Chapter 109: Shanks Vs Nami—

[Tl/n: Not Edited.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~ funny little girl. I didn't expect that she would directly challenge Shanks. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Dare to challenge red hair directly, does it mean that she has improved her actual strength?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: I just said, Shanks's scheduled rewards, someone will definitely challenge him. I just didn't expect that it would be Rifan's disciple who would challenge him!] [Foil Bista: If Nami defeats the red

hair, does it mean that Rifan directly taught a Four Emperors?!]

[Kizaru Borsalino: If this is the case, it would be terrible. Rifan has a few disciples at hand now, is it possible to teach an Emperors combat class?] 

[Momousagi Gion: Anyway, it's impossible, right? No matter how strong Nami is, she won't be strong enough to defeat Shanks. ]

Unlike others, Shanks is not a Devil fruit user, but a pure swordsman.

If Nami wins Shanks in this competition, it means that Nami has indeed surpassed Shanks in combat power.

Such a young character who surpasses the Four Emperors, just think about it and know how exaggerated it is.

Not to mention, how long has Nami trained?

If such a result does occur, it will only make those who were looking for Rifan Dojo even more crazy.

"I really didn't expect I would be challenged by you." Shanks, who was sent to the arena by the golden list, looked at the top of the swordsman throne belonging to himself and Nami. "By the way, if I really lose to you. I should be sitting on the throne of Vice-Captain Rayleigh, and he fell to fifth place."

[Dark King Rayleigh: This guy, he is still foolish. Shanks, if you really lose, don't blame me for teaching you a hard lesson. ]

[Admiral Kizaru: Really strict, as expected of Dark King Rayleigh. But, I think it's better for Nami to get the resurrection item. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: You Marines are afraid that Shanks will use this to resurrect Roger, so naturally you don't want Nami to win. Since Roger said that he would use resurrection props to resurrect his dead wife, it must be true. That is Ace's mother after all. This time, I am on Shanks's side. Redhead boy, if you lose, even if Rayleigh did not say anything, I will definitely chat with you.]

[Charlotte Smoothie: In that duel field, they can't see the messages from the outside so the two sides can only focus on the battle. ]

While leaving a message, Charlotte Smoothie's eyes did not leave Nami's figure in the slightest.

If Rifan really cultivated a swordsman who surpassed one of the Four Emperors, she would find Rifan's Dojo anyhow.

This is not the voice of Charlotte Smoothie alone. At this moment, thousands of swordsmen are extremely concerned about this battle.

Even Mihawk, who is preparing to challenge Rifan, is very concerned.

In Rifan's Dojo, Rifan looked at Nojiko who have a nervous expression on her face as she tightly grasped his arm, and said:

"Don't be too nervous, Nojiko, trust Nami at this time…"

Nojiko grinned reluctantly: "I understand, Teacher Rifan.

Even so, from the sweat that constantly oozes from the tension on her forehead, and the force that almost buried Rifan's arms in her arms, they know that her tension has not been eliminated at all, on the contrary, it has been intensified even more.

Rifan shook his head and looked at Sadi who was holding his other arm on the other side.

"What about you, you are also nervous, Sadi?"

Sadi sketched a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "I am now sisters with Nojiko, and Nami is naturally my sister. It is normal for me to be nervous for her, teacher Rifan."

"Sisters?" Rifan raised an eyebrow. "When did you become sisters?"

"Just when you and Nami entered the epiphany room to practice." Robin looked at Rifan with a calm face, "We are a teacher-sister relationship, so naturally we can be regarded as sisters, right, teacher Rifan?"

"That said, it's really true." Rifan nodded, and his eyes fell on Robin's swaying legs. Thinking of Robin's past, Rifan said:

"Relax, Robin."

"The gold list will definitely not only provide resurrection items this time."

"The same item will definitely appear in the future."

"Now you should train harder. So when that day comes, you can win the resurrection Item in a blockbuster way and resurrect your mother."

Hearing Rifan's words, Robin gave Rifan a surprised look.

"Teacher Rifan, you know…"

"I know your situation fairly well, Robin." Rifan gently shakes his head. "Your mother is a great archaeologist."

"Does Robin have anyone who wants to be resurrected?" Upon hearing Rifan's words, Yamato turned to look at Robin, "Don't worry, Robin, I will help you too."

"Thank you, Yamato." Robin smiled slightly, only feeling extra warm in her heart.

At the same time, on the other side, Nami took a few deep breaths, calming down her nervousness.

She knew that facing Shanks, one of the Four Emperors, any carelessness would make her challenge end in failure.

Seeing Nami's face calmed down, Shanks flashed with appreciation.

You know, after coming to this duel, Conqueror's Haki, which belongs to Shanks, has covered Nami's body.

But facing the most advanced Conqueror's Haki, Nami only took a few deep breaths and adjusted her state, which made Shanks deeply sigh at Nami's state of mind.

At the same time, he became more and more alert to Nami.

If she is only physically strong, it is not enough to cause Shanks to pay too much attention.

But being able to be unaffected by his own Conqueror's Haki, this state of mind makes Shanks extremely serious.

"You are very strong, Miss Nami. No, Nami." Shanks pulled out his western sword Griffin, and the smile on his face disappeared.

Instead, there was an extremely serious expression. At the same time, the larger Conqueror's Haki spread out, and the surrounding air seemed to be grumbling because of this Haki.

The originally invisible air became viscous and visible at this time because of Haki.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is as if Nami and Shanks are in a viscous liquid.

"If I meet you in another scene, I really want to have a good chat with you."

"It would be even better if you could join our Red Hair Pirates."

"But now, in order to resurrect the person I want to resurrect, I can only defeat you."

While speaking, the Western sword in Shanks's hand condensed a thick Armament Haki.

In conjunction with Conqueror's Haki, black and red lightning flashes on Shanks' sword.

Nami squinted her eyes and said coldly, "Sorry, I hate pirates the most, so I will never become a pirate's partner."

"That's a shame." Shanks shook his head.

Shanks naturally knew the reason why Nami hated pirates. Inviting Nami on the boat was just a try. He never thought it would be successful.

"In that case, let me see what kind of swordsmanship Rifan has taught you—"

As soon as the voice fell, Shanks pierced forward with a sharp sword.

The sharp sword pierced Nami like a stream of light.

Nami's eyes condensed, and the golden thunder light beside her soared, raising her sword to stab Shanks. 


The lightning burst, and the golden lightning and the black and red lightning collided with each other and dispersed.

The entire duel field was covered by violent energy.

At this moment, it was only a tentative attack by Nami and Shanks, and the resulting scene had surpassed the intent that Vista had when fighting against any opponent.