Chapter 80: Primary Resurrection Scroll—

The Drum Kingdom, inside Rifan's Dojo.

"Are you not going to say anything, Miss Nico Robin?"

After putting Ito Taro's Kitetsu I into his Babylonian treasury, Rifan smiled and said.

"Oh, just like what I said earlier, Sire Rifan" Robin, coming back from her senses from shock, smiled more sincerely, "Because your disciple killed Crocodile, I have nowhere to go, so I hope you can take me in."

"If you can make me your disciple, that would be even better."

Hearing this, Rifan shrugged and said:

"Because of you, now I may be troubled by people from the World Government and Marine."

"Right now, if I didn't accept you as a disciple, wouldn't I suffer a lot?"

"That said, but wasn't it you who made the shot in the end?" Robin smiled, "You could have handed me over to the World Government, right? In this way, you can even have a good relationship with the world government."

"Nah, it's troublesome being associated with them."

Rifan shook his head.

Originally, Rifan only wanted to expel Ito Taro but did not intend to kill him.

However, being threatened by a single person and being so domineering in front of him, Rifan naturally changed his mind.

"Forget it, since you found this place, I will accept you.

"However, no matter what your purpose is, I hope you don't do things that hurt your fellow students."

"Otherwise, I will find you and take back what I gave you."

While talking, Rifan handed the disciple's nameplate to Robin and taught her how to use it.

"Then, please give me some advice from now on, Teacher Rifan!"

After Robin handed the nameplate to Rifan, she walked to Rifan's side obediently and poured a cup of tea for him.

Rifan nodded to it and glanced at the back of the nameplate.

[Disciple's name: Nico Robin]

 [Age: 28 years old] [Born: Ohara] 

 [Training direction: Ninja]

'Ninja?' Seeing the words on the nameplate, Rifan frowned slightly.

It was different from the time when Vivi was trained because there were Chakra seeds at that time, that's why Rifan was able to help her awaken Chakra.

But now, Rifan does not have this power.

"What's wrong, Teacher Rifan?"

From the side, Robin asked.

"You seem to be troubled?

"Nothing." Rifan threw the nameplate on the disciple column by the wall, "I was just thinking about how to train you."

"I see." Robin nodded, not saying anything.

Seeing Rifan cast his gaze on the gold list outside the Dojo, Robin smiled, put her hand on Rifan's shoulders, and gently massaged it.

Rifan glanced at Robin, then set his sights on the gold list again.

'It's better if the Golden List will reward me with something like Chakra seed, but if not...'

Although there is no Chakra seed, it's not impossible to train Robin as a ninja.  

He can train Robin in the way of Taijutsu if there is no other choice.

But compared to Taijutsu, Rifan felt that using ninjutsu like Vivi might be more suitable for Robin's fighting style.

–[Divine Soldiers List] 5th place, congratulations to Dracule Hawkeye for obtaining the [Primary Resurrection Scroll].

–Use [Primary Resurrection Scroll] to resurrect a dead person with your own power as a sacrifice.

Once the dead are resurrected, their strength will drop by one class.

–Note: Those who use the scrolls will have their strength reduced by one level; if the user of the scrolls is not strong enough, the resurrection will fail and they will be wiped out.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: "...."]

[Golden Lion Shiki: What did I see? There are still props that can resurrect the dead!? Wait, now that Summoning Roger's soul can be found, it seems reasonable to have resurrection props. ]

[Zoro: An item that can revive the dead!!]

Zoro's eyes widened. If he could resurrect his friend Kuina, even if it regressed his strength, Zoro would be willing!

[Nami: That's amazing, I think I want this!] 

[Admiral Kizaru: Hawkeye, give the scroll to Marine!]

If it's possible, Sengoku hopes to use this scroll to resurrect Ito Taro who has just died. But he knows that it's going to be impossible for Haweye to give this precious item to the Marine.

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Hmph, you Marine really think highly of yourself. Such a precious item, do you think Hawkeye would give it to you? ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: As far as I know, Shichibukai and you are only in a cooperative relationship, and there is no obligation to give you their rewards. In other words, with this thing, it should be possible to revive Roger. Hahaha, Roger, you can see what I said, you might be able to come into this world again in the future. Although your power will be downgraded, compared to being alive, it's practically nothing.]

"Captain Roger, that's great!" Shanks looked at Roger excitedly.

At this moment, even the well-informed Roger had an exaggerated expression on his face.

"Wahahaha, this golden list is really amazing." Roger patted his forehead. "With this thing, maybe not many people will be willing to fight to find One Piece's treasure."

"But resurrection? If it is possible, I really want to be resurrected."
