Chapter 118: Shinigami—


Seeing Rebecca's training direction, Rifan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Shinigami is different from the existence of swordsmen and warriors. This is a mysterious existence.

If he really makes Rebecca a Shinigami like in the Shinigami world, although she won't be invincible in this world, at least, if other people want to hurt Rebecca, it is already a difficult thing.

Rifan picked up the name tag and opened the details of Rebecca's training direction.

'So that's how it is, it's not the Shinigami I know.'

After quickly browsing the content, Rifan nodded clearly.

Shinigami in the training direction is to let Rebecca master the corresponding skills of Shinigami.

In other words, Rebecca must master the abilities of Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kidō, etc.

That also means that she should have her own Zanpakutō.

Among them, Zanpakutō is the key. Others like the Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kidō, etc. are not mandatory.

"Teacher Rifan, is there anything wrong with my name tag?"

Seeing Rifan hadn't spoken for a long time, Rebecca asked nervously.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about how to train you." Rifan put the name tag on the disciple column and positioned it next to Yamato's name, then turned to Robin and others and said, "Since you and Vivi have already met Rebecca, then I will send you now to the Dojo in Alabasta.

"Yes, Teacher Rifan." Vivi nodded, "Rebecca, you have to practice with Teacher Rifan. After the Alabasta matter is over, I will see you again."

"At that time, you must have been a great warrior.

On the side, Robin also smiled and greeted Rebecca.

The next moment, the two returned to Alabasta after Rifan activated the authority of the Dojo.

"Then, the next issue is your training." Rifan put his hand on Rebecca's shoulder, "However, before starting your training, let's say hello to your guardian." 

"Guardian?" Rebecca tilted her head in confusion, just as she wanted to say something.

A familiar voice came into her ears behind her.

"Rebecca! Are you okay? Wait, you are Rifan!?"

"Nami too?!"

A one-legged toy soldier ran in directly from the wide-open door.

When he saw Rebecca, the toy soldier was obviously relieved.

But when he saw Rifan and others standing aside, the toy soldier almost fell to the ground in surprise.

"Wait, Rifan is here, don't tell me!?" The toy soldier who thought of something turned and looked at the wall, and saw a name in the column on the wall as he expected.

"Nami, Vivi, Yamato, Nico Robin, and Rebecca's name?!"

"Rebecca, have you become Rifan's disciple?!"

The toy soldier rushed in front of Rebecca, looking at Rebecca in surprise, excitement and ask.

"Yeah!" Rebecca nodded heavily, "Mr. Soldier, I am officially a disciple of Teacher Rifan."

"From now on, it's my turn to protect you."

In Rebecca's memory, toy soldiers have protected her since she was very young.

Not only that, in order to make her have the ability to protect herself, the toy soldiers also taught her swordsmanship.

It can be said that the toy soldier has become the most important person in Rebecca's heart besides her mother.

What she didn't know was that the toy soldier in front of her was her biological father. "It turned out to be true!" The toy soldier only felt excited at the moment.

He naturally knows what it means to be a disciple of Rifan.

Nami, at a young age, became the figure who defeated one of the Four Emperor red-haired Shanks and a veteran powerhouse like Dark King Rayleigh!

Vivi, although not as exaggerated as Nami's performance, also killed Crocodile with an extremely wonderful Water Style ninjutsu and saved her country.

Now that Rebecca becomes Rifan's disciple, it is very likely that she will also gain a strong power.

At that time, let alone Doflamingo, even the entire Don Quixote family, Rebecca may be able to face them easily!

'Wait, since Rebecca has become Rifan's disciple, can Rifan directly help liberate this country!?'

The toy soldier immediately calmed down, jumped in front of Rifan, and said respectfully:

"Your Excellency Rifan, thank you very much for accepting Rebecca as your disciple."

"I'm Rebecca's guardian. Your Excellency Rifan can directly call me toy soldier, or soldier."

"Since Your Excellency Rifan is Rebecca's teacher, can you please help this country?"

"This country—"

"Stop. You won't have to continue, Mr. soldier." Rifan shook his head and interrupted Kyros, "I know what you want to say about the country's problems, but I won't do it myself." 

"I will guide Rebecca, so that Rebecca has a strong power, and then she will lead you to deal with the problems of this country."

"Since it is your own country, then use your own hands to solve the problem."

When Rifan said that he knew about Dressrosa's situation, Kyros was stunned.

"However, Rebecca is only a 14-year-old girl after all, and it will take a long time for her to have the power to save this country."

"Don't worry, Mr. Soldier, it won't take too long." Rifan smiled, "Within a month, Rebecca will become a strong person far stronger than you and stronger than Doflamingo."

"Now, give Rebecca peace of mind to me."

Rifan's tone revealed strong self-confidence, which infected Kyros, who was not very confident.

Thinking of Rifan's powerful strength and the miracle that Rifan had created, Kyros finally nodded.

"Rebecca, I heard you came here to gather medicine.

"Did you find His Excellency Rifan's gym for this reason?"

Kyros looked at Rebecca and asked.

"Yeah!" Rebecca nodded with excitement, "I saw this Dojo shortly after entering the forest. At first, I didn't believe it until Rifan suddenly appeared in front of me."

".. By the way, Teacher Rifan, where were you and the elder sisters before." Rebecca looked at Rifan, "Why did I see you as soon as I opened my eyes?"

"Nami and I were at the Dojo in Cocoyashi Village." Rifan smiled, "Because I sensed that you entered the Dojo here, I brought them here."

"I can take everyone to teleport back and forth between each Dojo. If you want to go to Nami's hometown or the area where other Dojos are located, I can help you teleport."

"But now, you should train hard first."

With that, Rifan turned to look at Nami and others.

"By the way, Girls, now that you have come to Dressrosa, why not stay here for a while."

"Anyway, here, you can also train.

Upon hearing this, Nami and others nodded and agreed.

"As long as I'm near Teacher Rifan, Sadi is willing to be anywhere." Sadi looked at Rifan with one hand around her waist, very charming, "It's just, I don't know when I can be like Rebecca, when can I find your Dojo Teacher Rifan."

"Who knows." Rifan spread his hands, "When you have mastered your devil fruit ability, you can go to sea to find it. Maybe, after drifting somewhere you will find my Dojo."

Although he said that, only Rifan himself knew that there was no new Dojo in the whole ocean.

Unless Yamato or Rebecca completes the task of regaining the territory of the Dojo, otherwise, Rifan will not be able to receive a new Dojo.

Thinking of this, Rifan turned his gaze to Yamato who was holding a stack of oranges and ate a lot.

"Tsk, you're really a foodie." Rifan smirked, and reached out his hand to directly carry Yamato towards the door of the secret realm.

"Eh eh eh! Teacher Rifan, I'm still eating." Yamato said while resisting.

However, even though she is very powerful now, she is still just a young eagle in Rifan's hands and cannot stop Rifan's power at all.

"You should know that Nami has completed her kendo, you girl is the representative of the martial arts that I have high hopes for."

"Hurry up and train hard, awaken your devil fruit early, and thoroughly master the Eight Inner Gates, so I can teach you stronger martial arts."

"This time, I will arrange a more powerful opponent for you in the Secret Realm, so be prepared."

As soon as his voice fell, Rifan waved his hand and threw Yamato into the dark door leading to mystery.