Chapter 110: All out blow—

Editor: OusSama


[Golden Lion Shiki: Hey, hey, it's impossible right!?, this woman can actually fight red hair!?] 

[Whitebeard Newgate: Gurararara~ the Golden List really doesn't rank someone casually. The little girl who destroyed the Arlong Pirates ten days ago has grown a lot. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: Indeed, Shanks must stay vigilant. Although there is a difference between the two rankings, the difference in power may not be far apart. If they really fight all out, no one knows who will win or lose. ]

When it comes to Rayleigh and their level of powerhouses, once they really fight, there are too many aspects to look at before make a judgment on whether they win or lose.

Sometimes, even a choice of sword moves will become the decisive factor of victory or defeat.

[Charlotte Smoothie: The strongest female swordsman in the world!] 

[Momousagi Gion: Yes, the number one female swordsman! With Nami's fighting power, she deserves this title! ]

At this moment, the Pirates and Marines reached a consensus.

Nami's kendo strength impressed the two swordsmen.

And like them, many people in the world have recognized the identity of Nami as the world's strongest female swordsman.

"Ah, it's terrifying! Nami is so strong, if we invited her on board at that time, we would be invincible!"

Usopp lamented in his heart and said exaggeratedly.

"So strong!" Luffy lowered his straw hat. "One day, I will also become strong."

Sanji: "Miss Nami is so great!"

After Zoro raised his head and glanced at the scene where Nami and Shanks were fighting, he put his focus on training again.

Kuina, have you seen that even a woman can become such an excellent swordsman.

'After you are resurrected, you will definitely be able to reach that level.'

'However, I will not lose to you.'

"Armament Haki, Thunder's Breath-Seven Form: Flaming Thunder God!"

After fighting for a while, Nami decisively chose the strongest form of using Thunder Breath. Nichirin Blades wrapped in Armament Haki, carrying a golden thunder dragon descended from the sky and slashed towards Shanks like a god.

Such an attack made many swordsmen feel ashamed.

Mihawk squinted his eyes, ready to see how Shanks planned to respond.

"That's interesting. Then I'll be the dragon slayer swordsman!"

Shanks held his swords in both hands, Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki were compressed into the tip of his blade and then swung a black and red crescent towards the Flaming Thunder Dragon!


The space was trembling, the earth was screaming, and violent energy swept everything around.

Such violent energy, if it were not in the special place provided by the Golden List, everything around it would have been destroyed long ago.

At this moment, Whitebeard, Charlotte Linlin, Kaido and other powerhouses in the world looked solemnly.

With this blow from Nami, they already knew that Nami had entered the ranks of the top powerhouses on the sea.

Even if she is not as good as them, she is not too far behind.

The black crescent and the flaming golden thunder dragon stood in a stalemate for nearly a minute before they dissipated with a loud explosion.

Nami, who fell from the sky, took a few steps back and looked at Shanks who had a calm face, unlike her pale face.

[Dark King Rayleigh: What a great little girl, if it were me, it might not be as easy as Shanks to face this trick, Shanks has really surpassed me. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: But at the age of 20, she can have such power. Her future is unlimited. It is a pity that her opponent is red hair. If she waits for a few years, she might be able to beat him. ]

[Tashigi: The strongest female swordsman, can I reach this level in the future?]

[Golden Lion Shiki: If you can become a disciple of Rifan, you will definitely be able to achieve this level. If you can let him give you a Zanpakutō, your future will be even more limitless. It's just a pity, you are a Marine. Maybe if you quit the Marine, Rifan will consider accepting you as a disciple. Jiehahaha, I don't know if Sengoku and the remaining Elders would regret offering Rifan a bounty. ]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: Five Elders, no it should be Four since Rifan killed the bald man. Mamamama~ they really dare to give a reward of 10 billion Berry but who can get such a reward? Even an idiot knows when to give up. Did they think the world is full of morons like them? Mamamama~]

"It looks like I am stronger."

"Give up, Nami, I don't want to hurt you."

"If we continue to fight, it won't be easy to stop anymore."

Shanks said with a serious face.

If possible, Shanks didn't want to hurt Nami.

She is a disciple of Rifan after all, although he feels that he is not wrong in defending his reward.

But if he can, he still hopes that the two sides can end it in a more peaceful way.

After all, no one knows what Rifan's attitude is towards those who hurt his disciples.

Shanks didn't want to establish a powerful enemy like Rifan.

"Teacher Rifan is right. If I want to defeat you, I have to use that sword skill."

Nami took a deep breath and inserted her Nichirin Blades back into the scabbard. A mysterious and magical aura began to spread around Nami and spread to where Shanks was in a blink of an eye.

"Huh?! I have a bad feeling about this…" Shanks' eyes narrowed, and there was a bad feeling in his heart.

With this premonition, Shanks instantly adjusted his Conqueror's Haki to the top.

An extremely powerful aura exploded from Shanks and then condensed towards his blade. 

Shanks has a hunch that Nami's next move will definitely be stronger than anything he'd encountered before.

If he is careless, he might really lose.

'Strange, according to the description of the Swordsmanship List, the previous move should already be her strongest sword skill.'

'Could it be that in these few days, Nami has trained in an even higher sword skills!?'

'This posture, could it be Rifan's [Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara]?!'

Thinking of this, Shanks opened his eyes and suddenly raised the sword in his hand.

Under the rumbling, the top armament haki and the swordsmanship supported by Conqueror's Haki, the sky above Shanks was enveloped by a layer of black and red lightning.

At the same moment, behind Nami, a huge figure gradually emerged.

He was four-handed, each holding a giant sword, his face was angry and majestic, just looking at it, he couldn't help but be impressed.

Nami opened her eyes and looked at Shanks on the opposite side calmly.

"I'll show you the true essence of the Five Rings!"

"—Hail the Tenmandaijizaitenjin, the divine manifestation of Niou Kulika! Let's go, master's blade draw…"

"Six Realms Five Rings - The Divine Figure of Kurikara!"