Chapter 49: Colonel Smoker Arrival–

"Nami, I'm going to take Vivi to the secret realm to train."

"Do you want to come?"

Rifan asked.

"Well, of course." Nami walked over to Vivi with a smile, "Vivi, we are all disciples of teacher Rifan, let's have a good chat after that."

"Oh, well... All right."

After seeing the two getting to know each other, Rifan led the two into the secret realm and began the next step of training. 

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

After communicating, Vivi and Nami gradually became acquainted.

As for Nojiko, she also began her own training under the guidance of Rifan.


"Colonel Smoker, we're almost here."

In the sea of the village of Cocoyashi, Tashigi put down her telescope and reported to Smoker, who was standing next to her.

Smoker nodded, but after a few seconds, he frowned as if thinking of something, "still can't contact Colonel Mouse?"

"We can't get in touch." Tashigi shook her head, "We haven't been able to contact him since the last phone call two days ago."

"I see, this guy, shouldn't he have been killed?"

"Colonel Smoker, you mean that Nami killed Colonel Mouse!?"

"Maybe, but we still need to investigate to find out. Tashigi, let everyone get ready, we're going to land."

Hearing this, Tashigi nodded and ran to announce Smoker's order.

A few minutes later, the navy led by Smoker set foot on the land of the Village of Cocoyashi.

"What is this?" As he walked to the surface where Nojiko had shattered with the power of the shock fruit, Smoker narrowed his eyes.

"Navy, what are you going to do here!?" Just when Smoker was a little confused about the cracks in the ground.

Genzo came to them with a few villagers.

"You are the villagers of this village."

"I'm Captain Smoker of Loguetown."

"We are ordered to investigate Colonel Mouse of the 17th branch of the east blue sea."

"But he disobeyed the order and came to this village without permission, and we couldn't contact him after that."

"Have you ever seen Colonel Mouse?"

Smoker asked.

"This..." Genzo frowned and glanced at the villagers beside him.

The villagers nodded firmly at Genzo.

With a sigh, Genzo looked at Smoker and said:

"That Colonel Mouse has been killed by us, and the other navies are dead."

"If you're going to hold someone accountable, you can arrest us!"

Hearing Genzo's words, Smoker frowned.

"You say you guys killed the navy?"

"That's right, that Mouse Colonel is more vicious than pirates!"  Genzo clenched his fists, "As soon as he came here, he wanted to arrest innocent people and pointed a gun at us, and we were forced to kill them out of necessity!" 

"How could it be, how could the navy do that!?" Tashigi pursed her lips and wanted to come forward and theorize.

Just then, there was a cry of surprise not far away.

"Don't run, I won't hurt you, I'm a doctor!"

Smoker and the others followed the sound and saw a naval soldier dressed as a navy running quickly in their direction.

Behind him, a man dressed as a doctor was struggling to chase him.

"Navy?!" seeing Smoker and the others, the chased navy's eyes lit up and he ran over quickly.

Genzo and the others tried to stop him but found that a layer of white smoke suddenly appeared around them and trapped them.

It was this obstruction that allowed the navy to run smoothly to Smokers' side.

"abominable!" Genzo roared angrily, "Doctor, why did this guy run out?" "

"I... I didn't pay attention. Seeing this, the doctor had to stop, "just now I was busy treating other people, this guy suddenly woke up and ran out without me noticing."

Smoker glanced at Genzo and the others, who were looking anxious, and asked the navy who was gasping for breath in front of him:

"You're Colonel Mouse's navy?"

"Yes, sir!" The navy nodded heavily.

"What about Colonel Mouse?"

"Reporting sir, I don't know. All I remember is that a blue-haired woman suddenly appeared and attacked us, and that power was like the shock fruit used by Teach in the Gold List!" As he spoke, the navy's body trembled, "When I woke up, I seemed to hear the villagers say that I was the only one in the navy who was still alive and that everyone else was dead!"

"Shock Fruit, blue-haired woman?" Smoker's face became serious, "Then it wasn't that Nami, could it be that Rifan gave the shock devil fruit to another person?"
