Chapter 27: Buster Call!

"Oh, why is the picture gone?"

"What the hell is going on with Nami now?"

"Zoro, you ask, is Nami okay over there?"

Luffy pulled Zoro over and asked.

"Okay, don't pull, I'll ask now."

Patting Luffy's hand away, Zoro looked solemnly at the golden list.

Just now, it was the first time that Zoro had seen Nami's real shot.

Although they sailed together for a while, each time Nami hid behind and let him and Luffy fight in the front.

Therefore, Zoro had always thought that Nami was only a woman with strong navigation skills when she was there.

After the exposure of the gold list, he knew how badly he was wrong.

[Zoro: Nami, you really can hide so deeply. Luffy asks you, are you okay over there? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: the little girl must be fine, and now they must be celebrating with the people in the village. Fortunately, the little girl had obtained the teleportation scroll, otherwise, by the time she returned by boat, I was afraid that the village would have been messed up. I really didn't expect that Hachi would also be in this pirate group, it was a pity. ]

After sending this message, Rayleigh shook his head and drank the wine out of his glass.

"There's no way around it." Shakky refilled the wine in Rayleigh's glass, "That is the path that Hachi chose for himself, and to become a pirate, he must have the consciousness of being crusaded."

"I know, it's just a little sentimental." Rayleigh smiled gratefully at Shakky and drank the wine from his glass again.

Rayleigh doesn't hate Nami for killing the fishman pirates but is just a little sad about the departure of a good friend.

"Forget it, the wine in the bar today, you can drink it all." Seeing Rayleigh's appearance, Shakky directly placed the bottle on Rayleigh's table, "However, don't go to the drunken madness, now you are not an old man, at least reflect the image of your title Dark King."

"Haha, although I have become younger, in terms of psychological age, I am still a retired old man." Rayleigh smiled and took the bottle and poured it straight up.

[Golden Lion Shiki: This gold list is broadcast all over the world, in order to avoid those fish people who see her strength, it is also understandable that Nami will use the teleportation scroll. It's just a pity that in this way, there is one less tool to go to the ultimate island. All that was left was the teleportation scroll in Riffan's hand. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Haha, the teleportation scroll in Riffan's hand is not easy to get, that guy is the guy who defeated Hawkeye head-on with his sword skills alone. I don't even want to fight such a person. I just don't know if the navy and the world government dare to let him hand over the teleportation scroll. ]

[Issho: Sire Riffan is not a criminal, even if he receives a reward, it is his own thing. I don't think the navy should force Sire Riffan to hand over the teleportation scroll. ]

Seeing Issho's speech, Sengoku, who was about to ask Gion to relay something, couldn't help but be stunned.

Yes, Riffan is not a criminal, not a pirate.

He is just a powerful sword master.

If the navy forcibly asked Riffan to give them the reward he had received, what was the difference between that and the pirates.

Although it is indeed necessary for the navy to control the teleportation scroll in his hands for the sake of the stability of the sea, it is not necessary for the navy to leave a message on the Gold List and let the world see their domineering action against a civilian.

This will inevitably make the pirates laugh, and it will also make civilians unhappy with the navy's approach.

What worries the Sengoku, even more, is that such an approach may make the future admiral dissatisfied with the navy and not join the navy.

If this situation is really created, then the navy will really lose a lot.

"Let's talk to this Riffan in person, Sengoku." Tsuru looked at Sengoku and said,

What Sengoku can think of, Tsuru can naturally think of.

"Moreover, this Riffan's strength is really strong and terrible."

"To be able to defeat Hawkeye in one move, we'd better get the teleportation scroll in a peaceful way."

Tsuru's idea was simple, that is, they should not build a strong and terrible enemy for the navy.

The four emperors of the new world were already troublesome enough, and if there was one more Riffan, the departure of the navy would be even more uncomfortable.

"Hmp, what about defeating Hawkeye? The scrolls are too dangerous, and the navy has to get their hands on it no matter what." Akainu snorted coldly, "If someone gets Roger's treasure, it will definitely bring great instability to this sea."

"Compared to this, what is there to be afraid of by offending Riffan?"

"Although that guy is strong in swordplay, it doesn't mean that we can't deal with it."

"The more powerful the move, the greater the consumption, whether it is [Rule Of The Sword] or his other sword skills, it will definitely consume Riffan's physical strength sharply."

"As long as we are ready to use the general military strength of the Buster Call, it will be enough to consume Riffan to death!"
