Chapter 69: Prison Escape—

'random teleportation scrolls!' '

'This is really...  a timely reward! '

Seeing the scroll that suddenly appeared in his hand, the corners of Shiryu's mouth involuntarily cocked.

"Shiryu, hand over what you have!"

At this time, the warden of Impel Down, Magellan, came to the entrance of the cell and looked at Shiryu with a serious face.

His body was already contaminated with venom made by using his devil fruit power.

As long as Shiryu moved slightly, Magellan would not hesitate to attack Shiryu.

Shiryu smiled and glanced not far away, holding his sword, Sadi.

'It's within three meters!' At the same time as his heart turned, Shiryu raised his hand, slowly handed the scroll to Magellan, and said:

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

"It's too random, and it wouldn't be nice if it teleported me to the bottom of the sea."

Magellan did not let his guard down because of Shiryu's words.

Magellan, who had worked with Shiryu for many years, knew Shiryu's strength and personality, and even though his body was now locked by chains on the wall, as long as he was not careful, Shiryu would cause trouble.

Magellan quickly reached out to take the random scroll in Shiryu's hand.

Just then, Shiryu suddenly pulled open the scroll.


It was the sound of chains smashing on the ground.

After a burst of light, Shiryu disappeared directly into the same place, and the chains that bound him lost their support and had to fall down.

At the same time, Magellan's venom slammed into the wall, melting the thick wall into one crater after another.

"Damn!" Magellan let out a low roar.

After seeing Shiryu pull open the scroll, Magellan had already launched an attack.

However, his opponent was after all Shiryu, who possessed the strength of the great swordsman, and in terms of shooting speed, Shiryu was no slower than Magellan.

Within a second, Shiryu had managed to escape.

"Sadi!! not good, Warden Magellan, Sadi-chan is gone. "

Domino shouted in panic.

"What?!" Magellan quickly turned and looked behind him.

Sure enough, Sadi, who had just been holding the Shiryu sword Raiu, had disappeared.

"Oops, that Shiryu teleported away with Sadi!"

Realizing what was happening, Magellan narrowed his eyes, and because of his anger, the venom on his body instantly formed a poisonous dragon.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, this Shiryu didn't disappoint me, he did use the random teleportation scroll to escape. Unfortunately, the gold list does not show where he escaped. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: this random teleportation scroll can forcibly teleport the female jailer away despite people's wishes, and to some extent, this is also an extremely dangerous prop.]

Magellan did not see clearly, but Rayleigh and others could see clearly through the gold list.

At the moment when Shiryu pulled open the random teleportation scroll, the one who disappeared with him into a burst of white light was Sadi with the famous sword Raiu.

[Redhead Shanks: Vice-Captain Rayleigh was right, it would be an irritating thing if the opponent took out this scroll and took your weaker companion away. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehahaha, the female jailer, who told her to take Shiryu's sword. For a swordsman, his own sword can be very important. Although I don't know where Shiryu teleported, as long as it's not at the bottom of the sea, this female jailer will definitely be killed. ]

"Abominable!" at the naval headquarters, Sengoku clenched his fists and shouted to the messengers around him,

"Immediately find Shiryu location, and report it directly to me! We absolutely can't let this guy cause trouble on the sea!"

A high-level swordsman escapes the Impel Down, or in the case that he really embarks on the path of pirates after that, the credibility of the navy will be reduced again.


"This... where is this place? What do you want to do? "

Somewhere in the new world, Sadi took a step back in panic while holding Raiu. In front of her was Shiryu with his hands in handcuffs.

As for the random teleportation scroll, it turned into light at the moment he used it.

"Oh, it looks like I'm lucky not to be teleported to the wrong place."

At the moment of coming here, Shiryu's observation haki had already covered the area, and here he did not find the figure of the navy.

"Woman, give me back my sword, that's not your thing." As he spoke, Shiryu walked toward Sadi.

"No, no, this sword cannot be handed to you." Sadi gritted her teeth and pulled out the whip from her waist and crossed it in front of her.

Although she knew that she was not Shiryu's opponent, her self-esteem could not allow her to return the sword directly to Shiryu.

"Really, this is why I hate disobedient women." Shiryu took a step forward, and his body instantly swept past Sadi's body.

When Sadi noticed, the original sword in her hand was no longer there.

"What…" looking at the blade that passed in front of her, Sadi was a little stunned for a moment.

The next moment, a sharp pain reached Sadi's mind.

Along with this, there is also a rapid loss of physical strength.

Shiryu pulled out his sword, didn't even look at Sadi who had fallen to the ground, and walked off into the distance.

Teleporting with Sadi, Shiryu is just trying to get his sword back.

Coupled with the fact that the sword just now had already cut off Sadi's life, he didn't pay attention to her thoughts.

"Am I going to die…here?" feeling her body getting heavier and her chaotic brain, Sadi tried to open her eyes.

"Damn, I don't want to die like this."

"Obviously, I still have a lot to do, damn!"

A wave of sadness enveloped Sadi's heart, and just then a pair of feet appeared in front of Sadi.


The land of Wano, the island of Onigashima.

Yamato, imprisoned by Kaido, glanced at Sadi, who was almost unconscious.

"They were actually teleported here."

"I don't know if Shiryu will meet that bastard father of mine."

Yamato rubbed her smooth chin and muttered in her mouth.

"This woman is the navy, which means my enemy."

"let her fend for herself."

With that, Yamato shook her head and wanted to leave.

Just two steps away, Yamato turned back and carried Sadi in the direction where she lived.

"It's really troublesome, how can I save an enemy?"

Yamato grabbed her hair and walked toward the house with a grunt.

"You woman, if you don't die, you owe me a favor."

"Therefore, your life will be mine in the future, and you will follow me to fulfill my dreams in the future, and you cannot go back to the navy."

As if to convince herself, Yamato kept talking to Sadi.

Sadi, who had not yet completely fainted, heard the words in her ear and wanted to open her eyes.

But now, she doesn't even have this little strength.

Shiryu's sword pierced through her heart. But due to Sadi's strong system, she didn't die on the spot.

And if she wants to answer Yamato, she can't do it at all.

"Whew! What is this?!" Suddenly, Yamato's tone rose sharply and echoed in Sadi's ear. 'What did she see?' Sadi thought doubtfully.

At this moment, Yamato was looking at the building next to her living place in amazement.

"This is... Rifan's Dojo!? "
