Chapter 48: Meeting–

"Princess, is this what you call Rifan's Dojo Hall?"

"There doesn't seem to be anyone here."

The captain of the Alabasta guard, Igaram, who had infiltrated the baroque work club with Vivi, looked around cautiously, afraid that Rifan would suddenly appear beside him.

"Strange, he was there not long ago."

Vivi frowned slightly.

"Are you looking for me?" Suddenly, Rifan's voice sounded next to Vivi and Igaram.

"It's really you, Rifan." turning his head in the direction of the sound and looking at Rifan who appeared in front of him, Igaram opened his mouth wide.

"Great, you're still here." Vivi happily trotted to Rifan's side.

"Igaram, you should believe me now."

"Teacher Rifan really accepted me as his disciple."

Igaram nodded idiotically and slapped himself in the face.

"Well... it hurts, is it real?! "

"Hee-hee, Igaram, you're the same as I was before." looking at the slap mark on Igaram's face, Vivi smiled.

"Igaram, just wait for me here for a while."

"It won't be long before you see a completely different me."

"Isn't that right, Teacher Rifan?"

Vivi still remembered the magic of the time training chamber that Rifan had said before.

Rifan nodded, turned and walked to the door of the time training chamber.

"Let's go, Vivi, let's get started as soon as possible."

"Okay, teacher Rifan." Vivi walked quickly to Rifan's side.

"Well, Igaram, we'll see you later."

As soon as the words stopped, Vivi followed Rifan into the door.

Seeing this, Igaram rushed to the door.

However, in the next instant, Rifan and Vivi walked out of the door.

"This... are you, princess Vivi!?" Looking at Vivi, dressed in a ninja tight suit and carrying a  'large sword' wrapped around a bandage, Igaram was quite surprised.

"Igaram, I haven't seen you in two years. No, for you, I've just left for a moment." Vivi laughed.

"Really... two years later?! Your face seems to have really matured a lot! "

"After practicing for two years, of course, there will be some changes." Vivi shook her fist, "Now I should have the strength to bring down Crocodile." "

"Ok, don't be careless." Rifan said, "Although, in the past two years, you have developed the amount of chakra to a qualified level. "

"All kinds of water ninjutsu have also been well mastered."

"But your actual combat experience is too little, and I suggest that you practice in my secret realm for a while before returning to Alabasta."

Hearing this, Vivi nodded and said:

"Hmm, I listen to you, teacher Rifan."

In two years, Vivi had great trust in Rifan, so she agreed to Rifan's proposal without hesitation.

"Igaram, I plan to practice fully with teacher Rifan in the near future."

"During this time, I would like to ask you to hide my whereabouts from the baroque work society."

"When I have enough strength, I will return to Alabasta to solve the threat of Crocodile."

At the same time, after speaking, a momentum that belonged only to the strong people flowed from Vivi's body.

Feeling the momentum, Igaram nodded.

"I understand, Princess Vivi."

"You can rest assured that you should cultivate here with your excellency Rifan, and during this time, I will try my best to cover up your whereabouts."

With that, Igaram left the dojo and went to make preparations.

When it was learned that the civil unrest in Alabasta was caused by Crocodile, one of the Shichibukai.

Igaram and Vivi were equally desperate.

Now that Vivi had truly become a disciple of Rifan and had the power to confront Crocodile, how could Igaram not be excited!?

"Teacher Rifan, let's start now."

After Igaram left, Vivi immediately looked at Rifan and said, 

Rifan nodded and said, "Before that, I'll take you to meet Nami first." "

"Nami, teacher Rifan's first disciple!" Hearing Rifan's words, for some reason, Vivi felt a little nervous.

"Rest assured, in general, Nami is still a very nice person to get along with." Rifan patted Vivi's shoulder, "as your senior, she can also point you out in some places."

With that, Rifan directly activated the system's authority and returned to the Dojo Hall in Cocoyashi village with Vivi.

"Okay, we're here."

"Arrived?" Vivi looked around, "nothing seems to have changed, right?" "

As soon as the words stopped, the door in the corner of the Dojo was opened, and Nami's figure stepped out of it.

"You're Vivi?" looking at Vivi standing next to Rifan, Nami's eyes flashed with light.

"Oh, you're Nami-senpai, hello, I'm Vivi." For some reason, being watched by Nami, Vivi felt some caution.
