Chapter 108: A Farce—


[Tl/n: Advanced 2 chapters.]


"I said are you really planning on challenging me?" Looking at the Fish-man in front of her, Nami frowned tightly.

It wasn't that she was afraid of Hyouzou. The moment when she came to the duel arena, Nami felt that the person in front of her was far from being her opponent.

The reason why she was in a bad mood was that this Hyouzou in front of her reminded her of the Arlong Pirates.

"Hiccup!" Hyouzou hiccuped, his face flushed from drinking too much alcohol.

Looking at Nami in front of him, Hyouzou slowly raised his sword.

"Then let's get to work shall we, human let me see the strength of the swordsman who defeated Arlong and the others."

"Arlong?" Nami frowned. "Are you here to avenge Arlong and his crew?"

"Well don't get me wrong." Hyouzou said as he walked to Nami, "Because you killed Arlong someone paid me to deal with you, hiccup."

"Perhaps you are relatively strong among humans but you are still far behind compared to us Fish-man."

"Even if you did beat Arlong you won't be my opponent…"

"When Arlong left the Sun Pirate Group if he was willing to spend money to hire my services to go out with him, he wouldn't have met a miserable ending in the hands of a mere human hiccup."

"Anyway because you are responsible for his death, that guy gave me a lot of money to kill you. And for that i must thank you and what better way to do that than giving you a quick and painless death, im quite merciful dont you agree? Hiccup."

In Nami's mind she didnt doubt her ability to take care of this talking octopus, she had more important business to deal with.

In Hyouzou's perspective, Nami's strength still remained the same as when she annihilated the Arlong Pirates.

Hyouzou, who was already so drunk, didn't bother to think about why she was ranked fifth on the list of swordsmen.

Nami frowned upon hearing Hyouzou's words.

"That guy? Forget it, it's no use knowing it,"

"It's better to wrap this up quickly."

Nami, who no longer wanted to talk to Hyouzou, flashed forward turning her body into an afterimage and passing directly beside Hyouzou.

"Huh? Where did that human girl go?" Hyouzou blinked and looked at the place where Nami was before.

"Huh? What is this?" The sudden pain in his chest caused Hyouzou to lower his head only to find out a large amount of blood spurting from the wound on his chest.

"Is this how it feels to be embraced by death?"

As soon as that question popped up in his mind, Hyouzou's consciousness fell into the darkness and his body hit the ground heavily.

—Winner, Nami!

[Red-haired Shanks: Nami's speed has become faster. Just now, it was a normal slash and she didn't even use the breath of thunder. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: In such a short period of time she improved so much and i can only think of one person who could possible turn this into reality, Rifan! ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: I really hope that I can also improve my swordsmanship under the hands of Sir Rifan. ]

[Sword Flower Vista: A powerful swordswoman, perhaps the strongest female swordsman right now. If it wasn't for the sake of keeping my scheduled rewards on hand, I really would've wanted to compete with her. ]

[Golden Lion Shiki: That Fish-man was a big clown. He dares to make a challenge with so little strength? Plus he was the number one swordsman on the Fish-man island. It seems Fish-men only have that bit of capability. ]

[Rain Shiryu: Not only was his strength low but he was also stupid. He thought that as a Fish-man, just because he is several times more powerful than ordinary humans, he can have no regard for us humans. Did no one tell him that the real powerhouses in this world are all humans?]

[Admiral Kizaru: A farce. ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: There will always be some frogs at the bottom of the well in this world and they are blind to the gap between themselves and others. Obviously, this dead fish-man is just a stupid fish. ]

In the fish-man island, somewhere in a dark room.

Hody Jones punched the wall into a crack.

"Damn it, why did Hyouzou lose so easily!?

"We Fish-man, aren't we the best race, how can we easily lose to a woman!?"

Hody Jones clenched his teeth and stubbornly stared at Nami in the Golden List with more hatred.

It was the woman in front of him who killed the one he respected the most, Arlong.

It is for this reason that he hired Hyouzou and told him to deal with her.

Although Arlong was killed, Hodie Jones always thought it was just a coincidence and the powerful Arlong shouldn't have lost to Nami.

There must be other deeper reasons for this.

On the [Swordsman List], after Nami's ranking appeared, Hodie Jones thought of hiring the number one swordsman of the fish-man island to kill Nami, for which he also paid a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, Hyouzou lost so easily.

Seeing how they mocked the Fish-mens in the comments on the golden list, Hodie Jones' face flushed with anger.

".. Damn it Nami, I will never let you go!!"

The roar of Hodie Jones came out of the room, spreading far away.

"A pitiful swordsman." Roger shook his head, "This kind of strength can't even match a Marine Rear Admiral."

"That Kizaru was right, it was just a farce."

Hearing Roger's words, Shanks nodded in agreement, and said: "His strength can't even make Nami take any extra effort. This girl is really strong unfortunately, there is no way to watch it. How strong she is."

Aside, Ben Beckman came over, patted Shanks on the shoulder, and said:

"I think you will soon know how strong she is."

While speaking, Ben Beckman also pointed to the sky.

"Oh, is it?" Shanks looked curiously at the golden list in the sky.

The next moment, Shanks squinted his eyes.

"Huh?! She challenged me?!"

On the golden list, a line of shining golden words reminded everyone in the world who watched it.

–[Swordsman List] 5th place, Swordsman Nami, challenge [Swordsman List] 3rd place, red-haired Shanks.
