Chapter 119: Special Training start—

Aside, Kyros was a little embarrassed when he saw Rifan's actions.

Although he won't know what was in that door, Kyros felt that the training Yamato had to face was definitely not simple.

"Cough, Rebecca, now that you have decided to train under your excellency Rifan, then concentrate on training."

"I have other things, so I will leave first."

"Your Excellency Rifan, Rebecca, I will leave her to you."

"If there is anything she can't do well, please don't get angry."

The Toy Soldier has not only taken care of Rebecca for so many years, but he has also worked to gather supporters of King Riku, monitor the Donquixote Family and so on.

Now Rebecca is taught by Rifan, and he can just devote himself to other tasks, and tell others the good news of Rifan's acceptance of Rebecca as his disciple.

He has made a decision, during this period, if it is not necessary, he will not disturb Rifan's training for Rebecca.

After explaining some things to Rebecca again, the Toy Soldier walked away from the Dojo on one leg.

"Come here, Rebecca, we should start your training, come with me."

"E, okay, Rifan teacher." Rebecca nodded after hearing this and followed Rifan into the time training chamber.

Like the other girls, Rebecca was also a little stunned when she saw the change of scenes before her for the first time.

It seems that because of her youngest age, she has been stunned for a lot longer than Nami and others.

Seeing this, Rifan had no choice but to explain to Rebecca the magical use of the training chamber.

Hearing Rifan said that after two years of training here, the outside world will only pass for a moment, Rebecca suddenly understands why Nami and Vivi can defeat Crocodile, Redhead and others.

"It turns out that Sister Vivi and Sister Nami have spent a long time training here!"

"Teacher Rifan, if you spend two years here with us every time, wouldn't your life span quickly run out!?" 

Rebecca looked at Rifan worriedly.

"Don't worry." Rifan rubbed Rebecca's pink hair. "Let's not talk about the hundred-year birthday cake I won before, and there will be rewards for the Juggernaut afterwards."

"After winning the Juggernaut Reward, I won't age anymore, so this loss of life is nothing.

Rebecca's eyes lit up and she looked at Rifan admiringly: "Teacher Rifan, are you still going to fight for the throne of Juggernaut!? Are you strong enough!?"

To fight for the throne of the Juggernaut, you need to defeat the other nine on the list at the same time.

Among them, there are not only great swordsmen like Mihawk but also top powerhouses like Shanks, Rayleigh, Issho etc...

If Rifan can beat them at the same time, what does this mean? Although Rebecca is still young, she knows very well.

The strongest! Undoubtedly the strongest!

Her own teacher is the strongest! Rebecca is naturally very happy because it also means that she has more opportunities to learn powerful techniques from Rifan.

"At that time, you will know." Rifan said while taking out Senbonzakura from his Babylon, "As for now, it's time to start your training."

"Rebecca, your training direction is very special.

"Later, I need to use this sword to bury it in your body."

"All you need to do is to accept it and make it your weapon.

"After Senbonzakura becomes your weapon, your body will naturally generate spiritual power."

"After that, I will be able to formally guide you."

Rebecca blinked her cute eyes, looked at Rifan, and then at Senbonzakura.

"Teacher Rifan, are you going to give me this Senbonzakura!?

"That's right! And, Rebecca, your training after obtaining this sword will also revolve around Senbonzakura. I hope you can master its final liberation as soon as possible."

"But, teacher Rifan, such a precious weapon, can I really accept it?"

The power of Senbonzakura is still fresh in Rebecca's memory.

Rebecca never dreamed that Rifan's training actually wanted her to master Senbonzakura.

"Although, other Zanpakutō can be used to awaken your spiritual power."

"But Ryūjin Jakka is too domineering, you can't control it.

"Senbonzakura on the other hand fits you, and since your hair color is pink, I think Senbonzakura is more suitable for you."

"Rebecca, since you think it's precious, train it well."

"Let yourself become a fighter worthy of it soon, understand?

"Don't you want to gain powerful strength sooner to do what you want to do?" Rifan smiled.

Hearing Rifan's words, Rebecca took a deep breath, her eyes gradually becoming firm.

"I understand, Teacher Rifan, I will do what you said!" 

"Very well, Rebecca, in that case, I'm going to start."

While speaking, Rifan raised the Senbonzakura and pointed the sword at Rebecca's chest.

Under the power of Rifan, Senbonzakura slowly merged into Rebecca's body like a stream of water.

At the same time, a group of Reiatsu, who belonged solely to Rebecca, began to form.

After Senbonzakura was fully integrated into Rebecca's body, a wave of Reiatsu spread around.

"This is… it seems the system detected that Rebecca has Reiatsu talent, so it wants me to train her in the direction of Shinigami.

'Although there is my Reiatsu in Senbonzakura, She has awakened her own spiritual power. Rebecca has a good future. '

Rifan thought to himself.

After a few minutes, Rebecca opened her eyes.

"This is Senbonzakura?"

Looking at the blade in her right hand, Rebecca said hesitantly.

"Yes, it is indeed Senbonzakura." Rifan nodded, "Congratulations, Rebecca, you have successfully become the master of Senbonzakura.

"Next, let's start your two years of special training."