Chapter 68: Random Teleportation Scroll—

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Rifan just said that he wouldn't wait for the navy, what does this mean? ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: don't you understand this, Linlin. Rifan's intention was obviously that if there were other suitable people before Gion arrived there, he would also accept them. I should be right, right Rifan?]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Is that really the case, Sire Rifan? I'm also a swordsman, I don't know if I have this honor to study under you? ]

[Skeleton Brook: Yohohoho~ ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Then again, a Dojo hall only accepts one disciple, and this rule is a bit peculiar. However, I don't know how many Dojo halls Rifan has at hand, and that Gion should have just asked Rifan if there were only three Dojo halls on his hands. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: Depending on the situation, Rifan seems to enjoy receiving disciples, so the number of Dojo halls should not be only three.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~, I suddenly understand Rifan a little.] ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: One likes to accept his son, one likes to accept disciples, hehe, there are really some similarities. ]

"Damn, how can teacher Rifan be like this? Didn't he say that he wanted to leave the Dojo hall for Nojiko to find?"

"Why did she take that navy!?"

In the village of Cocoyashi, Nami waved her fist in dissatisfaction.

"Teacher Rifan didn't say he was going to leave this dojo to me, Nami." On the side, Nojiko looked at Nami funnily.

"Really, Nojiko, how can you not be flustered?" Nami looked at Nojiko complaining, "if teacher Rifan accepts Gion as a disciple, then you will lose the opportunity to be a disciple of teacher Rifan."

"Nojiko, let's go out to sea now to find the dojo!"

Nojiko shook her head and said, "No, Nami, I don't have enough strength to go to sea right now."

"You don't have to worry, I think there should be more than three Dojo halls for teacher Rifan."

"That is to say, even if this navy finds this third dojo, I still have a chance."

"What?!" Nami's eyes widened, "Do you mean that there is more!? Doesn't this mean that there will be more and more cute girls gathered around teacher Rifan!"

"Oh, I guess it shouldn't be all girls…" 

Looking at Nami holding her head with both hands, Nojiko covered her mouth and smiled softly.


On the other side, at the naval headquarters, Gion, who had just been teleported back by the golden list, looked solemnly at Tsuru and Sengoku.

"Sister Tsuru, Marshal, you have seen the situation just now."

"I applied to go to the sea immediately to go to Drum Island."

"That Dojo hall was established in Drum Island on the Grandline."

Sengoku nodded solemnly.

"I see, in that case, Tsuru, use your Ship to send Gion."

"In addition, I will also arrange for the navy near Drum Island to stop the pirates who want to get close to the Island."

After the live broadcast just now, Sengoku believes that there will be many pirates who intend to gain power or others who will go to Drum Island.

Even if these people may not be favored by Rifan, just in case, Sengoku must arrange it this way.

Sengoku understood that if Gion became a disciple of Rifan, she would not only be able to learn powerful sword skills but also be able to make the navy and Rifan friendly.

If she can succeed, this is much better than using a learning card to learn a skill from Rifan.

After all, if you become a disciple, you may learn more swordplay, not to mention that Gion can also teach this swordplay to other navies.

—13th place in the [Divine Soldier List], congratulations to Shiryu for obtaining the random teleportation scroll.

—after using the random teleportation scroll, it will be randomly teleported to a certain location in the world; the number of people is limited to 10 people; the use range of the scroll is within 3 meters.

[Dark King Rayleigh: random teleportation scrolls, which are somewhat similar to the teleportation scrolls issued by the previous swordplay list. It's just that the teleportation scroll can be freely selected, and this thing can only be randomly teleported. Maybe if one is not careful it will teleport you over the volcano. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: if you give it to pirates to use, and accidentally teleport it to the naval headquarters, it will be interesting. Hahaha]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: this thing can be used by 10 people, which is a bit of an improvement compared to the teleportation scroll.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: if I had obtained this thing while I was still in Impel Down, I wouldn't have had to cut off my legs and escape. Although you don't know where this scroll will take you, it is a good thing for criminals in Impel Down. What do you think, Shiryu, Jiehahahhaha~ ]

Looking at the screen, displaying Shiryu, who was imprisoned in a separate cell, the corners of the Shiki's mouth involuntarily cocked.

Shiki was not surprised that Shiryu was locked up.

After all, the Golden List showed that this guy followed Teach to make a big fuss in the naval headquarters, not to mention when he was on Impel Down, Shiki had heard that Shiryu had a habit of killing prisoners.

Combined with the two, it is also reasonable that Shiryu will be imprisoned.

At this time, the pirates and criminals on the sea were all looking at the imprisoned Shiryu with great interest. 

Looking forward to his next move.
