Chapter 47: Enticement–

Before entering the bathroom, Nami looked at Rifan with mischievous eyes as she hooked her fingers at Rifan as if inviting him.

After a while, the sound of falling water came out of the bathroom.

"This girl really doesn't think of me as an outsider." Rifan shook his head, picked up Nami's swimsuit, and then put a clean set of clothes at the door.

After doing all this, Rifan walked to the kitchen door.

Pulling open the door, what appeared in front of Rifan was a vast space the size of two football fields.

On one side, there are a variety of rare ingredients, vegetables and fruits side by side, meat side by side, and aquatic products side by side.

From a distance, half of the space is paved with exquisite ingredients.

There are some ingredients that the pirate world does not have.

Rifan walked to the ingredient area, carefully selected some ingredients, and began to cook. inside the bathroom, Nami pressed her ear to the door.

When she sensed that Rifan was getting farther and farther away from her, Nami couldn't help but pout.

"Really, obviously I'm like this, don't you want to come in?"

"It's been two years, and I should be more attractive than before."

"this leg, this face, should be fine."

"why can't you attract that guy?"

Drenched in cool water, Nami felt some resentment in her heart.

After two years of getting along, Nami has already regarded Rifan as the most important person.

Therefore, Nami was completely defenseless against Rifan.

However, to Nami's regret, although Rifan cared for her during this time, most of his time was spent training Nami. Even Nami didn't find many opportunities to get close to Rifan.

On this last day, she plucked up the courage to try to seduce Rifan, but she didn't expect Rifan to leave directly.

This makes Nami not know how to complain.

Thinking of this, Nami didn't have much of a heart to bathe, and after simply washing her body, after changing into the clothes that Rifan had prepared for her.

She went to the kitchen.

In just a short time, delicious and exquisite dishes have been placed on a table. "Come, sit down."

"After training, it is important to eat to replenish energy."

"I've got your favourite food ready for you, so you can try it."

Rifan smiled.

"Hmm.'' Nami bowed her head slightly, stepped over to Rifan's side and sat down.

"Ohh~, sure enough, teacher Rifan, your cooking is the best."

As the food entered her mouth, the little complaint in her heart disappeared in an instant, and Nami's face was full of enjoyment.

"It's also thanks to these ingredients." Rifan smiled, "The cooking made with these ingredients is much better than the training pill issued by Golden List, you can eat more." "

"I don't want it." Nami shook her head, "if I gain weight, what will I do if you don't like me in the future?"

As she spoke, Nami looked at Rifan with a slightly red face.

"Rest assured, my dishes are nutritionally balanced and won't make you fat so easily."

"You haven't gained weight in the past two years, have you?"

"Even if you gain weight, exercise for a while, you can also lose weight."

Rifan said with a smile.

"Even though you say that... by the way, Teacher Rifan, since these dishes are even better than training pills, it is better to let Nojiko also eat this soon."

"Unfortunately, these ingredients can only be eaten by my regular disciples." Rifan shook his head.

"Oh, that's it." hearing this, Nami lowered her head and felt some pity in her heart.

Sure enough, it was still necessary to let Nojiko become a formal disciple of teacher Rifan. '

Unfortunately, Teacher didn't want to say where the other dojos were. '

Otherwise, she can go directly to the sea with Nojiko to find the dojo. '

Seeing Nami's thoughtful look, Rifan shook his head and said:

"Let's eat first, Nami, it's almost time for us to leave."

Hearing Rifan's words, Nami patted her face and sped up her eating speed.

After about twenty minutes, Nami's training time finally ran out.

The next moment, Nami and Rifan returned to the hall of the Dojo together.

At this time, the outside world had only passed two seconds.

"When I came back, I always felt like I was in a trance."

Nami sighed.

"Okay, don't sigh." Rifan said, "Next you can move freely, I will go to another Dojo Hall first."

Just now, the system informed him that there were two people entering the dojo on the other side of the cactus island.

One of them was Rifan's second disciple, Princess Vivi.

"The other dojos, is that Vivi?"

Nami turned around nervously, but there was no figure of Rifan behind her.

"Really, he runs so fast." Nami stomped her feet, "Did he want to see Vivi that much?"

With a sigh, Nami walked over to the ward and opened the door.

"You are..." Hearing the sound of the door being pulled open, Nojiko looked up in confusion, "Wait, are you Nami!?" "

"Yes, it's me." Nami smiled and sat down by Nojiko's bed, "Now, I'm a little older than you, hehe."
