Chapter 81: Sabo Vs Mihawk—

— It was detected that Dracule Mihawk had failed to challenge[Zangetsu]'s use rights.

—Now you have two choices; 

First Choice: You can accept the [Primary Resurrection Scroll]

Second Choice: You can give up the[Primary Resurrection Scroll], and you can get the [Zangetsu] challenge right again.

–May I ask whether you choose to challenge   [Zangetsu] ownership. 

[Hawkeye Mihawk: I choose to challenge the ownership of Zangetsu. ]

Without any hesitation, Mihawk made the decision immediately.

[Golden Lion Shiki: Huh? Can you continue to challenge previous failed operations?] 

[Dark King Rayleigh: It's a pity, I can't see the scene of resurrecting the dead. But this outcome is just right, this thing will resurrect others and will degrade one's own power. It is reasonable for Hawkeye to choose not to use it. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Unfortunately, this thing is not obtained by me. ]

In Whitebeard's heart, there are many partners who have been wiped away by time or by someone.

If he can see these partners again, even if he loses a little strength, Whitebeard is willing.

"That damnable Hawkeye actually gave up the resurrection scroll!" At this moment, the remaining four Five Elders roared together.

"This is Hawkeye's second time he ignored our orders. First, he didn't hand over his sword last time, and now he refuses to hand over the primary resurrection scroll. In any case, he must be punished this time!"

"Yes, deprive him of the Shichibukai title and arrest him! The world doesn't need such a disobedient Shichibukai!"

You know, Kizaru asked Hawkeye Mihawk to surrender the primary resurrection scroll in front of the world in order to resurrect Ito Taro.

And now Mihawk has directly chosen to challenge the ownership of [Zangetsu]. Isn't this insolence to the World Government in front of the world?

With the whole world watching what's happening, the Four Elders can no longer tolerate Mihawk.

Soon, an order to cancel Mihawk Shichibukai was passed to Sengoku's hands.

Seeing this command, Sengoku frowned tightly.

After hesitating, Sengoku did not follow the instructions of the Four Elders and rushed to announce Mihawk's disbandment in the gold list.

He wants to see if Mihawk can get Zangetsu first.

If he gets Zangetsu, Mihawk's strength will be greatly increased. At that time, Sengoku will reapply to the Four Elders to let Mihawk keep on his Shichibukai title.

In this situation that Rifan has become an enemy, Sengoku felt that the Marine and World Government could no longer tolerate having a more powerful enemy.

–The first challenge, the time is determined, the future; the location is determined, Dressrosa; the opponent is determined, Sabo.

Sabo: "It turned out to be me?!"

Doflamingo: "Huh?! Dressrosa?"

Luffy: "What, it turned out to be Sabo, isn't he dead?"

Ace: "Great! Sabo really is not dead, the man in the black hat must really be Sabo!"

At this moment, Ace almost jumped up excitedly.

On the gold list, the picture turned and came to the future Dressrosa.

"That is, Dressrosa's arena?"

Seeing this scene, Doflamingo frowned tightly.

"Hey, the one with the helmet and beard seems to be you, Sabo." Koala glanced strangely at Sabo who was standing next to her and then at Sabo who appeared on the top of the gold list.

"It really seems to be me?" Sabo stroked his chin, "But why am I dressed like that in the future."

As soon as his voice fell, the future Sabo directly smashed the ground of the arena.

At the same time as the seawater poured into the arena, a bullfish carrying a treasure chest appeared in front of the world.

After the future Sabo opened the treasure chest, a flame-red Devil Fruit appeared in front of the world.

[Golden Lion Shiki: That is really Mera-mera Fruit, I don't know what Roger feels about seeing this scene, Jihahahaha~ ]

Roger: "This Shiki, I really want to teach him a lesson.

[Whitebeard Newgate: Hmph, the future has changed, I will not let anyone hurt my son. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: A Pirate King, and the strongest man, Ace really has two terrible fathers. ]

"Ace, I will accept your fruit." On the screen, Sabo took off his helmet and fake beard, revealing his real face as he ate the devil fruit. 

Feeling the power coursing through his body, Sabo shouted.

"Fire Fist!"

A fire fist smashed the ground, and Sabo came directly to the bottom of the arena.

At this time, the battle belonging to the future Sabo and Dracule Mihawk also began.

"Ne, ne, Doffy, it seems that there will be riots in Dressrosa in the future, should we do something?

Don Quixote family, the highest cadre Trebol said to Doflamingo with a worried expression on his face.

"Fufufu, it looks like this is indeed the case." Doflamingo laughed. "It seems that this riot occurred because of the Mera-mera Fruit competition."

"But now that the future of Ace has changed, then this battle will not be staged in the future."

"Fortunately, this gold list has not exposed more clips. Or else it would be terrible if it let the world know the secret of Dressrosa toys." 
