlin's future looks like.

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Golden list, I want to use my future card, I want to see why I and Jinbei fight! ]

Within seconds, Charlotte Linlin had made a decision.

Soon, the Gold List began to play future events as Charlotte Linlin wished.

Dressed in a kimono, Jinbei stepped forward and walked over to Charlotte Linlin, who was unusually tall.

- Jinbei: "I'm going to quit the Big Mom Pirates and join the Straw Hat Pirates. As much life as you can take, I'll give it to you!"

-Luffy: Hey, what are you talking about, Jinbei!


[Update Schedule:

Daily chapter 1-2.

Every 100 stones: +1 chapter.

Sponsored chapter: + 2 chapters.]