Chapter 35: Dragon Bone–

Kaido's body is undoubtedly powerful.

With that extreme defensive power, even in the face of the fiercest attack of the four emperors of the same level, it was difficult to form much damage. 

However, in the face of Rifan's ten thousand swords returning to the sect, each sword skimming over Kaido's body could form a beam of a void.

For a moment, blood-covered Kaido's body, and blood fell from the sky.

At this time, Kaido's terrifying resilience could not keep up with the damage caused by the ten thousand swords' intent.

People were horrified to see that Kaido's body was first scaled and then flesh and blood regenerated the next second. But after a few minutes, Kaido's body was only a skeleton. His regeneration speed couldn't keep up with the damage he received!

Even if it is a skeleton, people can see the clear cracks on it!

In the land of peace, Kaido's eyes widened, and the Wine gourd in his hand was crushed without realizing it.

His own things are clear to himself, when transformed into a dragon form, Kaido's own endurance, physical strength, resilience, etc. are in the strongest state.

Even if the attack power may not be the strongest state, but in terms of anti-blow ability, it is indeed the top.

And it was this condition with the strongest defensive power, that he was cut to the bone by Rifan's ten thousand swords!

How can Kaido accept it!?

At this time, all the pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirate group looked at Kaido in fear.

Kaido's temper, they all knew. Now, seeing his future self being wiped out alive, the pirates fear that Kaido will be angry with himself and others.

At this time, even King, who was deeply trusted by Kaido and the Hundred Beasts pirate group, did not know how to persuade Kaido.

Sure enough, the next moment, Kaido directly transformed into a dragon form and flew high into the air.


The fiery dragon's breath, accompanied by a huge Dragon howl, smashed into the distant high mountain, half of the mountain, directly evaporated by the powerful dragon's breath.

For a time, the entire inhabitants of the Land of Wano were in a state of uneasiness.

The Land of Wano, the island of Onigashima.

Kaido's daughter Yamato, her eyes lit up at the scene in the gold list.

If I could learn this trick, wouldn't I be able to defeat that bastard father of mine!"

And that bastard fruit, if I can get it... how nice it would be!'

Due to a disagreement, Yamato is handcuffed by Kaido and will explode when she leaves the Island of Onigashima.

Yearning for freedom, she naturally wants to get rid of Kaido's clamps, but the gap in strength makes it impossible for her to resist Kaido.

At this moment, because of the death of Kaido in the future, almost everyone in the world is in a state of extreme surprise.

"Even Kaido can't stop this move?" Doflamingo had a dignified look on his face.

He knew that if even Kaido couldn't stop Rifan's move, then it would be even more impossible for him to resist Rifan.

"Fufufu beating Hawkeye and Kaido in a row, which is undoubtedly the strongest in the world."

"Does this sea really tolerate such a monster, Fufufu..."

[Golden Lion Shiki: I don't know what to say anymore, Rifan's swordplay is no longer something I can understand. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: The swordplay of the second place in the swordplay list can kill Kaido and the power of the first swordplay… what kind of effect it will have.]

[Admiral Kizaru: So scary. To think he could cut Kaido into a pile of bones.]

After the message, Borsalino looked at the Sengoku and said:

"Marshal, are we really going to find that Rifan for the scroll? I always think that guy is a little too dangerous."

Sengoku's face was solemn, and after seeing such a fragment, he naturally knew Rifan's terror.

Kaido was a being that none of their navies could execute, and he couldn't resist Rifan's swordplay.

This showed that the destructive power of Rifan's swordplay had far exceeded the means of their navy.

If such a person is the enemy of the navy, just thinking about it, Sengoku will get a headache.

What's more, with the quake devil fruit and dark devil fruit he had obtained before, Rifan now had three rare devil fruits in his hand.

Even if Rifan didn't eat the devil fruit, he could rely on these three fruits to develop his own power.

"No matter what, we still have to find a way to contact Rifan." After a slight sigh, Sengoku said, "However, when you make contact, you can't be arrogant and domineering, you have to give that guy enough respect."

"Such a person, if not a partner of the navy, cannot become an enemy of the navy."

Hearing the words of the Sengoku, everyone nodded.

At this time, even Akainu agreed with the view of Sengoku.

If it is a coincidence to defeat Hawkeye.

Then killing Kaido again is enough to prove that Rifan's hard power has reached a terrifying level.

If the navy and Rifan are at war, even if they can win, the price paid is absolutely tragic.

The idea of not being able to make an enemy of Rifan suddenly became the consensus of all the great forces on the sea.

On the other side, where Rifan is.

Seeing kaido, who had been cut to the bone by himself, Rifan was slightly surprised.

"This Kaido's body, his defense is really good."

"I thought that the power just now should be able to destroy his body, but in the end, there were bones left."

"I should have done more."

Although Rifan's words were quiet, through the golden list, they reached the ears of everyone on the sea.

For a moment, people were all on a "are you a demon?"

Kaido, who had just calmed down slightly, was once again in a state of rage.
