Chapter 28: Challenge–

"Isn't it too much of an exaggeration, Sakasuki, Rifan hasn't done anything, and you're going to send a Buster Call!?"

Hearing Akainu's words, Aokiji looked at Akainu with a cold face.

"Hmp, wait until he does anything, it's too late." For the cold face of Aokiji, Akainu also did not have a good face, "Moreover, even if we don't go to find that Rifan, those pirates will go to him. Do we have to wait until the pirates get the teleportation scrolls before we start? "

"I don't think any pirate can easily snatch something from Rifan's hand." Aokiji retorted.

"Okay, you two." seeing that the quarrel between Aokiji and Akainu had a tendency to escalate, Sengoku quickly interrupted the two, "after finding Rifan, first have friendly exchanges, and as for the matter after that, wait for the exchange before deciding."

In a word, Sengoku made up his mind.

In the current uncertain situation, even if the teleportation scroll is too special, Sengoku feels that it is better to adopt a more secure plan.

In addition, Sengoku was also very curious about what props Rifan would get from the Golden List.

The reward of a fifth-place is already so troublesome, and the reward of the first four belongs to Rifan alone, what will it be?

According to the rewards of the top four, Sengoku felt that adjustments might be made to Rifan's plan.

——[Swordplay List]4th place, congratulations to Rifan for obtaining the [Conqueror's Haki seed]. After using it, you can immediately awaken Conqueror's Haki.

[Redhead Shanks: !?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: !? ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Conqueror's Haki? Can this ability also rely on props to awaken!? ]

[Admiral Kizaru: It's really scary, only one person in a million people can awaken the power of the Conqueror's Haki, but now, you can even rely on a single seed to awaken. In other words, in the future, there will be a situation where people who know Conqueror's Haki are all over the sea. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: As expected of the Gold List, everything is possible, even the Conqueror's Haki is a good thing, but for the gold list it is just a prop, how many people can get it. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Perhaps, Rifan himself has Conqueror's Haki, this thing may not be of any use to him, haha. ]

'Conqueror's Haki seeds, I don't need this stuff.'

Looking at the black seed that appeared in his hand, Rifan raised an eyebrow.

Ten years after coming to the pirate world, Rifan's Conqueror's Haki had long since awakened, and the rewards given by the Golden List were of no use to him.

——[Swordplay List]rank 3rd, congratulations to Rifan for obtaining the chakra seed, after using it, he can randomly awaken any attribute of chakra energy.

[ Redhead Shanks: Chakra? I haven't heard of it, Vice-Captain Rayleigh, have you heard of it? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: unheard power, maybe this is something unique to the golden list.] ]

'Good fellow, you would actually give this reward.' Rifan raised an eyebrow, "fortunately, this reward is obtained by me, and if others get it, it may not be of any use. '

Rifan can use ninjutsu, or rather, Rifan himself was a ninjutsu master.

Naturally, Rifan also possessed the power of chakra.

However, Rifan was not able to awaken the chakra seeds of the others.

If you let others get it, those who don't know ninjutsu will at best have a little more power similar to the armament haki.

However, Rifan was able to rely on his own knowledge of ninjutsu to cultivate a great ninja.

Thinking of the picture of someone among his disciples in the future using water jutsu to summon seawater to deal with the devil fruit user, Rifan felt a burst of amusement.

——[Swordplay List]2nd place, congratulations to Rifan for winning the "devil fruit——??? ]x2.

——[devil fruit——??? ], the name is to be unlocked, and it takes a challenge to unlock the name.

—— after winning the battle, the devil fruit of the person with this ability will be obtained, and the devil fruit obtained has no weakness of the sea and the sea stone.

—— if you give up, you can get two artificial devil fruits at random, and the artificial devil fruits obtained had a weakness of the sea and sea stone.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: this reward is somewhat similar to my previous reward, except that mine is a sword, while Rifan's is a devil fruit, and it is two. ]

[Redhead Shanks: this reward is the most interesting, he can also randomly pick a future opponent to fight, and maybe inadvertently reveal a little bit of future information. but although it is two devil fruits, the number of challenges is the same as yours, Hawkeye. To get two devil fruits, he needs to win two challenge. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: challenging victory can get the devil fruit on the other side, and it is a devil fruit that is not afraid of the sea, which is really scary. In other words, if the devil fruit ability person of the current time period was selected, and Rifan won the victory, would he take away the ability of that devil fruit user? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahahaha, if this is the case, we, devil fruit ability users, have to be careful. ]

[Momousagi Gion: artificial devil fruits? Is such a thing unique to the golden list, or is there really someone on this sea who makes artificial devil fruits? ]
