Chapter 88: Sharingan—

–Congratulations to Dracule Mihawk, who successfully challenged and unlocked the Zanpakutō name.

–Your Zanpakutō, named [Tensa Zangetsu]!

–[Tensa Zangetsu], will increase the speed of combat, movement, and attack, so as to achieve speeding combat.

At the same time the golden list finished talking, Mihawk standing in the ruins of Dressrosa, the Zangetsu in his hand burst out with a huge burst of energy.


The energy rolled up a cloud of dust and enveloped Mihawk's figure.

"Is this, Tensa Zangetsu?"

"What a strong power!"

"However, what is going on with this loss of physical strength?"

In the dust and mist, Mihawk was quite surprised as he watched the tiny black blade in his hand.

He could feel the surging power in his body, but he also instantly realized that this power could not be used for too long.

Mihawk tried to lift Tensa Zangetsu and swiped forward.

The strong wind pressure immediately split the dust and fog.

People watching around the world also finally saw the appearance of Tensa Zangetsu.

[Golden Lion Shiki: What!? After fighting for so long you only got such a black normal-looking sword!?]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The power of a sword is not determined by the size of the sword. The Tensa Zangetsu that Hawkeye has finally acquired, must have strong power. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: A blade that can increase attack and movement speed. Maybe with Tensa Zangetsu, Hawkeye's speed will even exceed Marine Admiral Kizaru. ]

[Issho: Hawkeye's swordsmanship is indeed quite powerful. And now that he has Tensa Zangetsu, his strength will grow a lot for sure. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Sire Issho is also not weak. If it wasn't for Hawkeye who used Zangetsu, perhaps this battle would be your victory. ]

[Sword Flower Vista: Hahaha, I don't know if the current Hawkeye can have the power to challenge Rifan. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: It shouldn't be the case. That Rifan owns three Zanpakutō. Adding the weird but powerful swordsmanship of his, I feel terrible when I think about it. ]

[Tashigi: What a beautiful sword!]

Mihawk took a deep breath as he held the black sword in both hands. Armament Haki in his body continuously poured into Tensa Zangetsu, and then was condensed by Tensa Zangetsu on the tip of the sword.

A second later, above Tensa Zangetsu, energy like black flame ignited.

"Crescent Moon!"

Mihawk screamed and swung the sword sharply into the sky.

The black crescent flew out of Tensa Zangetsu, passing the dark clouds in the sky at supersonic speed.


After a second of silence, the dark clouds split apart suddenly, looking from a distance, as if the sky had been split apart.

After swinging this sword, the Tensa Zangetsu in Mihawk's hand returned to its original state.

"Is it temporarily unavailable?"

Feeling the powerlessness in his body, Mihawk frowned.

"It seems that I need a good day of rest.

As soon as his voice fell, Mihawk's figure was returned to his original position by the gold list.

'This Hawkeye has become stronger.'

'This guy cannot be wanted now. '

Naval Headquarters, Sengoku frowned tightly.

He has made a decision, and in any case, he must persuade the Four Elders to put aside the intention of revoking Dracule Mihawk Shichibukai's position for the time being.

–[Divine Soldiers List], 4th place, congratulations to Nefertari Vivi for obtaining the Uchiha Clan Blood Succession Boundary-Sharingan.

–After using it, you will randomly get Sharingan at a certain stage and automatically have the power of Chakra.

– Sharingan has powerful abilities such as observation, copying, and Hypnosis. Sharingan at each stage is shown in the demonstration.

On the gold list, the picture turned, suddenly there was a picture of a man in red armor demonstrating Sharingan at various stages.

The others didn't know him, but Rifan recognized the name of the person in front of him at a glance. 

Uchiha Madara!

From the most common One Tomoe Sharingan to the last Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's abilities, Uchiha Madara demonstrated them one by one.

Except for the fact that Rinnegan and the power of the six realms were not demonstrated, Uchiha Madara's pupil skills were all demonstrated.

Because Uchiha Madara was used as a presentation template, the exaggerated pupil power made people's eyes widen. Especially after seeing Uchiha Madara's use of Susanoo to break the mountain, many people directly softened their feet and sat on the ground.

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hey, hey, is this an exaggeration? Who is in this demo? This destructive power is not inferior to Whitebeard's Shock Fruit!]

[Issho: It's really a powerful force. It can easily collapse the mountain with a single stab. What's more terrifying is that there are many other powers in this Sharingan. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: If it's just about destructive power, many of us can do it, but the abilities such as illusions described in the demo can be quite tricky. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: This is just a demo screen. Even if Vivi really gets Mangekyō Sharingan, it may not be able to reach this level. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: If it really reaches this level, Jiehahaha, then the golden list can directly create a Four Emperors like combat power. It's really enviable!]

[Momousagi Gion: Let's see first, what version of Sharingan Princess Vivi will get. According to the Golden List description, it seems that even if it is the same Mangekyō Sharingan, there will be some changes in ability. ]
