Chapter 34: Future Kaido Vs Rifan–

[Tl/n: Additional chapter. Btw, the stone is quite fast, maybe it's not impossible for 8-chapters or maybe 10 in a day.]


'Damn you gold list, why would I have encountered such a thing!'

On the dingy boat, Teach's face was extremely gloomy.

'The dark fruit was eaten by that bastard of Thatch, am I going to give up my dream?' '

Wait, Rifan still has a dark fruit in his hand, and it's a dark fruit that is not afraid of the sea! '

'If I can get it... however, is there any way to get the dark fruit from Rifan? '

Looking at Rifan on the gold list, Teach's eyes gradually became deeper.

'HUH?! is that?'

'DAMN, Vista this bastard!'

Suddenly, there was another message on the gold list.

Seeing this message, Teach immediately fell into a state of rage.

[Foil Vista: Teach has been expelled from the Whitebeard Pirates, and what he does in the future has nothing to do with our Whitebeard Pirates. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: hmm, just banished him from the pirate group? Whitebeard, you are really a good old man, in the face of such a traitor, you did not even kill him. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: if it was me, I will definitely take away his entire life!]

[Redhead Shanks: Anyway, Teach's departure is a good thing. What I'm more curious about now is who Rifan will fight next. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: I'm also quite curious about this, just now what the golden list said is the future time period, the place is the Land of Wano. I remember that the place seems to be a samurai nation, but it's a country that is disconnected from the world. Is Rifan fighting a certain Samura?]

[Redhead Shanks: Wait, that guy is Kaido!? And Luffy is there!? ]

In the future scene, Luffy made a jump as he transformed into his Gear Fourth Bounce-man and slammed a heavy punch into Kaido's head in the dragon state.

The powerful destructive force rolled up a gust of wind and waves.

[Admiral Kizaru: this boy is really everywhere. He had fought Golden Lion, Clashed with Charlotte Linlin, and now punched Kaido to the ground with one punch. it's just... horrible! ]

[Redhead Shanks: Luffy... you're a mess in the future. ]

[ Dark King Rayleigh: hahaha, I'm getting more and more interested in this Luffy now. ] 

In the Land of Wano, where the hundred beast pirates are stationed.

Kaido looked at the picture in the Gold List with a gloomy face.

"This boy, in the future, will actually come to the Land of Wano and fight with me?"

"However, this guy should not be qualified to fight with me."

Sure enough, after a while, Kaido in the picture made Luffy fly out with his Thunder Bagua

[Golden Lion Shiki: this boy is also a legend, and I am now curious if he was shot to death by Kaido's mace ]

[ Admiral Kizaru: This duel seems to be between Rifan and the Future Kaido to fight. I am curious if Rifan had the ability to kill Kaido. ]

[ Red-haired Shanks: I'm curious too. ]

Kaido, known as the strongest creature, has always been a troublemaker.

Not only the navy but even Whitebeard doesn't want to face this guy. Not because he was afraid, but it's because it was troublesome.

This guy once used his strong physical ability to challenge the navy and the four emperors alone and was sentenced to death more than forty times. 

However, because of his strong physical ability, they did not succeed in the execution once. In the eyes of people, Kaido has long become an unkillable monster.

Now, it's a decisive battle between Rifan and the Future Kaido, the four emperors, and the Navy are extremely interested in what kind of outcome this decisive battle will be.

This, of course, includes Kaido himself.

'Oh~ a devil fruit of Kaido... who should I use it for in the future?'

Seeing Kaido transform into a dragon and rush towards him, Rifan not only did not have a trace of nervousness but was thinking about how to deal with this devil fruit.

As for eating it himself, Rifan had no such thoughts at all.

With his strength, the devil fruit appeared superfluous, even if it was the quake devil fruit. 

At the same time as Rifan was pondering, Kaido had already come to Rifan's near front, and the sharp dragon claws clad with armament haki fiercely grabbed Rifan.

Rifan lightly touched the ground with both feet, and in a flash, he came to a distance of many kilometers from Kaido.

'Unkillable Kaido huh, well after today, people won't think that you're unkillable anymore. '

The corners of Rifan's mouth cocked, and as soon as he raised his hand, a strong sword intent spilled out of Rifan's body, forming a sharp sword. In the blink of an eye, behind Rifan, thousands of long swords appeared.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: That's… Ten thousand swords returning to the sect! ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Does he want to use this move, a continuous sword? it's interesting, whether the shield is more powerful, or the spear is more powerful. ]

Doflamingo: "Fufufu... whether Rifan can defeat Kaido really made everyone curious. "

Moonlight Moria: "Kill this guy Kaido!"

In the face of Rifan's ten thousand swords returning to the sect, Kaido seemed to sense the danger, as he swung his dragon's tail violently, and rushed towards the sky.

He wanted to open the distance and wait for the right time to attack Rifan.

"Can you run..." Rifan put two fingers together and pointed at Kaido.

In the next second, the countless swords behind Rifan turned into streams of light and rushed towards Kaido.
