Chapter 107: Challenge

Editor: OusSama


[Bone Brook: Yohohoho, he is really amazing, with his swordsmanship alone, he defeated so many great swordsmen. It would be great if I could have such power. ]

[Red-haired Shanks: He is worthy of being the number one swordsman in the Whitebeard Pirates. In terms of swordsmanship, he is indeed quite powerful. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: A great swordsman.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: He is indeed pretty good but after defeating so many challengers, including the pirates on Linlin's side, the remaining swordsmen dare not launch a challenge anymore. ]

[Momousagi Gion: Unexpectedly, there are so many strong unknown swordsmen in this world. ]

In just a few hours, Vista has experienced nearly ten challenges.

In addition to famous characters like Charlotte Amande, there are also many unknown swordsmen from Wanokuni.

For a time, people became more curious about the mysterious Wanokuni.

"No one has challenged Vista for ten minutes." Roger touched his beard, "It seems that Vista's strength is enough to scare other people. I really want to see someone challenge those on higher rank on the list but I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"Speaking of which, I really want to see someone challenging Nami and Rifan."

"Unfortunately, there is not enough time."

At this time, it was only an hour before Roger returned to the underworld.

He knows that it may be impossible to see more games. 

"With the golden list, Captain Roger will surely come back one day." Shanks smiled, "Even if you give up the right to resurrect this time, there will definitely be a chance in the future."

Shanks didn't say that to console Roger, because he always believed that in the future, he would encounter the resurrection items issued by the golden list.

When the time comes, he will use it for resurrecting his captain.

Roger shrugged and was about to speak when the golden list, which had been silent for about ten minutes, once again radiated new light.

– The fish-man island's first swordsman, Hyouzou, launched a challenge, and he challenged,[Swordsman List] 5th place, Nami.

"Huh?! The person who challenged Nami is a Fish-man Swordsman." Roger raised his eyebrows. "It looks like before leaving, I can see some interesting fights."

"Huh? He didn't challenge me?" Vista, who returned to the Moby Dick for a moment, was taken aback, "The fish-man island's first swordsman? Who is this? who directly challenges the fifth place Nami?"

"Hyouzou? I seem to have heard of this name." Marco frowned. "I remember, he seems to be a killer and for money he will do anything."

The Whitebeard pirate group is the pirate group that shelters the Fish-man Island and Marco naturally has some knowledge about the situation in the fish-man island. "Interesting, then let's see the strength of this Nami who is ranked fifth." Vista smiled.

[Golden Lion Shiki: He dares to challenge Nami, is the Fish-man Island's number one swordsman very strong?]

[Admiral Kizaru: The Fish-man Island? It's really strange. If he is really that strong, at least he should be on the list. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Hahaha, is he really capable or is it simply a clown who challenged Nami, let's look forward to it. ]

On the other side, in the epiphany room, Rifan put away the sharp blade in his hand and put a smile on his face again.

"Come on Nami."

"This time the special training is over, the next step depends on your own performance."

"Go and win."

Nami's face was worried.

"But Teacher Rifan, didn't you say that I haven't fully mastered this style of swordsmanship? Then I can't beat Shanks."

"Nami, progress doesn't only happen during training." Rifan put his hands on Nami's shoulders, "Sometimes high-intensity fighting can make a person improve."

"Go and fight that Fish-man first. When facing Shanks, maybe you will break through."

"Don't forget who is your teacher! Believe in yourself and believe in my training."

Because of Hyouzou's challenge, Nami can no longer use the Epiphany Room, which means that she can only challenge Shanks in her current state.

Although there is still some time, Rifan doesn't think ordinary training can make Nami breakthrough.

"I understand, Teacher Rifan." Seeing Rifan's encouraging smile, Nami summoned her courage and said firmly.

"I will win my battle and revive Bell-mère with the resurrection item. I will definitely use the Nichirin Blades you gave me to get it!"

After speaking, Nami's figure left the epiphany room and appeared in the duel arena provided by the Golden List.

The dueling arena is almost the same as that of Vista. The only difference is the swordsman's throne marked "five" on the side of the arena.

Nami left the epiphany room and Rifan naturally didn't need to stay here.

When he opened the door of the epiphany room and returned to the outer room of the Dojo, Nojiko and the others greeted him.

Nojiko: "Teacher Rifan, Nami will win right?"

 Vivi: "Miss Nami will definitely win against that fish-man swordsman!"

Robin: "That Hyouzou was not on the list. From his appearance, he might have challenged Nami because he is drunk and Nami will not lose to him. The only worry is if Nami can defeat Shanks or not."

"Okay, don't surround me." Rifan raised his hands and held Nojiko and Yamato, whose faces almost reached his face. "Don't worry, Nami will not lose to this Fish-man."

"As for Shanks, Nami may not necessarily lose so you can cheer for her."

Hearing Rifan's words, although Nojiko was still a little nervous it was much better than just now.

After all, it is related to the issue of their foster mother's resurrection. Apart from Nami, she is probably the one who cares most about this matter.

"However, why did this Fish-man challenge Nami?" Sadi put her index finger on her red lips, her face showing her confusion.

"Challenging the fifth place directly, does he have a problem in the head?"

"Maybe just like Robin said, he is so drunk." Yamato said as she looked at Hyouzou in the Golden List, holding a hip flask, swinging from side to side.

"Who knows." Rifan waved his hand, "Perhaps he thinks that as a Fish-man, he has a racial advantage and can defeat Nami.

Having said that, there was a scent of orange pie in the air, did you guys make it?

Hearing what Rifan said, Sadi, who had been prepared for a long time, smiled slightly, raised her hand and took out a piece of orange pie and brought it to Rifan's mouth.

"Teacher Rifan, this is the orange pie we made together, you can try it, ah~"

"I'm not a kid." Seeing Sadi coaxing him like a kid to open his mouth, Rifan shook his head.

However, seeing Sadi pouting and looking disappointed, Rifan opened his mouth and took a bite of the orange pie.

Immediately, Sadi's face regained a smile.

"There are many other types of pie here Teacher Rifan, come and try them."

Vivi pointed to the side table, took Rifan's hand, and walked towards the table.
