Chapter 26: New Dojo–

Naval Headquarters.

"Ten years, a small island in the east blue sea has been ruled for ten years, why have I not received any news?"

"Find out which branch is in charge of this!"

Sengoku's brow furrowed, and because of anger, a tic-tac-toe popped directly out of his forehead.

In the east blue sea, the weakest sea, an island was ruled by pirates for ten years, and the navy did nothing.

In the end, it is up to the parties themselves to solve the problem.

To put it nicely, the navy does not know about this matter, and it is understandable.

To put it mildly, the navy is inactive.

Ten years, you can imagine how difficult it is for the people living on the island ruled by the Arlong Pirate group.

"Reporting to the Fleet Admiral, we have found out."

"In charge of that area is colonel mouse of the 16th branch of the navy."

A navy saluted the Sengoku and answered quickly.

"Contact this rat colonel, and I'll hear his explanation."

"Yes!" The navy quickly pulled out the den-den mushi and contacted colonel Rat.

At the same time, the battle between Nami and the Arlong pirates has come to an end.

Although nami's strength is only the level of a Rear Admiral, it is not something that pirates of this level like the Arlong pirate group can resist.

Besides, the extremely fast swordplay of thunder's breath made Nami unstoppable.

In just a few minutes, dozens of fishmen pirates were all split into two pieces by Nami.

Suddenly, Arlong Park was full of broken limbs and severed arms, and the pond in Arlong park was red.

This scene was seen by the villagers of more than twenty villages on the island.

Suddenly, everyone was running towards Arlong Park, wanting to see their hero.

"Great, Genzo, Nami did it!" Nojiko, who was running, looked at Genzo with excitement.

"Yeah, it's great…" Even though the image on the gold list has disappeared, the scene of Nami killing the Fishman pirate has been deeply imprinted in Genzo's mind, "Bel-mer, be proud, your daughter has really grown."

At the same time, Rifan on the uninhabited island received a prompt from his system.

-Ding! Congratulations to the host disciple Nami for recovering the island of Cocoyashi, and the host can now move the current dojo to the island of Cocoyashi.

- on the island of Cocoyashi, the host is free to move.

- congratulations to the first disciple of the host for officially reclaiming an island, and rewarding the host for the time training chamber.

- one disciple is limited to one use and can be used for two years at a time.

"Finally, it came to fruition."

Hearing the prompt of the system, the corners of Rifan's mouth involuntarily cocked.

"system, take the current dojo to Nami's island."

As soon as the words fell, Rifan and the dojo pavilion itself suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the uninhabited island.

A second later, at the back hill of the village of Cocoyashi, a dojo appeared out of thin air.

"Finally!" Walking out of the Dojo hall, Rifan looked at the crowd running below.

With a thought in his mind, Rifan's figure disappeared, and he decided to meet Nami.

With all his strength, Rifan instantly came to Arlong Park.

At this time, Nami completely lost the heroic posture of killing the fishmen pirates just now, but instead fell to her knees and cried continuously.

"What's wrong, you got your revenge, are you not happy?"

Rifan walked behind Nami and asked leisurely.

"Teacher Rifan?!" hearing the familiar voice behind her, Nami was stunned and quickly turned around.

When she saw that Rifan was really standing behind her, Nami's beautiful eyes widened and she directly threw herself into Rifan's arms.

"Woohoo... I did, I did it, teacher. "

"Now, everyone will not be persecuted."

"If only Bel-mer could see what was going on here, how nice it would be."

Rifan raised his hand and patted Nami on the back.

"You work hard for it to happen, and Bel-mer will certainly be proud of you."

In the month of teaching Nami, Rifan had already heard about Nami's life experience from her mouth.

Bel-mer's affairs, Rifan naturally knew.

At this time, Nojiko and Genzo had also come to Arlong Park.

Seeing Nami and Rifan standing side by side, Nojiko couldn't help but be stunned.

"Who is that person?" Genzo frowned and planned to go over and talk to Nami.

"Wait, Genzo!" Nojiko quickly grabbed Genzo's arm, "That man, it's Rifan!" "

"Rifan…Nami's teacher?!" Genzo looked at it with wide eyes, "it's really him!" "

Although only Rifan's side could be seen, it did not prevent Genzo from recognizing Rifan's identity.

"Let's leave it to Nami and Rifan here, and we'll go in later."

Nojiko smiled slightly and led the villagers out of the gate of the Arlong park.

Rifan naturally sensed the breath of Nojiko and others, and after a while, Rifan put his hands on Nami's shoulders and pushed her away slightly.

"Well, don't cry, your sister is already here."

With that, Rifan raised his finger to Nojiko's position.

"Nojiko!" Looking at where Rifan's hand was pointing, Nami did see Nojiko, "Teacher, i..."

"Go, we have a chance to meet, let's talk later." Rifan patted nami's shoulder, "Now, first share this joy with your family."

"Hmmm!" Hearing this, Nami nodded heavily and ran to Nojiko.

Seeing the figure of Nami who seemed to have unloaded a thousand pounds of burden, Rifan smiled and turned back to the Dojo hall in the back mountain of Cocoyashi village.

Not long after, the reward that belonged only to Rifan appeared.
