Chapter 87: Dark Devil Fruit—

"The battle between the top powerhouses is really troublesome."

"When will I have to wait until my rewards are issued?"

Looking at the Golden List, where the future Issho and Mihawk were still fighting, Rifan sighed and turned to look at Yamato and Sadi who were laughing.

Sadi: "Woow! So that's it, what else, what else?"

Yamato: "Hehe, there is also the Devil Fruit ability. Teacher Rifan gave me a full score for my training result, so he especially gave me Kaido's Devil Fruit."

"The Devil Fruit that can become a dragon!?" Sadi's eyes widened, and then she looked eagerly at Rifan who was leaning on the door. 

"If I were you, you should hurry up. There is only one Dark Fruit left. And it's a devil fruit that has no weakness like my second DF." 

During the two years of training, Rifan had already told Yamato about his other disciples.

Of course, she knew the fact that the Shock Devil Fruit was eaten by Nojiko.

"I think so too, but if I don't become an official disciple of Teacher Rifan, I am afraid that I won't have the luck to eat the Dark Fruit."

"I really want it, Dark Fruit."

Thinking of using Dark Fruit's power to suck away those Devil Fruit users, Sadi felt a burst of excitement.

Rifan glanced at Sadi, after a little thought, he changed hands and took out the Dark Fruit from his Babylon.

"If you want this, it's not impossible to give it to you."

"It's just that if you use Dark Fruit's power to absorb the damage, the pain you receive will double. Do you have this consciousness?"

Rifan tossed the Devil Fruit in his hand and said.

"Teached Rifan, do you really want to give this to me!?"

"But I'm obviously not your official disciple?"

Sadi walked quickly to Rifan's side and looked at Rifan with excitement.

"Even if I lose this thing, it doesn't matter."

"My disciples don't necessarily have to develop in the direction of devil fruit power."

"Besides, aren't you planning to find my Dojo elsewhere in the future?"

"In that case, you can treat this devil fruit as your welcome gift in advance for being my disciple. This reason is enough." Rifan said.

"Yeah, yeah!" Sadi nodded heavily, "Please give it to me, Teacher Rifan, twice the pain or something, I am ready!"

'If there was the power of this Devil Fruit, I would definitely be able to take Shiryu down!'

Thinking of Shiryu's cold eyes when he left her body after piercing her heart with one blow, Sadi clenched her hand as she swore to kill that man with her own hand!

Seeing Sadi nod, Rifan handed the Dark Fruit to her.

After receiving the fruit, Sadi ate the Dark Fruit without hesitation.

"Huh, it's horrible!" Sadi stuck out her tongue cutely, and after a little familiarity, a dark power appeared in her hand.

"Teacher Rifan, why don't you try to attack me once, I want to try the power of Dark Fruit to absorb damage."

"As you wish." Rifan raised his hand and pointed at Sadi's abdomen exposed to the air.

A sting like an electric shock spread from Sadi's abdomen all the way to her brain.

Sadi tried to absorb the damage with Dark Fruit, and immediately, double pain came to her mind.


Sadi screamed, her hands wrapped around her arms involuntarily, her whole body trembled faintly, and sweat was left on her forehead.

"You can't continue like this." Seeing Sadi's pain, Rifan raised his eyebrows. "It seems that you have to strengthen your anti-strike ability. Or else, you will die from pain alone."

With that said, Rifan pointed at Sadi again.

The pain made Sadi's face red. I don't know if it's from the pain or excitement, but after the shock receded, Sadi fell to the ground wobbly.

Rifan quickly stretched out his hand and wrapped it around her waist to prevent her from falling to the ground.

"How about it, do you regret eating Dark Fruit now, Sadi?" Rifan asked.

"N… No." Sadi shook her head flushed, "I-im okay. Teached Rifan, if I train hard, I can bear it."

Upon hearing this, Rifan frowned.

"How do I feel that this sentence seems a bit wrong."

Seeing Sadi panting, Rifan whispered.

"Forget it, it will take a while for Mihawk to win over there anyway."

"At this time, I will help you develop your Devil Fruit together with Yamato."

"Also, Sadi, since Yamato is going to deal with Kaido in the future, then you can help her deal with Beast Pirates in the future.

"It would be a little difficult for her to fight the entire pirate group alone. I look forward to your performance."

Sadi's eyes widened when she heard Rifan's words. 

But before she said anything, Rifan began their training.




Several hours later, Sadi was lying on the floor, not moving.

If it weren't for her faintly undulating chest, others would think she was dead.

"Your system needs to be improved." Rifan shook his head, "Yamato, take her to rest for a while."

"Hai, teacher Rifan." Yamato smiled, wiped the sweat from her forehead, picked up Sadi and walked towards the inside.

After the two left, Rifan set his sights on the gold list.

"Sigh, it's finally decided, Mihawk, he really won."

"In this way, this guy can use Tensa Zangetsu.

"It's just that, without spiritual power, relying on physical strength and Haki alone to stimulate Tensa Zangetsu, I don't know how long he can last. Maybe a few more minutes? I'm looking forward to it. I don't know what it's like without spiritual power."