Chapter 25: Revenge–

[Tl/n: +1 chapter for +hundred stones. So folks, you can leave 1 of your stones for more chapters.]

[Admiral Kizaru: That long-nosed fish-man, it seems to be Arlong, a former member of the Sun Pirate group, I remember that he seems to be standing on his own now, and he is the Captain of the Arlong Pirate group. ]

[Monousagi Gion: Bounty 20 million berry, do Nami and the Arlong Pirates have a vendetta?]

[Red-haired Shanks: Arlong Pirate group, I remember I heard about this pirate group in the east sea. Miss Nami is also from the east blue sea, and there should be an irreconcilable problem between the two of them, so she can't wait to use the teleportation scroll to find trouble with the Arlong Pirates. ]

"Nami really is back!?" looking at the live video in the sky, Nojiko was stunned for an instant, "She's so powerful, those two Fish-man were directly killed!"

"Nojiko, don't be stunned, we have to help Nami!" Genzo ran to Nojiko with a hoe, "Nami will definitely solve the Arlong pirate group, but we can't let her fight alone!"

"Yes, we have to help nami." Nojiko nodded, picked up a kitchen knife in her hand, and ran out with Genzo.

On the other side, inside the Arlong Park.

Unconsciously, the Nichiren sword in Nami's hand was already unsheathed.

[Tl/n: for some readers who don't know, the Nichiren sword is a sword from demon slayer. They are special blades used by and made specifically for the Demon Slayer Corps to slay demons.]

The golden blade and the lightning blade on the blade all proved the identity of Nami's breathing style.

"Nami, what are you doing?!"

"How dare you kill my companions?!"

Arlong, who had just been laughing, instantly became gloomy and looked at Nami with a fierce look.

"It's good that everyone is here." Nami swung the sun wheel sword and cleaned up the bloodstains on the sword.

"That way, I can safely kill everyone."

As soon as she came out of the portal, Nami did not rush to make a move but counted the number of pirates in the Arlong park.

In the ten years that she was forced to serve the Arlong pirate group as a navigator, Nami knew exactly how many fish-man pirates there were in the Arlong pirate group.

Everyone is there, which means that during Nami's operation, there will be no fishmen pirates who have slipped through the net to attack the villagers.

"Nami, you want to kill us all!?"

"Do you think you have the ability!?"

Hearing nami's whisper, Arlong snorted coldly.

"Whether I can do it or not, time will see." Nami then looked at Arlong, "Arlong, for ten years, you asked everyone on the island to buy their own lives with berry every month."

"100,000 berry for adults and 50,000 berry for children."

"Because of you, Bel-mere had to sacrifice herself and leave the money to us who were still young."

"And you just killed her so cruelly."

"Arlong, it's time to end you here."

As the words fell, Nami sheathed the sword, and her footsteps pulled back, her whole body tensed.

"Wait, Nami, isn't there a deal between us?" Seeing Nami's posture of thunder breathing, Arlong hurriedly said, "I said that as long as you save 100 million berry, you can redeem your village, right!?"

"We should be able to resolve this matter in a more peaceful way."

Hearing Arlong's words, Nami couldn't help but sneer.

"It's ridiculous that a pirate who has ruled the island in a brutal way for 10 years, and who destroys the village at every turn, would think of a peaceful solution."

"I believe the words of teacher Rifan that what comes from your mouth. And teacher Rifan also said that the leading role in solving problems should be in their own hands, and strength is the key to solving problems."

"Now, I am very grateful to teacher Rifan for giving me the strength to cut you with my own hands. Now you can die!"

"Breath of thunder•First Form: Thunderclap and Flash!"


In a rage, Nami went all out, and with a thunderclap, Nami's body quickly skimmed over Arlong's body.

Arlong didn't even have a chance to react, so he was cut off his head.

"Arlong! How is it possible? Arlong is obviously so powerful! How could he die in one attack!"

"This woman is a demon, run, everyone run!"

"Mom, I'd like to go back to Fishman island!"

Seeing that the strongest Arlong did not even have the slightest room for resistance and was directly killed, and the timid fishmen pirates directly collapsed.

"I won't let you go, everyone's ten years of grief, today, it will be cut off by the sword in my hand!"

After saying that, Nami ran directly to the fishmen pirates with her blade raging with yellow lightning.


[ Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha~, it's complete torture, it's so funny, I didn't think such a young girl could have such a side. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Hmm, this is also because the pirates brought painful memories to Miss Nami. At the end of the day, it's still the reason for you pirates. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: You dare to say it, navy. Then I'd like to ask you, navy. This Arlong pirate group has ruled the island for ten years, why haven't I seen your navy solve it? The east blue sea is not a new world, you must not say, the little pirates of the east sea, your navy can not deal with it. ]
